Found this on some anti-abortion site:
This speech was listed on Tiller's website for months. Tiller has since updated his website and removed the reference to this speech. The archived webpage from Tiller's website can still be viewed on the "Way Back Machine" by clicking the image above.
Following is the partial transcript of a 1996 video that Tiller made to advertise his late-term abortions. He makes several claims about the safety of his late-term abortion.
We have to compare our results with the results that you get at full-term delivery. The good news for you is that we haven?t lost anybody. The bad news is that labor and delivery is hazardous for women?s health. In our 1000 fetal indications termination of pregnancy patients from 1989 to the present, between 24 and 36 or 37 weeks of pregnancy, we have a 98% uncomplicated success rate. That means that 98% of our patients leave Wichita without a ? an obstetrical hospitalization. That means that about 2% of our patients have some sort of obstetrical complication. Now, earlier in the ? in our program we had maybe a 3 or 4 percent hospital admission rate and in the past three or four years we have had less than a 2 percent hospital admission rate. But in general it?s a two percent hospital admission rate. And what is that hospital admission rate composed of? It?s composed of three things. First, half to three-quarters of one percent is hemorrhage, necessitating transfusion. Cervical laceration or obstetrical trauma is about half to three quarters of one percent and that is a normal routine obstetrical type of trauma but of such a magnitude that we are unable to provide repair usually on an anesthetic basis here in our facility. And the last hospital admission category is infection and between half to three-quarters of one percent of our patients are admitted to the hospital for problems of infection.
We have had no cesarean sections in our 1000 fetal abnormality termination of pregnancy patients. Now let?s move over and look at the full term delivery. At full term delivery we would probably expect that 30-40% of our patients, if they carried the pregnancy to full term, since this is an abnormal pregnancy, would have a cesarean section. That means that in our series of 1000 patients we would have had maybe 3 to 4 hundred cesarean sections. And please recall that we have had no cesarean sections in our practice. Infection? Infection occurs at about a four percent rate at full term delivery and hemorrhage occurs between one and two percent at full term delivery. So when you look at the ? our results compared to side by side comparison with full term delivery, ours look safer than full term delivery, but we don?t approach it that way. What ? the way we approach it is that hemorrhage, infection, transfusion, blood clots, and death, the medical complications associated with the condition of pregnancy in the second and the third trimester occur at about the same rate now as they occur at the end of the pregnancy. Cesarean section and stitches occur at a much smaller rate.