troy's 29g biocube diary


Active Member
got more lr does the arrangement loog good got the rocks to lock into place prety good. i went to new lfs its sooo!! much beter!!! so much more lr so much more coral soo much more fish!!


Active Member
atleast someone likes it!! i want some star polyps at the store they were on a medium piece of lr like like 4 inches long and 2 inches tall any sugestions where to put it??


Active Member
thinking about 2 truepercs and a firefish. those pus my goby and corals would that be overstocked?? for now im keeping pc but i want sunpod soon i can have like star polyps and yelow polyps and some softies right


Active Member
its been about 3 weeks since i got first live rock im going to buy like 2 pepperment shrip i got some aptasias. then im gona buy powerhead and the cool star polyps they had there!


Active Member
yea i was looking at that when i was at the store it was like 40 dolars is that overpriced? also where do i put it?? my tests were a lil bad too i have a lill tiny bit of amonia less than 5 nitrate and like .1-.2 trite is the nitrite bad? i just started so i dont know much about trites and trates and what lvls are rly bad ( i know they should all be zero)


Active Member
i figured out what fish i want!! 2 true percs a firefish a mandarin later on. a cleanershrimp thats all i can think of


Active Member
i like those. i think ill get the pistol shrimp. but would he make friends with the goby like i heard about i read u should buy them together but i alrdy have goby would they form that realationship?