thoughts on other life..


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefreak29
lol its just a theory dont take it personally , anyhow there were just certain land animals that were taken to the ark which it stats in genesis
Nope.. didn't take it personally at all.
You're incorrect, however, in stating that Genesis says "only certain land animals were taken...". Genesis makes it very clear that EVERY land animal was placed on the ark.
Sure, there were baby dinosaurs. I'm not arguing that at all... baby animals could all have been on the Ark.
I'm just saying that Genesis says clearly every land animal.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Nope.. didn't take it personally at all.
You're incorrect, however, in stating that Genesis says "only certain land animals were taken...". Genesis makes it very clear that EVERY land animal was placed on the ark.
Sure, there were baby dinosaurs. I'm not arguing that at all... baby animals could all have been on the Ark.
I'm just saying that Genesis says clearly every land animal.
that just brings up another topic , 2 of every animal would never fit on a ship that size

clown boy

Active Member
Originally Posted by reefreak29
that just brings up another topic , 2 of every animal would never fit on a ship that size
Oh? Do you realize that the Ark was like 3 and 1/2 football fields long? :scared:


Active Member
Originally Posted by Clown Boy
Oh? Do you realize that the Ark was like 3 and 1/2 football fields long? :scared:
yes i did ,but every species of every animal would be millions, thats why i thought there were just certain land animals


Active Member
Originally Posted by Clown Boy
Oh? Do you realize that the Ark was like 3 and 1/2 football fields long? :scared:
and he built this all by himself??? and how did something that big just disappear??? :notsure:

clown boy

Active Member
Well, there wasn't every kind of horse and every kind of dog.... you get the picture. There were a lot less animals then there are today.

clown boy

Active Member
Originally Posted by ruaround
and he built this all by himself??? and how did something that big just disappear??? :notsure:
It took Noah 100 years. Mt. Ararat is a volcano, so it could of burned.


Active Member
a man that was over 100 years old built this gigantic ship and then single handedly rounded up 2 of every kind of animal??? i would have loved watchin him catch the chickens...

i have a screen door for a submarine i will sell you... and a ski resort in florida if your interested...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Clown Boy
Well, there wasn't every kind of horse and every kind of dog.... you get the picture. There were a lot less animals then there are today.
yes ur right


Active Member
Originally Posted by ruaround
a man that was over 100 years old built this gigantic ship and then single handedly rounded up 2 of every kind of animal??? i would have loved watchin him catch the chickens...

i have a screen door for a submarine i will sell you... and a ski resort in florida if your interested...

i think he was 640 years old win he fouhgt in a war, he lived to around 800
theve also discovered pieces of what they believe to be the arc

clown boy

Active Member
Originally Posted by ruaround
a man that was over 100 years old built this gigantic ship and then single handedly rounded up 2 of every kind of animal??? i would have loved watchin him catch the chickens...

People actually aged a lot slower back then.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefreak29
i think he was 640 years old win he fouhgt in a war, he lived to around 800
theve also discovered pieces of what they believe to be the arc
Why do they believe do they know how old it is?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Clown Boy
It took Noah 100 years. Mt. Ararat is a volcano, so it could of burned.
Genesis Chapter 7:4, said God gave him 7 days to do it.
7:6, says Noah was 600 years old
6:19-20. Every kind of flesh, clean, unclean, birds and creeping things :scared:
7:2-3, 7 females and 7 males of every clean beast and birds and 2 females and two males of every unclean beast.
Thats alot of beasts.. :notsure:
:happyfish :happyfish
Maybe aleins from other worlds abducted the dinosaurs... :thinking:


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefreak29
i think he was 640 years old win he fouhgt in a war, he lived to around 800
theve also discovered pieces of what they believe to be the arc

okay so youre saying that a guy who is like 600+ years built a gigantic ship and then rounded up 2 of every animal (but not all of em cuz there werent as many different kinds back then ofcourse
) ans left the dinosaurs to drown in a flood...
ive got beach front property in Montana i will sell you...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Clown Boy
People actually aged a lot slower back then.
really how??? do tell...


Active Member
Originally Posted by ruaround
well i am certainly enlightened...

do you want that beach front property in Montana???

dont worry someday youll look back and think ,oh man i wish i would have believed in u god , but know i guess its to late . is there beach front property by that lake of fire


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefreak29
dont worry someday youll look back and think ,oh man i wish i would have believed in u god , but know i guess its to late . is there beach front property by that lake of fire
i thought all are forgiven... :notsure:
i wish i could take the red pill... it would be kewl to ride shotgun in morpheus' ship...