Topic: water changes. Why?


I know that this might be a little late in the post but anyways,
What would be really cool is for someone like a chemistry/Biology teacher to take and set up a new tank, (and I mean all new) and monitor ALL the chemicals in it (maybe daily for a while, monthly after it is really going then switch to a yearly thing). I know it would be time consuming, but it would be really neat to see. especially if it could be used to compare against other established tanks using other rules for water changes or in other enviornments.
anyways, just a thought, and it could possibly end some of the debate on these mystery chemicals. also i only used the example of teachers because i thought they would have access to the tools needed to run tests above and beyond what most of us alyeady do. I do realize there may be other jobs that would be in a position to do this type of thing.
let me know what you think
-=Cy :)


<a href="" target="_blank">Water minarels</a>
<a href="" target="_blank">Another water chemistry</a>
for you guys check this out.


Active Member
After all the debate and searchin the web I happened across this:
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
It may not "Clear The Water" :D but it does make sense to me.


have a 55 . been doin 10 gal changes every other week with RO. LFS's RO system broke 2 weeks ago. thjinkin of buyin ro system. following this string closely.


Active Member
I'm not sure now how I came up with 1% now?
I actually just took a small # and just threw it out there!
I should be more percise and say a 1% salt change I guess. Water added for top off is not concidered.
I just thought that very small, frequent changes will be more benificial and may not disturb my tanks natural cycle.
And now after reading the article above, I feel better about my decision.
It would be nice to know some day if my decision was the right one.


i know this is an old thread, but i thought it would be an interesting read for some of the newbies asking questions about everyone having different answers. this is a classic example why imo.
i tried to link it into a reply post but couldn't figure a way to do it. there is a thread in the new hobbyist section i wanted to link to. someone asked this same question.
i think this is a great thread, btw :D