Tiller the baby killer killed.


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
I'm going to have to call

on that one.

Man, you really need to go see a gastrologist for that condition of yours! Sorry, but that's my perspective when it comes to voting. You may think it's BS, but it's the truth.


Active Member
Originally Posted by T316
So how's that working for you now?
I think "lipstick" not only would have been a little eye candy, but she just might have contributed to keeping us out of the situation that we are in

And what situation is that? Te woman is clueless when it comes to national and global politics. She could see Russia from her kitchen window? We'd be in this 'situation' no matter who got into office. The question of the day is how best to fix it. I'm still on the fence whether Obama is going the right direction or not. They say the economy is slowly turning around, so who knows? Obama's biggest global test will be North Korea. It'll be interesting to see how he handles them, and how that'll play out.


Active Member
Originally Posted by T316
Seems the thread is steering sharply towards an abortion topic. IMO, this thread is about "murder". The murder of someone who was controversial. This would make the topic "vigilantism"....yes?
If this continues to follow the "abortion" road, we will never get anywhere (been there/done that), and the thread will probably be locked down before pg. 4.
So if a scum bag r@pes my wife or molests my child, and I make him 'disappear', is that OK? Should I get any jail time for getting rid of what I consider 'useless trash'?


Active Member
Originally Posted by socal57che
Why is it ok to flip out when perfume is rested on a rat, but it's not ok to be vehement about killing unborn humans. People are so incredibly twisted. Sign some petitions banning the arial hunting of wolves in Alaska (which is already illegal) ... but disregard the thousands and thousands of unborn humans getting their brains sucked out and limbs ripped off. Some of these kids are removed alive and taken to a "dying room" until they stop kicking. The things I learned with a little research nearly made me puke. I'm serious, I had to shut my computer down and walk away.
Both parties were in the wrong. Killing Tiller just moves another baby killer into his place. (already happened, btw) Killing him just causes the world more grief.
People that oppose abortion need to invoke change by speaking out, choosing leaders who oppose abortion, writing letters to those who do not and by holding to their morals regardless of whether it's PC.
The more acceptable it is to harvest unborn humans, the more acceptable killing ourselves for no other reason than convenience becomes.
We are quickly declining to the point that knowledge will outgrow our compassion. I mean, really...100 years ago who would have thought that humans would be harvested for medical research, while rats are protected from perfume manufacturers?
Your first problem was researching abortions on the internet. The Pro Lifers are real good at Photoshopping.
Go ahead, do away with abortions. We'll go back to darken rooms with coat hangers. Wannabe doctors operating on unsuspecting women in unsanitary conditions because they can't go to a normal clinic where there's a professional with a clean operating room to perform the procedure. If a woman wants an abortion, there will always be someone to peform it, legal or not. How many abortions were performed before Roe v. Wade? Answer is, no one really knows. You criminalize abortion, you'll not only be killing a fetus, but the mother as well. I'm sure Vici has no problems with this. After all, a mother who gets an abortion is no better than the doctor performing the procedure, right?


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
So if a scum bag r@pes my wife or molests my child, and I make him 'disappear', is that OK? Should I get any jail time for getting rid of what I consider 'useless trash'?
It would not be up to me to decide if you got jail time for this scenario. My point is that this person, or anyone else, be properly tried by a jury in a legal process. We don't just go around blowing people's brains out for all of the wrongs that have been done. If that were the case, Interstate 40 would have about 4-5 dead bodies on it right now after my drive to work amongst all the idiots this morning.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
She could see Russia from her kitchen window?
You do realise Tina Fey said that.
This is what I really don't get, that some how a "swing voter" (which is how you describe yourself) was so appalled by the "extreemest" Palin. So you ran into the arms of the most extreem candidate ever elected.


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
You do realise Tina Fey said that.
This is what I really don't get, that some how a "swing voter" (which is how you describe yourself) was so appalled by the "extreemest" Palin. So you ran into the arms of the most extreem candidate ever elected.
Tina Fey may have said it, but it was based on a comment Palin made about Russia...
Don't see why you think Obama is an 'extremist'. Some of his policies are considered radical amongst the ultra conservatives, but if McCain was in office, I doubt his policies would be that far off from what Obama is doing...


Active Member

Originally Posted by bionicarm
Your first problem was researching abortions on the internet.
Are you serious? The king of liberal blog links says that I shouldn't use the internet for research.
Originally Posted by bionicarm

The Pro Lifers
are real good at Photoshopping.
You use the term "Pro Lifer" as if protecting human life is a bad thing. %%
The truth is far worse than anything a person could dream up in photoshop.
Read the interviews with former abortion clinic empoloyees. Maybe you should take a few minutes out of your schedule to see what really goes on behind these doors.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
Tina Fey may have said it, but it was based on a comment Palin made about Russia...
Don't see why you think Obama is an 'extremist'. Some of his policies are considered radical amongst the ultra conservatives, but if McCain was in office, I doubt his policies would be that far off from what Obama is doing...
I didn't realize nationalization, killing babies who survived abortion, government run medical insurance, wasn't extremist.


Active Member
Originally Posted by socal57che
Are you serious? The king of liberal blog links says that I shouldn't use the internet for research.
You use the term "Pro Lifer" as if protecting human life is a bad thing.

The truth is far worse than anything a person could dream up in photoshop.
Read the interviews with former abortion clinic empoloyees. Maybe you should take a few minutes out of your schedule to see what really goes on behind these doors.
I didn't say don't use the internet for research. I said that Pro Lifers tend to 'modify' pics and put anti-abortion materials out there whereby it isn't a human fetus. They'll get a chimpanzee or other animal and make it look like a human fetus. Got your attention.
Depends on which life you are protecting. If a mother is told by her doctor that SHE will die if she carries her baby to full term because of some fatal medical condition, which life do you save - the mother or the baby?


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
I didn't realize nationalization, killing babies who survived abortion, government run medical insurance, wasn't extremist.
What has Obama nationalized?
Where in the world did you come up with Obama supporting late-term abortions? He just agrees it's a woman's right to do what she wants with her body.
I don't see government-run insurance right now. The proposal Obama is making is not the same as the government-run insurance like they have in Europe or Canada. Do yourself a favor a READ up on the subject before making assumptions.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
I didn't say don't use the internet for research. I said that Pro Lifers tend to 'modify' pics and put anti-abortion materials out there whereby it isn't a human fetus. They'll get a chimpanzee or other animal and make it look like a human fetus. Got your attention.
Yes you did.
Originally Posted by bionicarm
Your first problem was researching abortions on the internet.
"CBR is preparing to take legal action against pro-abortion defendants who falsely accuse CBR of fraudulently altering pictures of aborted embryos and fetuses. We will present affidavits from our photographers and certifications of authenticity from technical experts who have examined our original negatives, transparencies and videotape. We will also rely on the expert testimony of physicians who have formerly practiced abortion medicine. One example of this type of authentication is contained in a letter we recently received from Anthony P. Levatino, M.D., J.D. Dr. Levatino is both a physician and attorney and he says the following:
I, the undersigned, having performed induced abortions earlier in my career, have examined the photos depicting the aborted human embryos and fetuses used by The Center For Bio-Ethical Reform in their public education projects (www.abortionNo_Org). It is my professional opinion that the photos depict aborted human embryos and fetuses and that the depicted aborted human embryos and fetuses are accurately captioned as to age, in weeks since fertilization."
Originally Posted by bionicarm

Depends on which life you are protecting. If a mother is told by her doctor that SHE will die if she carries her baby to full term because of some fatal medical condition, which life do you save - the mother or the baby?
You have to be pretty naive to think that most abortions are performed to save the mother's life. This is miniscule considering the number of abortions performed. Lame analogy, sir. Lets allow thousands and thousands of abortions because it may save a mother's life once in every ten thousand times. That's just plain absurd. Kill thousands to save one. Nice motto.
This is REAL...
I don't expect you to follow the link for yourself, so here is what you will find there...


Active Member

Originally Posted by bionicarm
What has Obama nationalized?
How about General Motors?
The bank bailout is nationalization of banks.
Healthcare is coming. Mark my words.
Originally Posted by bionicarm
Where in the world did you come up with Obama supporting late-term abortions? He just agrees it's a woman's right to do what she wants with her body.
1997: opposed bill preventing partial-birth abortion
In 1997, Obama voted in the Illinois Senate against SB 230, a bill designed to prevent partial-birth abortions.
(that's about as "late term" as it gets) In the US Senate, Obama has consistently voted to expand embryonic stem cell research. He has voted against requiring minors who get out-of-state abortions to notify their parents. The National Abortion Rights Action League (NARAL) gives Obama a 100% score on his pro-choice voting record in the Senate for 2005, 2006, and 2007.
Source: Obama Nation, by Jerome Corsi, p.238-239 Aug 1, 2008
Originally Posted by bionicarm

I don't see government-run insurance right now.
Because you don't see it "right now" means it's not happening?
Originally Posted by bionicarm

The proposal Obama is making is not the same as the government-run insurance like they have in Europe or Canada.
Well then, what are the differences?


Active Member
Originally Posted by socal57che
You use the term "Pro Lifer" as if protecting human life is a bad thing.
The labels are politically chosen on both sides.
Who wants to be anti anything? Doesn't play well in the media.


Active Member
Originally Posted by socal57che
The bank bailout is nationalization of banks.
Agreed, it's nationalization, however, the bank bailouts took place under Bush.
R vs D is the shell game played by both parties to keep we the people divided. My own politics aside, as an independent observer, I find Bush to have been liberal and Obama to be conservative compared to their alleged affiliations.
This issue is a large factor in that same game.


Active Member

Originally Posted by socal57che
How about General Motors?
The bank bailout is nationalization of banks.
Healthcare is coming. Mark my words.
Obama has clearly stated that the Federal Government has no interest in, and has no intentions in running an automobile manufacturing company. All that's been done is the Federal Government has given GM a LOAN, with the full expectation of them paying it back. What will happen if they can't do that? They go into solvency, and the American taxpayers lose their money. Same thing with the banks. I don't particullay like the idea of losing money, but what's the alternative?

1997: opposed bill preventing partial-birth abortion
In 1997, Obama voted in the Illinois Senate against SB 230, a bill designed to prevent partial-birth abortions.
(that's about as "late term" as it gets) In the US Senate, Obama has consistently voted to expand embryonic stem cell research. He has voted against requiring minors who get out-of-state abortions to notify their parents. The National Abortion Rights Action League (NARAL) gives Obama a 100% score on his pro-choice voting record in the Senate for 2005, 2006, and 2007.
Source: Obama Nation, by Jerome Corsi, p.238-239 Aug 1, 2008
Where in this statement does it say Obama supports late-term abortions. I'm all for stem cell research. Many more lives can be saved that there are deaths can occue with this research

Because you don't see it "right now" means it's not happening?
Uh, yea. The conservatives like to throw out the scare tactics whenever the other side doesn't bow down and follow their every lead. You need to quit listening to Hannity and Rush Limbaugh.

Well then, what are the differences?
You say you want to do research on the internet, look it up. It's not hard to find. Why should I do the work for you?


Active Member
this discussion was going just fine till those pics were put here, i've asked sep to get rid of them as they are not needed on this site. if you can, go in and remove them please socal... that's pretty nasty stuff if people want to see them, let them look em up. i didn't need to see that to already know that i don't like abortion.


Active Member
Originally Posted by socal57che
Yes you did.
"CBR is preparing to take legal action against pro-abortion defendants who falsely accuse CBR of fraudulently altering pictures of aborted embryos and fetuses. We will present affidavits from our photographers and certifications of authenticity from technical experts who have examined our original negatives, transparencies and videotape. We will also rely on the expert testimony of physicians who have formerly practiced abortion medicine. One example of this type of authentication is contained in a letter we recently received from Anthony P. Levatino, M.D., J.D. Dr. Levatino is both a physician and attorney and he says the following:
I, the undersigned, having performed induced abortions earlier in my career, have examined the photos depicting the aborted human embryos and fetuses used by The Center For Bio-Ethical Reform in their public education projects (www.abortionNo_Org). It is my professional opinion that the photos depict aborted human embryos and fetuses and that the depicted aborted human embryos and fetuses are accurately captioned as to age, in weeks since fertilization."
You have to be pretty naive to think that most abortions are performed to save the mother's life. This is miniscule considering the number of abortions performed. Lame analogy, sir. Lets allow thousands and thousands of abortions because it may save a mother's life once in every ten thousand times. That's just plain absurd. Kill thousands to save one. Nice motto.
I don't expect you to follow the link for yourself, so here is what you will find there...

Typical Pro Life propaganda. Look how small those fetuses are. The size of a dime, the size of a quarter? Go to this SCIENCE web site and go through the justation stages of a baby. See if you can match those pictures up with any of those stages. Based on the site, an embryo isn't considered a fetus until 9 - 12 weeks. It's only around 5 - 10 centimers after 13 - 16 weeks. Based on your little graphic photos, those timeframes don't match up. I'd say those fetuses are probably in the early stages of the second trimeter. Sorry, that's not considered 'late-term'.
I'll give you credit for being so adamant about the cause. Don't know what happened in your life to make you so against a woman having the right to do what they want with their own body. Whether it's for medical reasons or not, it's their CHOICE. What you're advocating is letting the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT tell a person what they can or can't do with their own body. That sounds like a little bit like liberal thinking and socialism to me.


Active Member
thoes pics are a little unnecessary for this thread...i get the point that your trying to make socal...but that is nasty...
this thread is about nothing but abortion now...its gonna be locked if it is all on abortion...


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
I'll give you credit for being so adamant about the cause. Don't know what happened in your life to make you so against a woman having the right to do what they want with their own body. Whether it's for medical reasons or not, it's their CHOICE. What you're advocating is letting the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT tell a person what they can or can't do with their own body. That sounds like a little bit like liberal thinking and socialism to me.
They made their choice then they dropped their pants.