too many tangs to shake a stick at


I think that if its your $$$ buy a whale shark and put it in your bathtub...or put a pirhana in your saltwater tank...why not...this is so amusing...


Im certainly no expert but from what I've heard a 75 gal is the minimum for a single tang to live comfortably much less two of em. I like all of the tangs alot but I love the Naso tang the most. Wish I had a big enough tank for one. Look like I'll be getting a pretty Yellow tang for my 90 gal though.


Active Member
small reef- we'll since the post was directed squarely at my post, I feel compelled to respond....."I don't mean to be rude"...we'll you really blew that one!
I personally don't care what degrees you have , where you got them and with whom you have mentored, it will never be a good idea to put a tang in a 29...period. Don't try to justify your actions while standing behind these so called credentials. It's certainly not impressive and if anythig shows your........ Ok I'm stopping here.
I'm also very interested in hearing your response to JWT's post.
The least we can do is to try to provide the best artificial living experience possible. It's too bad that some don't have this objective in mind.
Sorry to all who have to witness this....I'm done.
yeah so back to my question that started all this. I take it no tangs......not even the kole suitable for my 55? I think I got that clear


Active Member
Good point travis....I stick by my previous post that a yellow or purple is probably ok. Now that you mention Kole , I'll go w/ that too. Only one per 55. I agree that it is pushing it but believe w/b ok. Many will disagree but I believe that all will say it's not as crazy as a tang in a .....never mind. Good luck!


does length of the tank have anything to do with how many tangs you can have in your tank or is it more volume. I am just setting up a new 4ft x18"x18" which is 68gal and was wondering if having a hippo tang and yellow was too much. I will prob not get the yellow but was just curious if length is taken into account.


Active Member
Length has allot to do with it. Tangs are free swimmers and need lots of horizontal spave. In my humble opinion, I personally would go with the yellow in a 4 foot tank. Hippo gets much larger and more suseptable to ich in tight quarters. Good luck.


Since we are bragging may I say that I hold a lifetime degree in Crapology and a minor in Believeitornotability? Chicks dig an educated man! (Believe it or not) :D
A tang in a 29 is not a good idea. Even if one person makes it work its still not a good idea. The one fella who jumped off the bridge lived too but thousands of others died. A bad idea is still a bad idea. I just wish my mom would stop asking me, "Just because they jump off a bridge are you going to do it?" :)
I keep telling her that I am 37 years old! :D


Active Member
small reef,
As a fellow former grad student in a similar field, allow me to ask where you went to school, exactly? I studied under Drs. David Pawson and Diana Lipscomb, myself. Kudos, BTW, for finishing so quickly.
I don't believe I could find many marine scientists who would say it is fine to keep a tang confined in that size tank for any period of time.
I certainly wouldn't.
Ryebread, 'nother fantastic shot. I'm still working on the "map!" :rolleyes:
I would love to have it, I am debating between getting it or some other tang. Here's what else I will put in the tank, everyone give me your ideas on what tang would do/look best :)
3 blue chromis
1 false clown
1 black and white clown
1 coral beauty
1 zebra moray
maybe a mandarinfish after a year or so
a couple of cleaner wrasses
Oh, how I would LOVE to put more (and the tang) in there but that would be overstocking. So, which tang would go best with this? :)


Active Member
Please use cleaner shrimp and not cleaner wrasse, which have a dismal survival record in captivity (due to needing a lot of large fish to clean). The only heathy cleaner I have seen is in the big tank at AW.