Times are tough, but this is rediculous...


Active Member
Yes but why would you destroy a perfectly nice unit like that for scap if you stole it? Why wouldnt you just but a thermostat and hook it up at you house or apartment?


Active Member
Dwight, are you the only building there or are there others near you? If there are others near you, then you only need to secure your stuff more than the people around have.
In that second picture you see the yellow posts around the AC unit? What you need to do is put in 2 on the sides and 3 in front. Leave enough room for the AC guy to service the unit. But you put in something like that, either use fence posts or even pur them out of concrete and your new one will not be stolen. They won't want to life the new unit up to steal it, that would be too much like work.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Scotts
Dwight, are you the only building there or are there others near you? If there are others near you, then you only need to secure your stuff more than the people around have.
In that second picture you see the yellow posts around the AC unit? What you need to do is put in 2 on the sides and 3 in front. Leave enough room for the AC guy to service the unit. But you put in something like that, either use fence posts or even pur them out of concrete and your new one will not be stolen. They won't want to life the new unit up to steal it, that would be too much like work.

The company next door has 3 newer units straight across from mine, but a little further up towards the street (like my other 2). I had a work van parked along the side of the bldg which provided partial coverage for them, so I assume that's why they targeted the one they did. I have moved the van, and cut all of those bushes way back this week to increase visibility.
The yellow poles you see are concrete that I put in. They are in front of both of the remaining 2 units. They won't prevent theft, but they keep customers from bumping into the units, as these two are closer up towards parking areas. But your idea is probably what I am going to do for now, just mount some kind of beams/poles contraption to make it a lot harder. I wish I had one of those tracking devices (like the cops use on a setup car). Then I could just let it get stolen and track back to somebody's house. I'm sure I'd find 100 of these things once I got there.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Cranberry
Ya... it has platinum.
Yeah, I knew this guy from a scrap yard, that literally makes more money salvaging the platnum than the original business he started up salvaging cars.


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
Yeah, I knew this guy from a scrap yard, that literally makes more money salvaging the platnum than the original business he started up salvaging cars.
Platinum has skyrocketed.
1 oz. is worth over $2000.00
The average catalytic converter contains 3-7 grams, so thieves are getting approx. $200+ for every one they rip out from under a vehicle

As far as AC condensors, I don't know what they have inside. I presume there is copper coils inside there somewhere, because the sheet metal housing couldn't be worth getting locked up over....but then again we are talking about a bunch of thuds here who probably could care less.


Active Member
I had pictures e-mailed to me showing them taking a french fried body off a power pole, the moron was stealing copper wire. I did a search to see where it was from and it turns out more than one idiot has died trying to steal copper off a power pole.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Cranberry
People are grabbing everything. Last year I failed my smog test (well my car did) and when they did a little checking around to find out why, we discovered my catalytic converter had been stolen o_O They said it was for the metal, not the object.
OK, I gotta ask.
How did you not know the converter was gone? The car should have been just a tad bit noisy without it.


Thats crazy! I can't believe they took that T316. I passed a old camper that you slide into a truck bed about 6 months ago and 2 days later sumbody pulled all the sideing off of it! All you saw was all the insulation! My cusin works in new construction and has seen alot of houses striped of all copper wire that had been installed just the day before. I hope you get something setup around your new/ older units before they get swiped T316!


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
OK, I gotta ask.
How did you not know the converter was gone? The car should have been just a tad bit noisy without it.
I'd tend to agree, either that or they removed it, then pulled something on you... You'd know if you someone had removed your cat it would be LOUD. That is why people punch holes in it, or through it. Make more noise...


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
I'd tend to agree, either that or they removed it, then pulled something on you... You'd know if you someone had removed your cat it would be LOUD. That is why people punch holes in it, or through it. Make more noise...
I was wondering if a mechanic had previously made off with the converter and put a pipe in its place. The current mechanic could have just lied and said it needed a converter if he wanted to rip it off.


Active Member
I did security for a while after I got out of the military. I used to watch incomplete houses to make sure that people didn't dig the copper tubing out of the ground. It was the most boring work ever. But......no tubing ever got stolen on my watch!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by renogaw
it's ok, you're better off without a trane unit :p
sorry it happend though...
You got something other than trane you want me to demo? I'm taking any/all donations at the moment....

Luckily it was unit #3, which controls the shop, not the offices. Workers are not complaining yet, but they will soon when it starts getting cold out.
that is what you call job security. i dont wish it upon anyone, but keeps me busy at my company. commerical jobs are starting to get hit pretty hard now too. down here in central florida its about $3.00 a pound. i had some one come into a house that i just did the day before and stole both condenser and air handler. its a shame. but it cant be stopped.
your company insurance should cover the cost???
This is when you hide out with a 12 gauge and rubber bullets.. Im sure they wont be coming back for anything else.. LOL Those converters have platinum, palladium, and rhodium in them. I should go hit up the local U pull with my sawzall and a wheelbarrow. Now I just need to find some one to buy it.. Hmmm


Originally Posted by indigobluetc
This is when you hide out with a 12 gauge and rubber bullets.. Im sure they wont be coming back for anything else.. LOL
i dont think you can shoot someone outside your house without the "man" gettin involved (mabey some jail time for the shooter?)mabey have a fenced yard with a pittbull in it .but in this case a roof top unit might be better.and would you really wanna shot the guy whos stealin from you with rubber bullets???he probley come back with real 1s!!!
Originally Posted by slackjawed
mabey have a fenced yard with a pittbull in it
So then some (cant say the word) gets bit by your dog and the they take it and kill it. Thats what they will do.. Im sorry but if your gonna steal something from me you better do it where I cant catch you! I mean what is the idiot trying to steal something gonna call the cops? "Um.. well we were trying to steal something and the owner started shooting us with rubber bullets".. Thats like buying drugs and calling the cops when the guy rips you off.. You just dont do that.. and of couse any smart one would have some live rnds handy. That way if have real ones you do to and it turns into self defense.