There are scientific facts involved here, about the adult size of tangs, and the behavior of tangs...a person with his education should know this.
While I don't oppose the keeping of a small tang in a 29g for the short term, saying it is fine for years is highly misleading. There is clearly a problem if the animal has not outgrown this tank: either the hobbyists refuses to see it (which is extremely common), or the animal's growth is stunted (meaning, it is not in good health). These, really, are the two options in this case. But his tang is dead anyway.
To challenge this with "I have my Master's degree and worked with this guy" is irrelevant, and certainly not providing any facts either, nor is it indicating that he is open to debate on the matter. It is as silly as saying "I don't want your other opinions on keeping the fish I am cramming into this tank, just tell me if I can have this one."
When we post, we agree to getting replies, and I can assure you this particular person knew what he was doing and what he was stirring up. And people tend to respond in the same tone as the post they are replying to...People are much more friendly when a person says "gosh, I didn't know that, he seemed really healthy," as opposed to calling everyone else uneducated idiots. There are people in this hobby who know far more than any of my books taught me, and they have never spent a day in school studying it.
I have a Master's degree (actually valued my marriage more and just didn't finish my PhD- so not just sitting around for 2 years working under someone). It is in this field. I think it is entirely relevant to reply to his statement with an equally educated counterpoint, and to clarify it to you (BTW, I am older than 28, but thanks anyway). In some ways, I was calling a spade a spade. It is in the same style as his argument. But unlike him, I highly value the insight, advice and experience of the people on the front lines of this hobby...not those sitting in some academic institution.
I think if you read back over the posts- the first two replies to his were "sorry, IMO, off my soapbox," and he threw the first big insult saying, in effect, the others don't have any right to their opinions because they are uneducated.
As I agree with their opinions, and the fact that a tang does not belong in that size tank long term, it was an insult to me, and you are darn tootin' I'll call that spade.
Short term tang in 29g (a few months)? OK, saying it is fine for years, go for it, is irresponsible. We need to encourage responsible reefkeeping. Someone with his education should be on the front lines of that.