Today on the Reef


Active Member
Originally Posted by wax32
Well... it for sure changed!
And it took about an hour. Lemme do a before and after:
[I can't get it straight right away either.

I think the after looks better, looks very reef-like with the large formations on either side of the tank. An hour is not bad at all for all the rock you have there.


Active Member
Hopefully the third picture. That's how it is staying. Just traded the huge rock I took out for a SWEET Montipora verrucosa.


Active Member
Also picked up a nice Sarcophyton sp. leather. Possibly Sarcophyton elegans?:

Leather Coral, Sarcophyton


YEah, unfortunately, I lost everything..... Without power for over a week..... BUT I am back and am almost ready to begin my new journey from FOWLR to full-blown reef..... I am starting slow but within two yrs, I want a well established reef tank... Ya heard me?
I had taken my FOWLR to new heights before Katrina and Rita screwed up everything down in the boot!
I may email you for some pointers and tips!


Active Member
Here is a picture of some zoas that are starting to look pretty good. Still waiting on a few polyps to open:

Multicolor zoas


hey wax,
i was interested in the specific parts needed from to build that return spray bar. How much did it cost you? and what exactly do i need to get to build a similar one?


Active Member
I'll look it up hang on.

I ordered:
3/4" Hose Kit
Price: $10.95
3" Flare Nozzle, pack of 2
Price: $8.75
3/4" Y Fitting, pack of 2
Price: $8.75
Ended up not using the flares, it made the stream to weak. I only needed one Y fitting, but they only come in packs of 2.


Wax great looking tank...
i had a question about the star polyps that you have and how do they come in so full? are you feed them something specific?
i have some right now but im thinking of getting rid of them b/c i would like to do a tank full of ricordia and zoos...
and is it better to have an area of the rock close to the rock covers alot of my tank but it stop about midway up...


Active Member
1. I got them like that, only been in the tank a couple weeks. They like pretty high flow to expand to their best. GSP's are one of very few corals that don't seem to eat anything at all, getting all of their energy from their zooxanthellae.
2. Zoas are my absolute fave, but I do like a LITTLE variety in my reef.

3. Depends if you want any of your corals close to your lights. I do, so I built my rock up high.


Active Member
I FINALLY finished my canopy today. The new wiring harness for my VHO's came in so I hooked 'em up. Now I have 250w 20000k MH and 2 75w actinic VHO. I'll post up some pictures.

These are from when I first started building it, test fitting.


if i have a piece of star polyps on a rock that size of my hand can i go to the LFS and see if they'll by them off of me? and they like alot of water movement? should i position the jet more there way?
yea i like zoo's if there colorful and i really like mushroom ricordia and i though since this is my first reef tank maybe i'll do a tank full of zoos and ricordia.
and zoo's and ricordia dont need a whole lot of light right so if my rocks stop halfway then that would be ok right?


Active Member
1. Up to you. Yup. Yes, or even better move the rock, not the water flow.
2. Yup. Although I think most zoas do better closer to the lights, they'll be ok lower.


Active Member

New Lights, Eggcrate is covering some new zoas that are slow to acclimate for some reason.

Here you can see the shelf I hung my MH from.

Measure twice drill once. Gotta fix this still.

Wiring and Fans.

Full length, including sump.