Tons of algae!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Beatlesfan
why remove the bio-balls?: They do and excellant job at keeping amm. and nitrites down.
Bio-balls are almost too good at what they do, and they will start to trap detritus over a period of time, they have to be cleaned just like any other item in the tank.
Large pieces of LR will work almost the exact same way as a DSB, because of the size of larger pieces it will become anerobic by nature. I serioulsy think the reason my 125g reguires no maintenance is because I have 4, 30lb LR boulders in the tank.
A gallon of bio-balls can't compete with the actual surface area of a few large pieces of LR, or even smaller rubble for that matter.
Good skimming and lots of LR
= very few problems


Active Member
Originally Posted by digitydash
It also needs to be maintained just like bio-balls.I would just rince the bio-balls and put them back it because live rock will do the same thing if not rinsed off just like bio-balls.
I disagree with you bioballs are not as effective in a sump(fact that you have to maintaine them) than LR and no if the pieces are big enough they don't have to be cleaned


Active Member
Originally Posted by Ibew
I disagree with you bioballs are not as effective in a sump(fact that you have to maintaine them) than LR and no if the pieces are big enough they don't have to be cleaned

I was talking about where the water flows down to the sump.Well I have had a wet/dry with bio-balls in it for 5 yrs I have only cleaned them once and I have never had any trate problems.I personally think it how long you go with out cleaning the filter mesh in the top.I rinse mine off every other week and pull the sponge in the bottom every month.I open it up and look at them and they are clean.I also run a magnum filter system also this maybe why I have never had any issuse like this.I am think of upgrading to a refugium one day.


Active Member
Originally Posted by digitydash
I was talking about where the water flows down to the sump.Well I have had a wet/dry with bio-balls in it for 5 yrs I have only cleaned them once and I have never had any trate problems.I personally think it how long you go with out cleaning the filter mesh in the top.I rinse mine off every other week and pull the sponge in the bottom every month.I open it up and look at them and they are clean.I also run a magnum filter system also this maybe why I have never had any issuse like this.I am think of upgrading to a refugium one day.
I also was refering to where water flows into the sump. And thats good you have had success


I am going to clean the sponge (not the first part but the part before the return pump) because I haven't since I got it so I will do that. Also at my LFS the live rock is $7/lb and saltwater fish onyl gets to 12lbs small and I dont want hat much so what should I do, so I really can't get anymore live rock


Active Member
Originally Posted by Beatlesfan
I am going to clean the sponge (not the first part but the part before the return pump) because I haven't since I got it so I will do that. Also at my LFS the live rock is $7/lb and saltwater fish onyl gets to 12lbs small and I dont want hat much so what should I do, so I really can't get anymore live rock
im sure someone on this forum would sell you some rock for a couple bucks a pound and probaly be alot better quality than any fish store Hell if you pay for 2day shipping I have LR for you depending on how much you need


Originally Posted by maxalmon
Did you get a refractometer?
Sorry been away over the weekend. Ok my nitrates are a solid 20 and I have seen a little algae regresion but diatoms just take its place in about a day. Also I think that my silicate based sand might be my diatom problem at least. Oh and my LFs doesn't sell refractometers and doesn't have it listed anywhere either. Ok so I am going to take bio balls out. Should I take all of them out at once and then immediatly replace with LR rubble or should I take out handful by handful and then completely replace?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Beatlesfan
Ok I did a 5g water change and it did nothing at all. My nitrates are niow about 30. HELP! Please any suggestions!
Why can't you do bigger than 5 gal water changes?If you ask me 5 gals is not going to do much.Also what size tank do you have.I would put some phosphate sponge in their just cause it not reading don't mean it not their it just in the algae.I would leave the bio-balls in I dought that is your problem.If you can run carbon and some phospahte remover and turn lights out to kill the algae pluke as much as you can off if it is slime algae take a tooth brush and scrubb it off.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Beatlesfan
Ok I did a 5g water change and it did nothing at all. My nitrates are niow about 30. HELP! Please any suggestions!
If you're only able to do 5 gal water changes b/c you only have a 5 gal bucket, then just go to walmart and get an 18 gal plastic tote for $5. That's what I use...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Hefner413
If you're only able to do 5 gal water changes b/c you only have a 5 gal bucket, then just go to walmart and get an 18 gal plastic tote for $5. That's what I use...
I like those garbage cans that are on wheels, the ones with the flip top lid. I can make my water in the kitchen and then wheel it over to the tank, drop in a pump with a hose and pump the new water into the tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by maxalmon
I like those garbage cans that are on wheels, the ones with the flip top lid. I can make my water in the kitchen and then wheel it over to the tank, drop in a pump with a hose and pump the new water into the tank.
just wondering, what size pump and hose do you use? I have been just letting it siphon in with airline - pretty slow...


I can only do 5g at a time becuase my filter run on a siphon and if it gets too low the siphon stops and my return pump burns out and I have to suck in about 1g of the tank water to get it started again.... not pleasant.


Active Member
Well I would say your going to have to do multiple 5 gal changes with 30 min intervals.You can't turn the pump off to stop it so it don't lose prime?You could go to homedepot and get 2 pvc pipe caps and plug them up.


Originally Posted by digitydash
Well I would say your going to have to do multiple 5 gal changes with 30 min intervals.
I could but would that do anything?
Originally Posted by digitydash
You can't turn the pump off to stop it so it don't lose prime?You could go to homedepot and get 2 pvc pipe caps and plug them up.
not quite sure whta you mean....
Originally Posted by hefner

you could also just extend the intake and make it lower.
how would I do that?