trying a 75 AGAIN


Active Member
Wonderful looking pics and excellent looking room, Wish i had a room entirely for fish. And awesome how you have a couch right in front of your fish tank.LOL. would be a nice room to go and relax and chill in. The frags look awesome also. Keep up the good work and hopefully within a couple years those frags will be show pieces

matt b

Active Member
Originally Posted by Blazin2k6
Wonderful looking pics and excellent looking room, Wish i had a room entirely for fish. And awesome how you have a couch right in front of your fish tank.LOL. would be a nice room to go and relax and chill in. The frags look awesome also. Keep up the good work and hopefully within a couple years those frags will be show pieces
Thanks! The room is not all for fish. I have a bearded dragon back there to
But the pic only shows half the room, There is a tv and sitting area on the other half. but ya its nice being able to go down there and chill. I just need to find a place to hind all my trash cans that I use for mixing SW and holding RODI water.


Wow! your tank is amazing! Soon I will be upgrading to a 75, and I hope mine is half as nice as yours. I skipped through some of the posts to look at pics haha, but what fish do you have in the tank? And you said you have 55 lbs of live rock? I love that piece of shelf rock you have! Its huge

matt b

Active Member
Thanks man! I started out with 55lbs and have taken a few pieces out now and then and added some so its baout 55 give or take. It is not solid rock so its not as heavy. Ya that big shelf in the middle is my fav. I can put frags there, clams, you name it it is just perfect. let me see if I can remember all my fish... 3 chromis, 2 clowns, a bleenie, lubbocks wrasse, 2 cardinals that are breeding like crazy, a baby cardianl that my pair had and the baby lived and is eating food now, green mandarin, so 11 fish, and I had a copperband but he died, And I had a anthia but I have not seen him in a few days I think he died and the CUC ate him? So I have only lost 2 fish, 2 clams, and maybe 3corals. And in the 29g I have a orange back wrasse and a maroon clown.

matt b

Active Member
I have been wanting to add cheato to my sump but I was worried it would get sucked up by one of my pumps cause I dont have any baffles. I was at the container store and they had this little bin thing for showers, You put your soap and stuff in it and it has holes on the bottom and sides and the top open so I zip tied a peice of egg crate to the top and put cheato in it. And my reutrn has a T that goes back into the sump cause my return pump is to powerful for my overflow so I used that to give the fuge some extra flow. And I added a clip on light. Pretty cheap and easy! Here are some pix of everything!


matt b

Active Member
Originally Posted by iyachtuxivm
Your bicolor doesnt bother your clams? Mine did and had to go. Unfortunatly it went in the bad way didnt like the move

Nope, The only thing that bothers my clams are my clowns... They try and host the derasa all the time but he will just close up real fast and scare them away.

matt b

Active Member
I got bored so I made two fragging station things with some flat base rock I had. I looked online and they charge 30 bucks for what I made. It was really easy, Just get a power drill get the right sized bit and drill and hole in the rock. The only tricky part was making sure the rock did not break in half when drilling a hole!



Originally Posted by MaTT B
Nope, The only thing that bothers my clams are my clowns... They try and host the derasa all the time but he will just close up real fast and scare them away.
My clown does that to my crocea too! Doesnt seem to bother the crocea anymore.
Nice frag holder thingy. I saw those on line too. I liked the idea.

matt b

Active Member
Originally Posted by iyachtuxivm
My clown does that to my crocea too! Doesnt seem to bother the crocea anymore.
Nice frag holder thingy. I saw those on line too. I liked the idea.
Thanks, Ya I worry about the clam smashing the clown