Tons of algae!


Active Member
What happens when you turn your pump off Does it keep pumping water till it loses syphon.
If you go to homedepot in the pcv fiting section and get pipe caps and plug both sides of your overflow that should hold water in the tub leting you drain as much water as you want out of it,or you going to have to take one for the team and drink a little salt water.Their is a easier way to do it but it has been 5 yrs since I used a hanging overflow box so I can't remember.
The only way your going to get your trates down is to do alot of water changes and 5 gal a day is not going to cut it.
Also how much do you feed.Have you lost any fish.
Post your new levels in tank Trates and perameters


Active Member
Originally Posted by Beatlesfan
how would I do that?
all you need is a plastic tube the same diameter as the current intake. Then you just add it on using plumbers glue or you can use a small piece of flexible tubing and stretch it over both ends of the tubes - connecting them together. This will get your intake to be lower in the tank and allow you to lower the water level more.
My local fish store has many curved intake tube replacement pieces... if your's does also, you can just disregard what I said above and just go to your LFS and buy an intake tube that is longer than the one you have currently.


Originally Posted by digitydash
What happens when you turn your pump off Does it keep pumping water till it loses syphon. exactly
If you go to homedepot in the pcv fiting section and get pipe caps and plug both sides of your overflow that should hold water in the tub leting you drain as much water as you want out of it,or you going to have to take one for the team and drink a little salt water.Their is a easier way to do it but it has been 5 yrs since I used a hanging overflow box so I can't remember. seems like a good idea i think I'll try it.
The only way your going to get your trates down is to do alot of water changes and 5 gal a day is not going to cut it.
Also how much do you feed.Have you lost any fish. I have lost a fish recently (acually since I put in my 2 clarkii clowns I can't seem to keep a fish) but I have always had this problem.
Post your new levels in tank Trates and perameters
amm. 0
nitrites 0
nitrates 30(maybe a little higher)
phos. 0
salinity 1.026
copper 0
calcium 430
ph 8.2


Active Member
You need to start by doing a water change at least 25% of the tanks volume.Did you find the dead fish in the tank or is it still in their and how big was it?If it was big that maybe your problem.Their something making nitrates.Do the water change run some carbon & phosphate sponge .Do you have algae in your tank?


Originally Posted by digitydash
You need to start by doing a water change at least 25% of the tanks volume.Did you find the dead fish in the tank or is it still in their and how big was it?If it was big that maybe your problem.Their something making nitrates.Do the water change run some carbon & phosphate sponge .Do you have algae in your tank?
I dont even have enough buckets for 30g. I am going to do a 15g water change tommarow and then another one saturday. We did not find the dead fish but (as said before) this has been an on going problem since i set up the tank. Also where do I find a phosphate sponge? i haven't seen one.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Beatlesfan
I dont even have enough buckets for 30g. I am going to do a 15g water change tommarow and then another one saturday. We did not find the dead fish but (as said before) this has been an on going problem since i set up the tank. Also where do I find a phosphate sponge? i haven't seen one.
I mix it with the carbon.Well if it been going on since day 1.I would take a serious look at where your geting your water from.Maybe feed less food.Are them clams still alive you put in?


well maybe not exactly day one but definatly and on going problem for the last couple months. I have but my self on the e-mail list for it.


Active Member
Any LFS will have it.That will rob the algae of what it feeds on.Also when you change the water if you don't have any sand in the wet/dry dump a couple of gallons in the wet/dry sump that will get any crap out of your sump.I do this every time my tank need water to flush any junk out.Also run carbon and phosphate sponge in canister and wet /dry if posible.


Originally Posted by digitydash
Any LFS will have it.That will rob the algae of what it feeds on.Also when you change the water if you don't have any sand in the wet/dry dump a couple of gallons in the wet/dry sump that will get any crap out of your sump.I do this every time my tank need water to flush any junk out.Also run carbon and phosphate sponge in canister and wet /dry if posible.
I am going to put the phosphate stuff and this denitrate thign by seachem that gives de nitratous(sp) bacteria the perfect place to live in my wet/dry. Also on the suggestion of another swf hobbyist I have purchased 5 sandwhich bags full of chaeto to put in various places in my tank.


Active Member
I good choice for activated carbon is black diamond very good carbon I run it 24-7-365 change it out once a month but for you I would change itout every 2 weeks until you fix this problem


Active Member
Originally Posted by Ibew
I good choice for activated carbon is black diamond very good carbon I run it 24-7-365 change it out once a month but for you I would change itout every 2 weeks until you fix this problem
I was told that activated carbon only truly remained activated for less than a full wk - like around 4 days. Know if this is true??


I just use this super activated carbon tuff that I bought as a replacement pad. I always thoguth it was 4wks but im not sure.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Beatlesfan
nitrates are now only 20!
Well keep the water changes going looking better though


Originally Posted by digitydash
so what yur trates at now?
sorry been away... well good news! only about 10 and lowering.