Research these fish, they look amazing... However, they will eat everything in your tank. I don't just mean fish and snails and such, but it will also eat Rock, coral and everything else. These fish are the reason there is sand in the ocean. They eat coral and rock and poop out sand.
This fish also gets HUGE like 2 feet!
Harlequin sweetlips (probably wont eat coral, but will eat snails and crabs)
Harlequin tusk (probably wont eat coral, but will eat snails and crabs)
Emperor angel (NOT REEF SAFE)
Maroon clown pair (Awesome, tend to get aggressive with age, but known to spawn weekly in tanks.)
Blue jaw triggerfish (50-50, I had one, never touched anything)
Foxface rabbitfish (this fish will probably eat coral polyps, there is one kind that is reef safe, do not recall the exact name though)
Sailfin tang (awesome)
vetica, sans-serif; line-height: normal; text-align: -webkit-auto; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250); ">Blonde naso tang (big fish, probably shouldn't get the hippo if your getting this one, nasos get big)
Dogface puffer (not reef safe)
Stars and stripes puffer (another big fish, and also not reef safe)
Porcupine puffer (beautiful fish, not reef safe)
Hippo tang (would not get if you get naso)
Princess parrotfish (BELONGS IN THE OCEAN, unless you want to start selling sand.)
Pink face wrasse.(aggressive fish, will eat snails and crabs, etc.)
All the above mentions are from experiences and research. You take a risk with all fish, I have heard of clowns that have eaten corals. So everything is a toss up, however, there are guaranteed problems on this list for a reef tank.
Hope it helps, your list seems more tailored towards a FOWLR. Hope I didn't scare you off.
Heres a video of a parrotfish making sand.