Tiller the baby killer killed.


Active Member
Now that bionic has seen what abortion is, I have removed the photos.
Bionic, most of the fetal growth timelines look like this one...
...which is aligned with the photographs documented earlier, not the timeline from England that you posted.
The government says it's illegal to murder people. The government is not meddling in our private lives to say that a man may not murder a doctor from Kansas?
Yet, it is considered meddling on the part of the government to decide that killing an unborn human is not ok.
Killing is wrong or it isn't, bionic. Which way do you want it?


Active Member
Originally Posted by jtrzerocool
thoes pics are a little unnecessary for this thread...i get the point that your trying to make socal...but that is nasty...
this thread is about nothing but abortion now...its gonna be locked if it is all on abortion...
The thread is about murder and where we are willing to draw the line.
It's not ok to murder doctors from Kansas. I completely agree with that.
It's also not ok to murder a human being simply because it hasn't fallen out of it's mother, yet.

The man or woman to find a cure for cancer may well have been aborted years ago. Or maybe it will happen tomorrow at the clinic down the street.


Active Member
Originally Posted by socal57che
Now that bionic has seen what abortion is, I have removed the photos.
Bionic, most of the fetal growth timelines look like this one...
...which is aligned with the photographs documented earlier, not the timeline from England that you posted.
The government says it's illegal to murder people. The government is not meddling in our private lives to say that a man may not murder a doctor from Kansas?
Yet, it is considered meddling on the part of the government to decide that killing an unborn human is not ok.
Killing is wrong or it isn't, bionic. Which way do you want it?
Yrust me, I've seen worse pictures than that. Doesn't phase me a bit.
What do I want? I want people in this country to have a choice to decide what they can or can't do when it comes to personal freesdoms. Abortions, gay marriages, gambling, pick one. One group of individuals should not be able to dictate what another group or individual does in their lives. It's called Freedom Of Choice. I'm not a religious person. I personally don't care to hear or listen to people speak about God, Jesus, and anything else religious. How about I take away the right for you to practice your religion? I can't do that because the LAW states you are allowed to practice your religious beliefs. Right now, the LAW states you have the right to have an abortion. You call it murder, the SCOTUS says otherwise.
You against the death penalty? You believe in 'an eye for an eye'? If some crack head walked up and blew your wife away, would you want him to fry, or just sit in a jail cell for around 10 years and then let out because 'he found religion, realized what he did was wrong' and he promises he won't do it again? Do you hunt? Do you eat meat? Just because a cow is considered a dumb animal, it's still a living entity. Got any problems with them sticking a shotgun shell in a cow's head to kill it so you can have steak for dinner?

salty blues

Active Member
Originally Posted by nina&noah
OH why can't I let this go!!!!!!
Yes, that is exactly what I think. The baby is forming in the first trimester. The baby is not even considered a "fetus" until week 11. I can get more specific, but that would require me going and getting my "what to expect" books.
Then why the heck are you refering to an alien blob as a baby? Get off the fence. Is it an alien blob or a human baby? You can't have it both ways.


Active Member
Originally Posted by uneverno
The labels are politically chosen on both sides.
Who wants to be anti anything? Doesn't play well in the media.
Listen to reporters from any of the new networks sometime. It's Pro-Choice and Anti-Abortion. On BSNBC I heard one reporter use the term "Anti-Choice activists". I wont even watch Morning joe on that network any more. In any case I have hear few in the mainstream media use the words pro life.


Active Member
I am in the middle on the subject of abortion. I think any woman over 18 should be able to get an abortion for any reason up to the point of viability. However after about 6 months I think it should require a legitimate medical concern to the mother or child. I also think a waiting period isn't out of the question. Make them go to the clinic for paperwork or whatever, give them a list with information about support groups that offers a brief description of the services they offer and give the woman 72 hours to think about it. I also think if a womans medical history shows her to be married the husband must be notified and no minor should be allowed to have an abortion without the parents or guardian being at least notified. If they made that a national law I think about 70% of the country would be satisfied.
The problem is the 30% of completely unreasonable people on both sides wont give a GD inch so we end up with stupid litmus tests for judges and politicians. When I ran for city council I had a woman who is a pretty good friend refuse to campaign for me because I wouldn't take a pro life stance. I did a interview and the reporter asked about it and I said "That is an issue that we as local politicians have no control over so why sweat it here?" She asked me about it and I said basically the same thing to her and she left

salty blues

Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
I am in the middle on the subject of abortion. I think any woman over 18 should be able to get an abortion for any reason up to the point of viability. However after about 6 months I think it should require a legitimate medical concern to the mother or child. I also think a waiting period isn't out of the question. Make them go to the clinic for paperwork or whatever, give them a list with information about support groups that offers a brief description of the services they offer and give the woman 72 hours to think about it. I also think if a womans medical history shows her to be married the husband must be notified and no minor should be allowed to have an abortion without the parents or guardian being at least notified. If they made that a national law I think about 70% of the country would be satisfied.
The problem is the 30% of completely unreasonable people on both sides wont give a GD inch so we end up with stupid litmus tests for judges and politicians. When I ran for city council I had a woman who is a pretty good friend refuse to campaign for me because I wouldn't take a pro life stance. I did a interview and the reporter asked about it and I said "That is an issue that we as local politicians have no control over so why sweat it here?" She asked me about it and I said basically the same thing to her and she left

There can be no middle ground on the abortion issue. It's either taking an innocent human life or it's not.


I think all the people who are against abortion even though its none of their business should have to take care of all babies that would be left to fostercare or an unfit parent who doesnt want the baby. Its natural for a mother to kill its offspring if it doesnt have the means to care for them. At least we dont eat our babies
. " I dont want those poor fetus' to die but I dont want to take care of'em either "
I guess nobody remembers the old drowning the newborn in the tub because we dont have the means to raise it mentality of the good ol' days.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
I am in the middle on the subject of abortion. I think any woman over 18 should be able to get an abortion for any reason up to the point of viability. However after about 6 months I think it should require a legitimate medical concern to the mother or child. I also think a waiting period isn't out of the question. Make them go to the clinic for paperwork or whatever, give them a list with information about support groups that offers a brief description of the services they offer and give the woman 72 hours to think about it. I also think if a womans medical history shows her to be married the husband must be notified and no minor should be allowed to have an abortion without the parents or guardian being at least notified. If they made that a national law I think about 70% of the country would be satisfied.
The problem is the 30% of completely unreasonable people on both sides wont give a GD inch so we end up with stupid litmus tests for judges and politicians. When I ran for city council I had a woman who is a pretty good friend refuse to campaign for me because I wouldn't take a pro life stance. I did a interview and the reporter asked about it and I said "That is an issue that we as local politicians have no control over so why sweat it here?" She asked me about it and I said basically the same thing to her and she left

Couldn't have stated it any better.


Active Member
Originally Posted by beazalbob69
I think all the people who are against abortion even though its none of their business should have to take care of all babies that would be left to fostercare or an unfit parent who doesnt want the baby. Its natural for a mother to kill its offspring if it doesnt have the means to care for them. At least we dont eat our babies
. " I dont want those poor fetus' to die but I dont want to take care of'em either "
I guess nobody remembers the old drowning the newborn in the tub because we dont have the means to raise it mentality of the good ol' days.
So, anybody that is deemed by you to be a burden on society should be killed?

Those pesky, nuissance babies. Maybe we should whack people of retirement age over the head and vacuum their brains out, too. Where does it stop?
That's a nice thought isn't it?

A few people here think that I'm an extremist. Killing people because they are inconvenient to others is pretty extreme in my book.


Originally Posted by salty blues
Then why the heck are you refering to an alien blob as a baby? Get off the fence. Is it an alien blob or a human baby? You can't have it both ways.
Ok, Maybe I didn't express myself well. I am not on the fence. It is not considered a technical human baby until around week 11 of the pregnancy. Therefore, although I do not agree with the choice, I believe it should be legal to perform an abortion only in the first trimester of a pregnancy. The only exception to this is a severe medical emergency. Unfortunatly, they can't diagnose most medical issues until around week 12. I think that under no circumstances should a baby be aborted in the last trimester. That is just plain murder!
I think killing is horrific. Whether it is the doctor who kills babies, or the guy who kills the doctor who kills babies.


Originally Posted by socal57che
So, anybody that is deemed by you to be a burden on society should be killed?

Those pesky, nuissance babies. Maybe we should whack people of retirement age over the head and vacuum their brains out, too. Where does it stop?
That's a nice thought isn't it?

A few people here think that I'm an extremist. Killing people because they are inconvenient to others is pretty extreme in my book.
I couldn't agree more!

salty blues

Active Member
Originally Posted by nina&noah
It is not considered a technical human baby until around week 11 of the pregnancy.
And pray tell exactly on what authority do you base this statement? You have simply stated your opinion, not a scientific fact.


Originally Posted by salty blues
And pray tell exactly on what authority do you base this statement? You have simply stated your opinion, not a scientific fact.
I'm sorry, that is a scientific fact. Any pregnancy website or book will tell you that. It is not considered a fetus aka a baby until week 11. Infact, after week 12 if you were to "lose" the baby it is not considered a miscarriage, it is considered a still birth.

al mc

Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
I am in the middle on the subject of abortion. I think any woman over 18 should be able to get an abortion for any reason up to the point of viability. However after about 6 months I think it should require a legitimate medical concern to the mother or child. I also think a waiting period isn't out of the question. Make them go to the clinic for paperwork or whatever, give them a list with information about support groups that offers a brief description of the services they offer and give the woman 72 hours to think about it. I also think if a womans medical history shows her to be married the husband must be notified and no minor should be allowed to have an abortion without the parents or guardian being at least notified. If they made that a national law I think about 70% of the country would be satisfied.
The problem is the 30% of completely unreasonable people on both sides wont give a GD inch so we end up with stupid litmus tests for judges and politicians. When I ran for city council I had a woman who is a pretty good friend refuse to campaign for me because I wouldn't take a pro life stance. I did a interview and the reporter asked about it and I said "That is an issue that we as local politicians have no control over so why sweat it here?" She asked me about it and I said basically the same thing to her and she left

I would have voted for you. Hope you won.

salty blues

Active Member
Originally Posted by nina&noah
I'm sorry, that is a scientific fact. Any pregnancy website or book will tell you that. It is not considered a fetus aka a baby until week 11. Infact, after week 12 if you were to "lose" the baby it is not considered a miscarriage, it is considered a still birth.

There you go again calling this insignificant something a baby.


Originally Posted by salty blues
There you go again calling this insignificant something a baby.
No, I called it a baby after the 12th week. I never used the word insignificant! Considering that I am 6 weeks pregnant, I would never use the word insignificant!!!!