trying a 75 AGAIN



LOVE that leather!!
OH... and I think your rics are ready to frag...

I have a 2 headed Aussie duncan that's growing some babies, but I have no "flat" surface to put it on, I have it put on a rock, facing forward... it seems happy there.
Do I need to eventually put it somewhere sitting straight up like yours is?

matt b

Active Member
Originally Posted by KAT74
LOVE that leather!!
OH... and I think your rics are ready to frag...

I have a 2 headed Aussie duncan that's growing some babies, but I have no "flat" surface to put it on, I have it put on a rock, facing forward... it seems happy there.
Do I need to eventually put it somewhere sitting straight up like yours is?
As long as its getting light and flow and it looks happy it should be fine. No fragging YET!
If you look at the rock that the leather on you can see it came with some free stuff


Originally Posted by MaTT B
As long as its getting light and flow and it looks happy it should be fine. No fragging YET!
If you look at the rock that the leather on you can see it came with some free stuff

See? This is where I have mine... it is kinda sideways... but yeah, eats like a pig and seems happy!

I saw the rock your leather came on, but you know me... I can't identify that thing!~

matt b

Active Member
Originally Posted by KAT74
See? This is where I have mine... it is kinda sideways... but yeah, eats like a pig and seems happy!

I saw the rock your leather came on, but you know me... I can't identify that thing!~

Ya that looks great. I am not sure what that is that came with the leather but I told the guy like I want THAT ONE! LOL
I am going to take some more pix cause stuff has opened a lil more

matt b

Active Member
CHANGE OF PLANS!!!! I am not turning the 29 into a frag tank. I am going to make it into a normal bare bottom reef. I am going to use extra base rock I have laying around and buy some LR for 15% off tomorrow. And I am going to have the 175 MH canopy soon


The thing with the leather and the green thing both look like favia. The one with the leather is dying hopefully it will make a come back under your care. The green could be acan also, I doubt it though. Tank looks great


Active Member
why aren't you doing a frag tank? I think you should do the bare bottom and have some egg crate and run it up the sides and have a small frag station on the top of the tank...Cuz where are you gonna put all your great frags

matt b

Active Member
Originally Posted by ClownFiSH11
why aren't you doing a frag tank? I think you should do the bare bottom and have some egg crate and run it up the sides and have a small frag station on the top of the tank...Cuz where are you gonna put all your great frags

Well there will still be all the bottom of the 29 to put frags and theres some room in the 75.

matt b

Active Member
Here it is PLEASE tell me the truth about what you think. And there is still PLENTY of room for frags in there.


matt b

Active Member
I think my cardinal is holding babies again. He is not eating and his mouth looks bigger then normal


Active Member
SweETT so are you gonna raise this batch? and also what light are you putting on your 29gallon? it looks like a good start..

matt b

Active Member
Originally Posted by ClownFiSH11
SweETT so are you gonna raise this batch? and also what light are you putting on your 29gallon? it looks like a good start..
If he is holding then I think I might try and raise them. I am going to put a 175 12k MH


Active Member
nice....i think your corals are growing out a bit if you know what I mean...
, whats your plan for a stocklist on the 29?


Active Member
175 Metal Haldie I believe he said... looking good to me. Just get ready to sell some frags! I got a few frags up on here for sale with a frag pack I ma up last night!