top down picture contest !AWARD!


Active Member
Can the original poster or a judge please email me about this contest I have a question? melly3218 at yahoo dot com. Thanks


Active Member
first is my cleaner shrimp clinging ont the side of toadstool.
second is almost 2 years old of my bigger clown now over top of an anemone
third is just a picture that i thought came out cool of that same clown now snugglin in the xenia.


reef diver

Active Member
Originally Posted by coachKLM
my wife wont let me get a clam as she thinks they look like.....well i'm sure you can guess..

Coach wins funniest comment on the thread!


Ok I think I am going to go out on a limb with my entries... I have noticed a large amount of clear clean photos... They are wonderful but, I am just going with what happened when we shot the pictures. No photoshop here. Not that anyone else did. I placed a clean clear photo last...



New Member
Originally Posted by king4345
Ok I think I am going to go out on a limb with my entries... I have noticed a large amount of clear clean photos... They are wonderful but, I am just going with what happened when we shot the pictures. No photoshop here. Not that anyone else did. I placed a clean clear photo last...

well if your talking about my picture just for your information not that you need to know those are my lights


Originally Posted by nemo1984
well if your talking about my picture just for your information not that you need to know those are my lights
See, I knew somebody would get personal like I was talking about their pictures... I was simply stating that my photos were untouched and that I was not claiming anyone else had done so. Or I could care less if you photoshopped the !@$#!@# out of them... I wanted to make it clear to avoid the crying about accusing somebody of something and make it clear about my pictures. But, as usual somebody read into it and had to get huffy...
So take a chill new guy. I didn't even see your picture and if I did I can't remember it....


i dont have photoshop nor do i know how to take a good picture.. but for the heck of it i'll post! dont trash the newguy im still learing..



New Member
Originally Posted by king4345
See, I knew somebody would get personal like I was talking about their pictures... I was simply stating that my photos were untouched and that I was not claiming anyone else had done so. Or I could care less if you photoshopped the !@$#!@# out of them... I wanted to make it clear to avoid the crying about accusing somebody of something and make it clear about my pictures. But, as usual somebody read into it and had to get huffy...
So take a chill new guy. I didn't even see your picture and if I did I can't remember it....

what maes you think im a guy. and well you did say that you were the last on to post a clean clear photo. so there you meant me ok and


I see the picture in question. How would somebody think that it was photoshopped? Looks pretty natural to me. So again just calm down or you'll go crazy in the opinionated forum of SWF...


No read it again. I simply stated the last photo in my post was a clean clear pumps off nothing moving nothing in the way shot of my tank. Not that I was the last to post a clear picture.... Post shows 17 joining in Sept 06. makes you new.... I am finished with this conversation as it is distracting from the good of this thread and is no longer productive.


Active Member
Fishiness is still the winner IMO....Good color, obviously a 'top down' shot, great focus, nice clown.

I didn't see your other two?!?!?!
Murph's look GREAT too
As do ALL of the photos--wish I had a digital camera....
Shoot, I still use a microwave, a gasoline burning auto, a regular flat screen TV, and drink regular coffee....
