Tiller the baby killer killed.


Active Member
Originally Posted by nina&noah
No, I called it a baby after the 12th week. I never used the word insignificant! Considering that I am 6 weeks pregnant, I would never use the word insignificant!!!!
Jennifer, congrats on your pregnancy.


Originally Posted by alyssia
Jennifer, congrats on your pregnancy.
Thank you! I was going to start a thread to announce it, but I got all emotional and announced it on an abortion thread
Like I said earlier, I never should have opened this thread! Now I can't seem to stay away.


Active Member
Originally Posted by nina&noah
Thank you! I was going to start a thread to announce it, but I got all emotional and announced it on an abortion thread
Like I said earlier, I never should have opened this thread! Now I can't seem to stay away.
I know, I usually avoid them too. Wish I would have this time as well.

salty blues

Active Member
Originally Posted by socal57che
Dude, where's your sacasm smilie?

Not really going for sarcasm. I just get tired of people who want to have it both ways with this issue. An example is some people who say that women who contemplate abortions have to deal with a painful issue. If they're not killing a human life, then why is it a painful issue? Otherwise it should be like having one's appendix removed.

salty blues

Active Member
Originally Posted by nina&noah
No, I called it a baby after the 12th week. I never used the word insignificant! Considering that I am 6 weeks pregnant, I would never use the word insignificant!!!!
I'm sorry, but I am having trouble figuring out which side of this issue you are on. And congratulations on your pregnancy. I hope all goes well for you and your baby.


Originally Posted by salty blues
I'm sorry, but I am having trouble figuring out which side of this issue you are on. And congratulations on your pregnancy. I hope all goes well for you and your baby.
Ok, I will try to explain it. Maybe I am not communicating well. In the original post that you replied to I was stating that I do think there is a difference between first trimester and "late term" abortions. I believe that the post I was replying to was trying to say that there was no difference. Scientifically there is. I do not personally believe in abortion, but I can understand why it is legal in the first trimester. I don't like it, I don't agree with it, I wouldn't even vote in favor of it, but I can understand it. However, I am outraged at the "late term" abortions that the doctor that is being discussed was performing. I do not understand why something so horrific would be legal. I don't like that abortion is tied up in one little bow like it is the same thing whether it happens in week 5 or 30. I hope I've explained my position a little clearer.
Maybe my hormones are already getting the best of me and I'm making no sense at all. Thank you for your well wishes.


Originally Posted by socal57che
Well, I gues you're not a guy, huh? The arrow points to a dog and states that this is Nina, so I assumed your name was Noah. My bad.

Yeah, I know alot of people think that. Actually, Noah is my 2 year old son. When I created my username Nina and Noah were my babies. Not sure what I'm going to do now! LOL


Active Member
Originally Posted by salty blues
Not really going for sarcasm. I just get tired of people who want to have it both ways with this issue. An example is some people who say that women who contemplate abortions have to deal with a painful issue. If they're not killing a human life, then why is it a painful issue? Otherwise it should be like having one's appendix removed.
I agree.
I thought you were trying to get a point across to some other people participating in the discussion. Again, my bad.
I didn't always agree. I was on the other side of the argument for most of my life. I view life differently, now. All life, not just my own.


Active Member
Originally Posted by nina&noah
Yeah, I know alot of people think that. Actually, Noah is my 2 year old son. When I created my username Nina and Noah were my babies. Not sure what I'm going to do now! LOL
Add junior to your tag line in place of that silly thing you have now. It just confuses people.


Active Member
Originally Posted by salty blues
There can be no middle ground on the abortion issue. It's either taking an innocent human life or it's not.
The death penalty is taking a life. War takes life. I believe there are cases of justifiable homicide. I believe abortion at any stage ends a life. However I don't believe the government has a right to force a woman to give birth. Do you want a new government agency set up to decide which pregnancies are eligible for an abortion? I sure as heck don't. I am a conservative and believe government should be seen or heard as little as possible. If we are going to concede the power to dictate our reproductive decisions what else will they be deciding for us. You don't get to pick and choose.
If the pro-life zealots (I am talking about the people who are out protesting at the abortion clinics everyday) would put the effort they do into screaming and yelling at women, most of who have made a traumatic decision, into doing something positive they would indeed save a lot more innocents. Save the ones worth saving, there are some women who shouldn't be allowed to have kids. Why force them to have a kid they will neglect? Setting up support groups and rounding up financial aid for the women who made a mistake and don't see any other way out except to terminate the pregnancy will get results. Screaming bible verse at some pelosi who is going in for her 4th abortion is only good for a laugh.


Active Member
Originally Posted by nina&noah
Considering that I am 6 weeks pregnant, I would never use the word insignificant!!!!

Best wishes to you, baby, and Daddy
It has to be an exciting time.


Active Member
Originally Posted by nina&noah
I'm sorry, that is a scientific fact. Any pregnancy website or book will tell you that. It is not considered a fetus aka a baby until week 11. Infact, after week 12 if you were to "lose" the baby it is not considered a miscarriage, it is considered a still birth.
The standard is, up to 20 weeks it's a miscarriage. From 20 weeks to delivery it's a stillborn.
I'm not upon the thread, gonna read back through now, but how late was he doing these?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Cranberry
The standard is, up to 20 weeks it's a miscarriage. From 20 weeks to delivery it's a stillborn.
I'm not upon the thread, gonna read back through now, but how late was he doing these?
He was one of a handful of doctors performing third trimester abortions....so I read.
Think Jack Kevorkian in a pediatric clinic.


Active Member
As in "I'm in my 3rd trimester and I changed my mind?" Or as in mom will die if the pregnancy continues.
Kevorkian was solid by me.


Active Member
K, I'm reading all sorts of different things. Up to how many weeks gestation would he do these?
Edit: Found the Wall Street Journal.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Cranberry
As in "I'm in my 3rd trimester and I changed my mind?" Or as in mom will die if the pregnancy continues.
Kevorkian was solid by me.
As in, if you pay the $6k he will (would have) performed the procedure.
Some were due to deformities of the child. I could see where this would be a tough decision to have a handicapped child, but we're talking about that person's child. When will it be ok to have an abortion due to the child being the wrong ---?
Having a handicapped child is just to much for some people to deal with, so he would kill it for them.
You're right, Jack was following the will of the people he was helping to die. The human child has an incredible will to live. I'm sure you have witnessed this.


Active Member
I wasn't actually debating anything, was just gathering information. I would like to see a log of the typical gestation and diagnosis. Has that come out in the press that anyone has seen? I wanna see some statistics.


Active Member
reefraff, rock on.
Your answers have been the most well thought out replys in this thread. Agreed with everything you said. This is a society issue, no governments.