thoughts on other life..



Originally Posted by Sharkboy13
omg, ur right, wait no... they could be plasma fires, plasma doesnt need oxygen to burn
plasma fires eh? I believe stars are held together by a mixture of gases by its own gravity with its own nuclear radiation. when it creates fusion the carbon atoms heat up and create oxygen and nitrogen gases.


Active Member
Yes, fire needs oxygen to burn, But planets are hot at their cores and have lava from volcanos is because of heat. Heat from the forces of gravity compressing the mass causeing friction. The suns mass is so great that the heat became so graet that it started nuclear fusion of hydrogen to helium. These nuclear reactions in stars is what causes the light, heat and enrgy we feel from the photons ( light rays/units ), not oxygen.


Active Member
There could be life out there, but personally I doubt it.
What's funny is how quickly we as humans begin to assume the precursors for life on other planets to be like ours. Assuming life needs oxygen, water etc. is probably waaaay off.


Active Member
aha but not necessarily. there r lifeforms that do not need oxygen, from what i remember in science in theory a species could live w/o oxygen, even live off a different gas. back in 2004 scientists in utah discovered an asteroid from mars that had a fossilized protist on it. after further examination they found a slightly more sophisticated organism altho still to small to be seen w/ the

eye. from what i heard on the UFO files they think it survived off of crystalized methane. take that oxy boy...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Clown Boy
You're right, Beth. I'm truely sorry.

Thank you Sir may I have another :hilarious


Active Member
Originally Posted by supermanvx
try this:
take a small candle that sets on the table
light the wick
take a drinking glass and cover the candle all the way to the table completely removing the oxygen.
fire needs oxygen to burn, with no oxygen theres no flame
the sun/stars, and most planets have fire....but theres no oxygen anywhere but Earth??? :thinking:
Whats up aquatics? Fusion yes. The reaction is called nucleosynthesis . O2 is not required.


Active Member

Originally Posted by Beth
Ok, just as I have feared, some have taken this topic way off topic. Stay on topic, which is, "is there other life beyond earth". Not Bible Study 101.
And do not post any more religious links here.

well u know im proud of what i believe in and if i ruffled feathers im sorry but the ? was about life not what is your scientific view on life on other planets
and to have this debate one sided is not fair this isnt north korea. luckuly we have rights in the united states and to not discusse both sides of the issue is rediculous


Originally Posted by Phixer
Whats up aquatics? Fusion yes. The reaction is called nucleosynthesis . O2 is not required.
oh...dont really know...i just thought id try and be smart haha


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefreak29
well u know im proud of what i believe in and if i ruffled feathers im sorry but the ? was about life not what is your scientific view on life on other planets
and to have this debate one sided is not fair this isnt north korea. luckuly we have rights in the united states and to not discusse both sides of the issue is rediculous
Reef, it's their board. Be respectful and play by their rules.
Point of fact... you do, as an American, have freedom of speech. That freedom, however, does not pertain to a private message board. If the mods decree that a topic is out of bounds then so be it. You read and "signed" onto their terms when you made an account here.
We've all got to be mature here. Pointing out this isn't North Korea, referencing the lake of fire, etc. is not doing anything to intellectually advance your cause.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Sharkboy13
aha but not necessarily. there r lifeforms that do not need oxygen, from what i remember in science in theory a species could live w/o oxygen, even live off a different gas. back in 2004 scientists in utah discovered an asteroid from mars that had a fossilized protist on it. after further examination they found a slightly more sophisticated organism altho still to small to be seen w/ the

eye. from what i heard on the UFO files they think it survived off of crystalized methane. take that oxy boy...
Umm... did ya read my post? :thinking:
My point was that exactly.... the posts on this thread assume life would require what we require. That, from my viewpoint, is short sighted.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
There could be life out there, but personally I doubt it.
What's funny is how quickly we as humans begin to assume the precursors for life on other planets to be like ours. Assuming life needs oxygen, water etc. is probably waaaay off.
I think it would be hard to have life without water (I'm not saying it's not possible, so don't bite me). I believe all life on Earth needs water in some way or another. The reason is that water is one of the most interesting of all molecules. I don't remember all the details from chemistry, but it's basically essential for life. Also, it's hard to imagine life being made from any element other than carbon. Carbon allows long organic chains to be made, and I'm not familiar with any other element that can do that.
Other than water and carbon, however, life could be made to adapt to other conditions. I don't think it's assumed that life needs oxygen, and when scientists search for other planets that could support life, they basically just look for a chance for water, and reasonable temperature, and light.


Staff member
Actually be respectful of the topic. Here is the premise of the original poster:
does any1 else think there is life elsewhere other than earth? i mean it would just be odd for only 1 planet in the ENTIRE galaxy have life, ur all sitting there "ok this kids crazy"
No mention of creation, Bible, Genesis, etc., because those things really have nothing to do with the topic. There is no mention of life on other planets in the Bible. I'm not anti-Bible, but I do feel that inserting religion into other topics unfairly turns the topic around to only suit those who want to talk, and even preach religion. Most of those topics become inflammatory and end up being closed or deleted.
So, lets stick to this topic.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Beth
Actually be respectful of the topic. Here is the premise of the original poster:
No mention of creation, Bible, Genesis, etc., because those things really have nothing to do with the topic. There is no mention of life on other planets in the Bible. I'm not anti-Bible, but I do feel that inserting religion into other topics unfairly turns the topic around to only suit those who want to talk, and even preach religion. Most of those topics become inflammatory and end up being closed or deleted.
So, lets stick to this topic.

I completely agree!
...the guy asked if you think other life exists not does the bible say life exists...


Staff member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Umm... did ya read my post? :thinking:
My point was that exactly.... the posts on this thread assume life would require what we require. That, from my viewpoint, is short sighted.

And that is a good point to. Humanity for so long has held to the notion that mankind is at the center of the universe, and it may well be that life may take a totally different form than our own. There may be intelligent life that has little in common with us.


Active Member
Originally Posted by schneidts
I think it is very possible for silicone based lifeforms to exist in worlds much different from ours.
would they be called the "gloobies"??? :hilarious
that is a great thought 1journey... :thinking:


Active Member
well i see it this way....
we have not seen the tiniest percent of the universe through a telescope... as a matter of a fact i wont even give it the tiniest perect because what we have seen in our universe is like 1 grain of sand in out solar system
now of these places that weve seen we have only "explored" or actually sampled and tested very few for forms of life and of the tests seen great potential...
so i think there is sooooooooooooo many different ways that people can go with this.
but any way i think that there must be life somewhere else, and that they are very different then our planet that we call home. although some life forms may not need an atmosphere to live i think that there are definately others out there that have the atmosphere and the oxygen needed for life as we know it... just looking at the 8 planets we know now, last time i checked venus also has an atmosphere at least i think thats what ive been hearing ever since like first grade....?
all i know is that we live in a VERY VERY compicated system and the more and more we look at it the more and more doors it opens up. i mean for all we know we all have twins on some other planet...

now its back to the watching and listening... ***)