matt b
Active Member
Originally Posted by ClownFiSH11
nice....i think your corals are growing out a bit if you know what I mean...
, whats your plan for a stocklist on the 29?
Fish wise I have 2 false percs and one orange back wrasse. I plan on getting an anemone let it find a spot he likes make sure he dose not move and then just pretty much use this as a frag tank. I might buy some frags here and there to grow in there but other then that its just a holding tank for my frags befor I sell them
nice....i think your corals are growing out a bit if you know what I mean...

Fish wise I have 2 false percs and one orange back wrasse. I plan on getting an anemone let it find a spot he likes make sure he dose not move and then just pretty much use this as a frag tank. I might buy some frags here and there to grow in there but other then that its just a holding tank for my frags befor I sell them