This is life or death im not joking this is serious please help me!!!!!!!!!!

Fish are very happy. ammonia is at 0 to untraceable. just did 5 gallon change. About to go to local *****(dont talk yet) to buy a new api master test kit. and some frozen mysis.


Originally Posted by James Larocque
Fish are very happy. ammonia is at 0 to untraceable. just did 5 gallon change. About to go to local *****(dont talk yet) to buy a new api master test kit. and some frozen mysis.
Glad to hear things are better today :)
That's about all ***** is good for....I hope you know that....IF...and I SAY buy fish from there....QUARANTINE them
it was so sad. a month ago i went into ***** to look at the fish and there was a beautiful flame angel. Two weeks later it was dead full of ich


Originally Posted by James Larocque
it was so sad. a month ago i went into ***** to look at the fish and there was a beautiful flame angel. Two weeks later it was dead full of ich
YES...I have no LFS...and the ***** is still 50 miles away from me....I go for other supplies (for cats and dogs), but hate to look at the fish :( Of course I still do


Active Member
I can't go in ***** it's too depressing. I know the pet manager at my local ***** (they used to be a co-worker). I did not agree with the way he cared for pets when he worked with me so I can't see how he would be better at *****.
since i live in chicago there are a lit of fish stores.......... i buy a lot of my freshwater plants at petsmart there good lookin and cheep
but i have 3 local saltwater stores and two a little farther there is also a *****....... i think petsmart sshould have saltwater fish .....
Ok i just got home from ***** aka ich infested tang city :( And i bought formula one frozen food and mysis. the fish seem to enjoy the formula one more than mysis ah and btw i got trate test kit my trates are at 20ppm


trates are the least of your need tests for ammonia, nitrites and ph most of can deal with some trates
you have 3 fish????? just feed a small small piece of the not defrost the whole thing....cut off the small piece and toss it in
or you can rinse it.....


Active Member
Originally Posted by ernestpolska
since i live in chicago there are a lit of fish stores.......... i buy a lot of my freshwater plants at petsmart there good lookin and cheep
but i have 3 local saltwater stores and two a little farther there is also a *****....... i think petsmart sshould have saltwater fish .....
petsmart is having a plant sale
. i should know i work there. they were doing tests for sw but i'm not sure how it went.


I'm glad to hear that your ammonia levels are better. 20PPM isn't horrible for nitrates, especially in a new tank that had an ammonia reading the day before.


Meowzer, I looked at the free fish food that I'm trying out from the LFS, it's not H20, it's Aqua Treasures Mysis. I'll let you know how it goes. They inhaled it tonight...


Originally Posted by BTLDreef
Meowzer, I looked at the free fish food that I'm trying out from the LFS, it's not H20, it's Aqua Treasures Mysis. I'll let you know how it goes. They inhaled it tonight...
OK...I'm now worried that my new H20 foods may be part of my phosphate issues
...I have an e-mail to the company and someone is doing some research for know....I just can not win


Originally Posted by meowzer
OK...I'm now worried that my new H20 foods may be part of my phosphate issues
...I have an e-mail to the company and someone is doing some research for know....I just can not win

You rinse the food first, right? Hmmmm. Let me know what the research ends up showing.


Originally Posted by meowzer
OK...I will.....BUT I still have a lot left...and I AM NOT throwing it away haha
I wouldn't either, especially since you don't exactly have an LFS around the corner to go and buy new food at. I just posted up on my local forum to see if anyone is using that brand...


Meowzer, in doing a little research, I doubt that this is the cause of the phosphates, especially if you're rinsing the food first.
It's basically Ocean Nutrition brand foods. It's made by the former owner and founder or ON. It's probably one of those situations similar to Kent Marine and BrightWell Aquatics.
As for the Aquatic Treasures that I'm trying, it literally is PE Mysis (the glacial mysis) without the name brand attached and costs half as much, might be worth looking into in the future for you