Torch, frogspawn, or hammer?


Im fairly new to corals, I have a finger leather, a couple of candy canes, a small amount of GSP, and some xenia, and im looking for something a little more well, different.
I like all 3, there all the same basically right? Whats the easiest to keep? Which grows the fastest? Personal recommendation or experience - which one do I really want?
I have a 90 with a 26gal sump and a nova extreme t5 4 bulb fixture for lights.


they are all easy.
i guess if I HAD to choose. I would say frogspawn is the easiest, then hammer, then torch last...
but i don't think a torch isn't easy so... you can't really go wrong. they are all very similar.


It's all about personal preference, as you know! If it were my choice, I would get 1 of each as was said earlier, but if I had to choose only 1, it would be Frogspawn, preferably the pink w/ neon green tips! BUT, Frogspawn is my favorite LPS, followed by Hammer, then Torch, which I am not a big fan of the torch coral, as I would rather have the elegance coral, but again, that's just personal preference!


Active Member
look into pink/ purple tip green frogspawns or yellow Octo-frog spawns. and then take a look into flourescent yellow torches. anchor hammer is pretty cool too.
i have a ton metallic green hammer i can sell you :)


Originally Posted by saltn00b
look into pink/ purple tip green frogspawns or yellow Octo-frog spawns. and then take a look into flourescent yellow torches. anchor hammer is pretty cool too.
i have a ton metallic green hammer i can sell you :)
Those are all super cool! My metallic green wall hammer is probably the most fluorescent of all my coral!


Active Member
i can't keep torches in my tank. frogspawn and hammers do fine, and i agree with the above- they are easy. torches, for some reason, all get BJD(brown jelly disease) and die. not that i'm needing a torch, but i sure would like to know the reason for this.


Active Member
Pretty much all of them you can get in bright green, I have green with pink, brown with green/pink tips, and white octo frogspawns and light green and white hammers. Those orange torches are nice. Get all three!


Active Member

I say get em AALLLLLL
I have these all in a 40 breeder ,along wit ha ton of other stuff! I have never seen them "sting" or kill anything
I spot feed them just b/c its fun to watch them eat. Usually any frozen food , Rod's ,beef heart , mysis shrimp etc.. they do well for me under t5's and even under CFL!!! i know people will say I am crazy , but it worked well for me


I ended up getting a nice 2 head hammer last night. Pics to come as soon as the camera is charged enough for a few pictures.


Here it is! Not opened up quite as much as he was, but still looks happy and healthy I think!

I havent moved it around much to expirament, but typicly do they like higer flow or lower? High lighting right?


Active Member
nice, you have two heads starting to branch off from the bottom.
looks like you went with a variation of the metallic green hammer. that is actually a really nice green on that you found, mine is more of a mint green.
these corals are super hardy as long they dont fall into the sand for too long.
they can survive on fairly low light, but the higher the better. you have a 90 with T-5s, as long as the T-5s are inidividually reflected that coral is golden anywhere in your tank. feed it pretty much anything once a week or so to make it grow faster, and as long as the flow is not too strong and direct it will be happy anywhere.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mr_X
i can't keep torches in my tank. frogspawn and hammers do fine, and i agree with the above- they are easy. torches, for some reason, all get BJD(brown jelly disease) and die. not that i'm needing a torch, but i sure would like to know the reason for this.
Be wary of brown jelly disease: tissue loss accompanied by a brown, gelatinous mass of bacteria. This disease spreads quickly and often will overtake and kill an entire colony.
It is imperative to inspect your colony carefully for damage before purchasing it. It is also extremely important to avoid placing the coral in the tank where it may fall or be stung by other corals. Brown Jelly disease is often a secondary infection, taking advantage of a weakened or damaged coral. Avoid tissue damage at all costs. Some success with neomycin sulfate mixed with water and applied as a paste has been reported *note* antibiotics can affect filtration and water monitoring should be carried out.


Originally Posted by saltn00b
nice, you have two heads starting to branch off from the bottom.
looks like you went with a variation of the metallic green hammer. that is actually a really nice green on that you found, mine is more of a mint green.
these corals are super hardy as long they dont fall into the sand for too long.
they can survive on fairly low light, but the higher the better. you have a 90 with T-5s, as long as the T-5s are inidividually reflected that coral is golden anywhere in your tank. feed it pretty much anything once a week or so to make it grow faster, and as long as the flow is not too strong and direct it will be happy anywhere.
As good as that picture is, it still doesnt capture the color, espessially under the actinics. Its just like WOW, in your face, by far the brightest thing in the tank!
Until you said that I didnt even notice the 2 tiny heads at the bottom!
What would you recommend I feed it? This will be the first coral Ive ever fed. I have formula 1 & 2 pelet, ORAGlo pelet, formula 1 forzen, flake spiralina, and frozen misis. I also have a bottle of liquid stuff, its red and I just bought it and I dont think you could pay me to remember the name of it.


Active Member
you can make a little soup of some of that stuff and use a turkey baster to blast it into the coral. those heads are sticky and will catch even big things. start with the mysis though, that is a good meaty nutritious food. i make my own food that i feed with a turkey baster. you can find recipes on this site


Should I be feeding my trumpet/candy canes also?
I was thinking about getting the kent marine sea squirt, any one else used it? I have a deep tank and dont always feel like sticking my whole arm in there.


nwdyr's pics don't really do his justice, I bought a pink and a green from him a month or two ago and they look great! (This last week I have noticed the green is getting HUGE duding the day - I think I got him in a "Happy spot" finally in the tank

I agree though, I like frog followed close by hammer the best.