Trader Feedback


Active Member
Great job packaging, arrival was prompt. got more than I paid for. Unquestionably a great person to do bussiness with.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefkprZ
Great job packaging, arrival was prompt. got more than I paid for. Unquestionably a great person to do bussiness with.

Agreed and more

I bought a single frag from him and had it shipped via USPS. It was dying as it arrived and gone in about a day since the initial buyer backed out, leaving the frag to be sitting for longer than initially expected. To cover, he sent me FOUR frags (one sps and 3 zoas) via UPS. Awesome person to do business with. Highly recommended


Active Member
bought sps frags from this seller and im happy with the frags i got. great communication and the packaging was superb--came with a heat pad as well. thank you!!


Both great buyers and people, would do business with both again.....Thanks for being understanding GRabbitt, I like happy reefers


Active Member
Ok so back in October i sent him a lot of really nice red shrooms and some radio active dragon eye polyps... proably some more stuff but i don't remember...
he promised to send me stuff each week and nothing!!!! then later this month he tells me another excuse.. anyway, u can have as many excuses as ya want, but to send a package for 10$ and some shrooms back to me is not much at all... whatever your issues are, then u shouldn't trade...
and then you have the nerve to come back to the site a month or two ago and try and sell some of your corals... thank you so much

i waited way too long, still nothing and no communication, so keep my corals.. i shouldn't have to wait 5 months for a return, you could have saved a 1$ a month and you would have $$ for the shipping.
i also helped him with fragging and let him know how to and what not, what a fkn waste, o well
you win some and loose some, i'll keep this professional instead of insulting you.


If she's ever on here again, do not do business with her! I originally gave her a good review because she promised to fix everything. I ordered from her in July when it was 87 degrees...she did not ship until the beginning of August....refused to use an ice pack after I told her it was 99+ degrees....did not email me when she finally did ship even though she promised tracking info....all coral melted away within first day....she promised to re-send...avoided contact for months....then blamed work, personal problems and other reasons for not getting my emails and pm's...promised to send new corals again and again even giving me will not respond at all. It has been 5 months of lies!
When I told her the mods asked me to file a claim, she got mad!
Here are some quotes from Khaari...
Originally Posted by Khaari
DKSART, Great transaction, prompt payment
would do business with again

On August 6th......
Originally Posted by Khaari
I dont want to upset anyone by leaving them hanging with nothing to show for the money they paid. I know how it is to get stiffed by a seller when what they send doesnt make it. Work has got me pretty jammed up this week but I did manage to get your zoos fragged. I may not be able to mail them this week but if I dont I promise they will be out by monday at the latest. Again I am sorry they did not make it, at the very least if I cannot mail them this week it will give the frags more time to heal before being shipped out. I will also throw in a freebie morph for the long wait.
I asked her to wait a few weeks because of the extreme heat and she agreed. Without warning, she re-sent them. AGAIN without an ice pack and AGAIN without notice and, yes AGAIN they were melted and dying. Amazingly, one did survive after all of that. I was happy with that, but she still promised to re-ship replacements for the dead ones and some extras for all of my troubles. Then, no word until...
Originally Posted by Khaari

Re: zoas
I am very sorry I could not get back to you sooner. I had to leave town for a few days because of work. I'm sorry to hear the zoos didnt make it. I dont have anymore greens left but I can resend you the yellows and pinks and I will throw in another frag of zoos to replace the greens. Give me a day or two to get them fragged for you and I will mail them out. Again I'm sorry.
No communication for a month. Here's what Khaari said in September......
Originally Posted by Khaari
> > > > > Hiya, Just wanted to let you know I have not forgotten about you or the frags...I just today was able to get back online due to computer problems. I won't be able to get anything out this week due to work schedule conflicts but I can get them out first thing next week if thats ok. I lost all the information I had before so I will need your address again please.
> > Again sorry about the long wait.
This is what Khaari said on Oct. 30th.......
I am soooo sorry!!! I have not been able to get online due to issues at home. I do still have your zoos and I also have the greens. I just need to frag them and let them heal up before sending them out to you.
> > I will also be throwing in extras just for the time you have had to wait.
> > > Again I am so sorry to have kept you waiting for so long

This is when I told her the mods here on SWF asked me to file a dispute..........
Originally Posted by Khaari

November 17, 2007
Your coral was delivered in August via USPS priority mail. The items paid for were delivered as promised. No guarantee was given. Any additional promised coral was for replacement that I offered, not because I absolutely had to. Due to personal problems I have not been able to get any corals out in the mail, I am sorry you have had to wait so long but it was something I was going to do free of charge to you to replace corals that had absolutely no guarantee whatsoever. So you go right ahead and do what you feel you need to do. You already received the corals you paid for.
Nice, huh? She's right, there was no guarantee given. She just promised me countless times that she would replace the dead coral because it was her fault. She will not respond to email or pm's.


Active Member
I bought 3 yumas for $100 from wrestler12. After he shipped the yumas he emailed me saying that they should heal soon.... why on earth would he ship ricordeas that were just fragged?!!? I would have told him to wait until they completely healed... well to make a long story short a couple weeks later all the yumas died and he wont respond back to my PM asking him to refund my money.


Active Member
Originally Posted by DeMartini
I bought 3 yumas for $100 from wrestler12. After he shipped the yumas he emailed me saying that they should heal soon.... why on earth would he ship ricordeas that were just fragged?!!? I would have told him to wait until they completely healed... well to make a long story short a couple weeks later all the yumas died and he wont respond back to my PM asking him to refund my money.
That sucks, but if a couple weeks had gone by before you asked for your money back, well that just isn't done. Even Live aquaria only holds to a week if it is even that. Maybe you can gain some experiance from this and if something ever happens again like that ask for a refund right away. I believe that most sellers only give a few hour guarantee because they don't really know what the buyers system parameters are or acclimation methods. That is logical. I guess some of the bigger places like live aquaria can give such a long time guarantee because they buy at cheap prices and sell at 3-4 times, maybe even more, prices. To be honest if I got ricordias, especially yumas, that died 2 weeks after getting them I certainly couldn't hold the seller responsible. I have gotten yumas from LRS that didn't take in 2 weeks and that is just the way it is with yumas. Most do fine, but just sometimes they don't, for no reason.
But all in all, they shouldn't have been shipped just after fragging them, ESPECIALLY YUMAS.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Flricordia
That sucks, but if a couple weeks had gone by before you asked for your money back, well that just isn't done. Even Live aquaria only holds to a week if it is even that. Maybe you can gain some experiance from this and if something ever happens again like that ask for a refund right away. I believe that most sellers only give a few hour guarantee because they don't really know what the buyers system parameters are or acclimation methods. That is logical. I guess some of the bigger places like live aquaria can give such a long time guarantee because they buy at cheap prices and sell at 3-4 times, maybe even more, prices. To be honest if I got ricordias, especially yumas, that died 2 weeks after getting them I certainly couldn't hold the seller responsible. I have gotten yumas from LRS that didn't take in 2 weeks and that is just the way it is with yumas. Most do fine, but just sometimes they don't, for no reason.
But all in all, they shouldn't have been shipped just after fragging them, ESPECIALLY YUMAS.
actually I emailed him right after i got the yumas to tell him one looks almost dead and then a couple day after that I told him one of them died and that the others weren't looking very healthy. We kept in contact for a while because i told him that maybe one of them will make it, but when the last yuma died he stopped sending me pm's...I'm sorry but he should have told me he was sending me coral that he just fragged!!! I thought they were healthy before he shipped them because he never told me he had just fragged it. I have 2 tanks full yumas that are doing great, so I know what I'm doing.... it's just hard for an already stressed coral to survive being shipped 2 days...

matt b

Active Member
i bought a mated pair of maroon clowns from coraljunky and i just got them and everything went great and well packaged


Great guy, Great products, Great communication, and Great price. I would buy from him again and I would recomend doing business with him. Thanks Frank


Active Member
great guy to do conduct business with. very open and understanding to any complications that may arise in the progress (everything worked out just fine in the end). keep him in mind!!!!


Active Member
another great guy - just setting up his tank, give him some time, and he will be sure to return the favor.


Active Member
perfect, flawless, easy transaction. great communication. would definitely do business with again, except her tank it too small


Active Member
Originally Posted by Isistius
perfect, flawless, easy transaction. great communication. would definitely do business with again, except her tank it too small

hey now! Im representing the nano crowd! lol

Isistius was great to deal with, the corals I got are beautiful, and he even gave me more than what I paid for! I may even try to find room for some of your shrooms

Too bad you are breaking down that tank

Will definitely do business again
Of course... if I can fit anymore in my tank haah



Active Member
Thanks alot Joshd123, You are an excellent businessman and great corals. You definately did hook me up really well. Ill post pics as soon as they open up and everything and let ya see how i have em setup. I think it looks ok. Alot of them are already opening but i am turning the lights out now so ill have pics tomorrow. THANKS AGain. and We'll be doing business again soon.
Hope i can get some more frags from ya later this week of some different ones than what i got last night.

florida joe

Well-Known Member
My experience with Isistius

I had been in the market for a yellow tang for a while every thing I saw at the 3 lfs in my area were really not what I would call prime I then saw Isistius was tearing down his tank and had a tang for sale we talked and he assured me the tang was in excellent shape I went out on a limb and bought it not having bought a fish on line before I was a little skeptical as he informed me that he had never shipped a fish before well I must say the packaging was first rate the fish was triple bagged and it is about the best looking tang I have seen in a long I kind of wish he hand more fish to sell anyway let me say I am sure anything he has for sale in the future I will give a good long look as well as anyone else should all on line sales should be this good


Active Member
Originally Posted by DeMartini
I'm sorry but he should have told me he was sending me coral that he just fragged!!!
yes he should have. and you dont have to be sorry. sending fresh cuts IMO is beyond shady unless the person knows they are fresh cuts. if he told you in the beggining that they were unhealed frags then there would be no room to complain. expercting unhealed frags of anything to survive two days is unreal. possible but unreal to expect. no flow, no light, improper heating, minute water volume.... a protozoan or bacterial infection is almost gauranteed.
I would bet money on slimers like ric. fl, ric. yuma, brain, fungia, discosomas, rhodactis, or almost any other lps OR softie, that they wouldnt survive two days in a bag floating in a tank (after being fresh cut) let alone in transit.