Times are tough, but this is rediculous...


Active Member
open the new units up and put a few tapcon (hex style less likely the thief having the right one) into the concrete from the insde and try to hide the heads.


New Member
Heck, buy a extremely strong cage to completely encase your A/C unit (Yes, even underground) and padlock it with the strongest padlock you can afford. Or encase it in concrete, either one. We badly need economic reform
. Things have gotten this extreme in the last few years, and i know they was not like this before that.
Originally Posted by YearOfTheNick
I vote for the shotgun with rubber bullets... that's exactly what I would do. Seriously. I may buy a shotgun and rubber bullets just because it's such a great idea, even though the crime is minimal in the area I'm living right now

Originally Posted by YearOfTheNick

Just checked on rubber bullets... they're illegal to the public... still a great idea
Lol its all in who you know and how you get them.. I prefer exploding slugs but.... ya... kinda defeats the purpose of the no harm thing... Good way to scare some one tho. Can always catch them by surprise.. Get your self a gilly suit (think I spelled that right) and sit next to the unit. You will look like a tree and all, but when they come.. Its a very unhappy gonna get you tree.. I would be afraid of small bushes for some time if this happend to me.. LOL


Active Member
Trust me you get hit with rock salt you will think twice about ever doing something like that. Just think how bad it hurts for us when we get saltwater in a nick on our fingers or arms fdoing work in a tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ironeagle2006
Trust me you get hit with rock salt you will think twice about ever doing something like that. Just think how bad it hurts for us when we get saltwater in a nick on our fingers or arms fdoing work in a tank.
It worked in kill bill...
lol that it did for some time.. Remember what happened to him tho.. He died for doing that.. Rock salt would deff hurt like a beech tho! I still thing the gilly suit and scaring the bejesus out of them might work and or be funny... Just make sure to dial the police when you see them walking up and drop the phone.. Or have some one watching do it.. That way when they try to run.. oops thers the cops.


Originally Posted by Prk543
My uncle runs a heating and air business in the Raleigh area, and I believe that he deals in Trane units (if you are looking to replace that unit with the same thing) and probably other brands as well. They might be able to locate you a used unit in that area, but I am not sure. PM me if you would like the company name and number.
Back to lurking through the forums.
atleast these theives are keeping your uncle in business


Active Member
Originally Posted by Prk543
My uncle runs a heating and air business in the Raleigh area, and I believe that he deals in Trane units (if you are looking to replace that unit with the same thing) and probably other brands as well. They might be able to locate you a used unit in that area, but I am not sure. PM me if you would like the company name and number.
Back to lurking through the forums.
Thanks Prk, I already have a few around here that are quoting it. I'm afraid to see the estimate.
Originally Posted by sepulatian

Wow Dwight, I am so sorry for your loss. To think that I was considering moving near my brother in NC

It is the same here. I was having a discussion with my co-workers tonight about something similar. I now work at a clothing store (second job). The employees of our sister store, which is right across town from the store that I am at, used to have to park behind the store. People have been going around drilling gas tanks to drain them. They don't even bother with the siphon. They just drill them. This discussion led to copper theft. There have been many foreclosed new homes in the past few years. Once the people are out of the houses thieves have dug up the pipes. Crazy!!
Needless to say, they no longer park out back. The back is lit, but it is more private than the front of a mall or plaza.
NC's not a bad place (well, no more than anywhere else in the Country). Raleigh has it's good sides and bad, and unfortunately my shop is closer to the South side. And sure doesn't help to have a metal scrap yard just down the road.


Active Member
Originally Posted by YearOfTheNick
Just checked on rubber bullets... they're illegal to the public... still a great idea
Just checked and found a place you can buy rubber 12 gauge 2 3/4" shotgun bullets... they ARE available to the public. You can even choose between buck shot and entire slugs.


"I still thing the gilly suit and scaring the bejesus out of them"...i had some thing like this happend. this place was getting robbed and the police knew it before it happend. So i am about to walk in the place and this frickin brush grabs me...Long story short
the crap out of me.

coral keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by NOFISH
"I still thing the gilly suit and scaring the bejesus out of them"...i had some thing like this happend. this place was getting robbed and the police knew it before it happend. So i am about to walk in the place and this frickin brush grabs me...Long story short
the crap out of me.
