thoughts on other life..


Active Member
jupiters moon Europa may have life, because it contain likely key ingredients for life. water, an energy source( from jupiter), organic compounds, and billions of years of development. the surface is all ice, but scientists say that under the ice crust theres an ocean. They know this because of shifting ice plates. Europian sea monsters!


Staff member
Yep, Europa holds some interesting exploration for us in the future. The scientist are guessing that it has a salty ocean. However, no oxygen? Since the "ocean" is covered by the ice surface on the planet. Atmosphere has o2, however.
Does o2 + H2O= life?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Beth
Yep, Europa holds some interesting exploration for us in the future. The scientist are guessing that it has a salty ocean. However, no oxygen? Since the "ocean" is covered by the ice surface on the planet. Atmosphere has o2, however.
Does o2 + H2O= life?
:notsure: "" no oxygen "" The link itself says the Europa is beleived to have water under the ice.....Im not a chemist, so how can it have water but '' no oxygen ''


Active Member
Originally Posted by SugarFox03
I'm sorry, but that "big bang" theory is just plain dumb. I'm a Christian and anyone with a brain cell who actually thought about anything, would realize that we didn't come from a "big bang" and the universe and everything in it was created. Sorry, I don't buy it.
And no, I do not believe that life exists anywhere else.
Sugar, I too am a Christian. For some reason the initial reaction many Christians have to the big bang is that is somehow refutes the bible. That is not true at all. If anything, it supports the bible. Prior to the big bang it was thought that the universe was "all there is, all there was, and all there ever would be" (from Carl Sagan, may not be exact). That, conflicts with the bible. The big bang suggests that the universe did not always exist. Something caused the universe to exist. Christians believe God caused the universe to exist by creating it. Therefore there is nothing wrong with the big bang theory in a Christian world view.
As for life on other planets. My vote is yes. There's an awful lot of land out there and it just seems like there would probably be some life somewhere. Although, I'm not sure about intelligent life.


Staff member
Originally Posted by Dogstar
:notsure: "" no oxygen "" The link itself says the Europa is believed to have water under the ice.....Im not a chemist, so how can it have water but '' no oxygen ''
I was questioning "?" that, since the surface of the moon is ice. Where would the inlet for O2 be? Perhaps only anaerobic life is even possible there. Just discussing it, not saying it is so...
As for life on other planets. My vote is yes. There's an awful lot of land out there and it just seems like there would probably be some life somewhere. Although, I'm not sure about intelligent life.
You would really have to wonder, if Earth had the only life, why oh why are there infinite other worlds? :thinking: Are they all lifeless bodies....infinate numbers of lifeless worlds? It doesn't make sense to me, that we are all there is.


Active Member
size of the world this puts things into perspective for me. it makes me realize how small i am, and how were not even a dent in the universe.
as for life on other planets, i cant picture us being the only ones, theres got to be something else out there. "they" can be a million times the size of us and we may never come in contact with them.
for all we know, our universe can be a flake inside a snow globe, inside of some other "area" of space. our whole universe can exist within a cell of another planet thats just to big for us to even realize its there, and we are to small for them to realize we exist.


Staff member
Dare I ask the million dollar question? if there is intelligent life out there, and they should make some sort of contact with us, what would happen? Voyager is approaching interstellar space now, with a message to the cosmos. The little Earth spacecraft is telling anyone out there with intelligence, who we are, and more importantly, where we are at.
What if someone out there answers the invitation given by us?
teen, that is a nifty little comparison. Thanks!


Staff member
Originally Posted by Sharkboy13
hmm to me that sounds like a sign that says "here r our coordinates, attack us plz"
Basically, yeah. I think when the craft was lunched, it was during an era when there was a lot of "positive thinking" and belief that intelligent life would also be benevoilent....though, judging from our human behavior, I don't know why anyone would think that.
There are some top scientists today, who think that part of the Voyager project was a mistake.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
We're 100% in agreement then.
The Bible is not a science book. Not by any means, nor was it meant to be read as one. The "church" for too long has opposed science, just as "science" has tried too hard to disprove God.
I agree!!!!!! It is not ment to be taken literally word per word. It is a guide, written by people who were guided by God.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Beth
Dare I ask the million dollar question? if there is intelligent life out there, and they should make some sort of contact with us, what would happen? Voyager is approaching interstellar space now, with a message to the cosmos. The little Earth spacecraft is telling anyone out there with intelligence, who we are, and more importantly, where we are at.
What if someone out there answers the invitation given by us?
teen, that is a nifty little comparison. Thanks!
I think the cartoon Calvin and Hobbes answer this question quite eliquently....Calvin and Hobbes are discussing the same question....after several minutes of discussion Calvin comes to the conclusion that the best sign that intelligent life existist elsewhere is that none of it has every tried to contact us!!!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Beth
What if someone out there answers the invitation given by us?
By the time they get here, will probably find a planet of the apes....


Active Member
Originally Posted by teen
size of the world this puts things into perspective for me. it makes me realize how small i am, and how were not even a dent in the universe.
sure makes you feel like nothing lol... Jupiter is so big that it's red spot is a constant hurricane the size of 2 earths! insane...these facts never seize to amaze me.


Active Member
comment to teens post...
if you are saying that we are too small... then perhaps we too overlook things that are too small... if the universe is infinate big.. whos to say its not infinate small???
comment to Beth's post...
what if some were to take our invitaion??? what would we as humans do... panic... trust... put up our guard...
would we take "the good package" or "the big gun"... from the movie "real men"


Active Member
DeMartini said:
Originally Posted by teen
size of the world this puts things into perspective for me. it makes me realize how small i am, and how were not even a dent in the universe.
sure makes you feel like nothing lol... Jupiter is so big that it's red spot is a constant hurricane the size of 2 earths! insane...these facts never seize to amaze me.
Cool Site!!! Really makes ya think!! :notsure: