thoughts on other life..

clown boy

Active Member
Originally Posted by reefreak29
dont worry someday youll look back and think ,oh man i wish i would have believed in u god , but know i guess its to late . is there beach front property by that lake of fire


Active Member
Originally Posted by ruaround
i thought all are forgiven... :notsure:
i wish i could take the red pill... it would be kewl to ride shotgun in morpheus' ship...

yes all are forgiven if your born again

clown boy

Active Member
Originally Posted by ruaround
i thought all are forgiven... :notsure:
Would you forgive someone who didn't believe anything in the book that you had written?
We'd better not let this discussion go too far though, unless you want to see a thread close.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefreak29
yes all are forgiven if your born again
how does one do that??? i dont think my 6' 215 lb body would fit into a womb... youre only born once and at that point arent you one of gods creatures???


Active Member
Originally Posted by ruaround
how does one do that??? i dont think my 6' 215 lb body would fit into a womb... youre only born once and at that point arent you one of gods creatures???
im so glad u asked me that u dont dont come out of the wob again , if u pray to god that u believe in him and admit u are a sinner ,and that he died on the cross for your sins the holy spirit will enter your soul thus u are born again as a beleiver in christ , u should really visit a local christian church in your area i promise u would be very inlightend


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefreak29
im so glad u asked me that u dont dont come out of the wob again , if u pray to god that u believe in him and admit u are a sinner ,and that he died on the cross for your sins the holy spirit will enter your soul thus u are born again as a beleiver in christ , u should really visit a local christian church in your area i promise u would be very inlightend
is god god or is jesus god??? i thought jesus was crucified...


Active Member
Originally Posted by ruaround
is god god or is jesus god??? i thought jesus was crucified...
thats a very diffiult quistion because jesus is god and god is god , god is three people ,think of an egg u have a shell a white a yoke but its all an egg
god is the father the son and the holy spirit , jesus was crucified and rose from the dead after three days to prove to everyone he was the son of god


Active Member
Originally Posted by Clown Boy
Would you forgive someone who didn't believe anything in the book that you had written?
i didnt believe a thing in Hilary Clintons book... and she prolly forgives me... :hilarious
and i prolly would... if they purchased a book i wrote thats $$$ in my pocket... CHA CHING...


Staff member
Ok, just as I have feared, some have taken this topic way off topic. Stay on topic, which is, "is there other life beyond earth". Not Bible Study 101.
And do not post any more religious links here.


try this:
take a small candle that sets on the table
light the wick
take a drinking glass and cover the candle all the way to the table completely removing the oxygen.
fire needs oxygen to burn, with no oxygen theres no flame
the sun/stars, and most planets have fire....but theres no oxygen anywhere but Earth??? :thinking: