tomb of jesus


Originally Posted by Johnny84
For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.

Hey thats my life verse! thanks johnny.. if there is one thing i have learned with my walk with Christ is that He is never done with me


Johnny84 said:
I have a problem with the bible. The message that it sends is great, dont get me wrong, however, the bible as I see it goes like this.. Part One the Old Testament...In my opinion is based on a myth that got brought over from an egyptian myth, just the names have changed, the story is the same. Part Two the New Testament....In my opinion is made up of half truths, in other words it not the entire story. The writings in the new testament were chosen by a group of monks to benefit "their" version of "their" religion at the time. These monks were chosen to do this by a King, and I am sorry I forget what king it was, but the king was trying to start a society so the monks chose what they wanted to with the kings approval to better suit their "society" at that particular time.
Sorry I did not get a chance to answer this one sooner.
In a nut shell your question would go somthing like this:
"Has the Bible been corrupted, altered, edited, revised, or tampered with?"
This is how I would answer answer: The books of the Old Testament were written from approximately 1400 B.C. to 400 B.C. The books of the New Testament were written from approximately A.D. 40 to A.D. 90. So, anywhere between 3400 to 1900 years have passed since a book of the Bible was originally written. In this time, the original manuscripts have been lost. They very likely no longer exist. Also in this time, the books of the Bible have been copied again and again. Copies of copies of copies have been made. In view of all of this, can we still trust the Bible?
I believe God originally inspired men to write His Word, it was God-breathed and inerrant (2 Timothy 3:16-17; John 17:17). The Bible nowhere applies this to copies of the original manuscripts. As meticulous as scribes were with the replication of the Scriptures, no one is perfect. As a result, minor differences arose in the various copies of the Scriptures. Of all of the thousands of Greek and Hebrew manuscripts that are in existence, no two were identical until the printing press was invented in the 1500s A.D.
However, any unbiased document scholar will agree that the Bible has been remarkably preserved over the centuries. Copies of the Bible dating to the 14th century A.D. are nearly identical in content to copies from the 3rd century A.D. When the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered, scholars were shocked at how similar they were to other ancient copies of the Old Testament – even though the Dead Sea Scrolls were hundreds of years older than anything previously discovered. Even many hardened skeptics and critics of the Bible admit that the Bible has been transmitted over the centuries far more accurately than any other ancient document.
There is absolutely no evidence that the Bible has been revised, edited, or tampered with in any systematic manner. The sheer volume of Biblical manuscripts makes it simple to recognize any attempts to distort God’s Word. There is no major doctrine of the Bible that is put in doubt as a result of the minor differences that exist between manuscripts.
So, the question, can we/I trust the Bible? Absolutely! I feel God has preserved His Word despite the unintentional failings and intentional attacks of human beings. We can have utmost confidence that the Bible we have today is the same Bible that was originally written. The Bible is God’s Word, and we can trust it (2 Timothy 3:16; Matthew 5:18).
That is why I use it as the foundation of my faith.

bang guy

Originally Posted by saltn00b
if you want to be smart about it,
so you are both wrong, it is not a perfect example, as you can not correctly use the term perfect to describe imperfection. it's an oxy-moron. Grammaticaly correct, yes, but not by substance. and if you want to take it the next level, im sure someone can and will screw up better than you.
I'm wrong because my opinion differs from yours?


Active Member
no not at all, bang, everyone is entitled to their opinions and beliefs.
i was saying wrong about that little example thing. i respect that you dont chose to believe what i was saying before that.

bang guy

Originally Posted by saltn00b
no not at all, bang, everyone is entitled to their opinions and beliefs.
i was saying wrong about that little example thing. i respect that you dont chose to believe what i was saying before that.
Ahh, that was just sarcasm between reefkprZ and myself. You're absolutely right that it was a flawed example of perfection. Just trying to lighten things up a little. I guess it was a flawed example of humor as well.


Active Member
So, the question, can we/I trust the Bible? Absolutely! I feel God has preserved His Word despite the unintentional failings and intentional attacks of human beings. We can have utmost confidence that the Bible we have today is the same Bible that was originally written. The Bible is God’s Word, and we can trust it (2 Timothy 3:16; Matthew 5:18).
AMEN... very well put. What unbelievers or skeptics have a hard time with is believing that the Bible is the word of God and can not be corrupted. The words of the Bible are given by God. If you take what is said in the Bible and do your research you'll find it is historically reliable. The things, places, locations, people can all be historically proven. I think this is a cornerstone of the Bible proves that we can trust the Bible and are faith because first it is based on Fact. Now beleiving in the miracles of the Bible is another thing that requires more, but if you get down to the real history of the Bible it is historically accurate. And yes Jesus' body did ascend directly into Heaven, not just his spirit, and this is what is supposed to happen to us as well. We will have new bodies... Also Jesus stayed on Earth months I beleive after his resurrection.


Active Member
I would encourage people to find material that argue both positions and weigh the two and choose the one that contains the most truth. There are always individuals who believe they are their own god and try to give ridiculous claims and 1/2 truths that mislead people away from the true God. People just don't want to feel their actions or successes are accountable to any higher being. I beleive if you critically look at all the evidence, you'll find it will lead you to one source. Of course we will never no all the answers or even a fraction, but if you look at everything that is, there is no denying that there is a God.
Question: if this tomb contains Jesus and his family, What is the other tomb that was said to contain his family that popped up a year or so ago? And the other point weren't the authors of the NT his apostles? I would think they would take notes and not just write years later about those events. Also they probably had a great memory because in ancient Jewish tradition they were to memorize the entire OT