trying a 75 AGAIN


Active Member
wonderful looking pics, like those pink palys you got. they look great. Also that orange back wrasse is beautiful.

matt b

Active Member
Originally Posted by Blazin2k6
wonderful looking pics, like those pink palys you got. they look great. Also that orange back wrasse is beautiful.
Thanks! The orange back is such a BULLY!!! I also have a lubbock wrasse in the 75 and he is the bully of the 75. Every wrasse I have had is a BULLY
They dont bully to the point a fish dies but some times he will be in a bad mood and chase a fish that looks at him funny.

matt b

Active Member
I just ordered some stuff from here. I got some hermits/snails for the 29, pygmy angel for the 29 (I will just sell him if he nips), A ORA Pearlberry, And a mystery coral. Hope it will ship on monday. Last time I got a mystery coral it was ONE stalk of brown xenia
you better treat me right!!!


I really like the pearlberry cant wait til you get it. I want to see what comes in before I buy 1. I have a $15 credit and was thinking of using it .BTW hows the barebottom thing going any real issues?

matt b

Active Member
Originally Posted by iyachtuxivm
I really like the pearlberry cant wait til you get it. I want to see what comes in before I buy 1. I have a $15 credit and was thinking of using it .BTW hows the barebottom thing going any real issues?
Not one problem with the BB. Almost all the sand is gone just need to g et behind some of the rocks. My rics on that were on the sand LOVE being on the glass. My derasa did not like the glass so I moved him to a rock. Ya the pearlberry is a VERY nice coral. If you look on -- under SPS corals they have a whole thread about them.


Your ric rocks are sick.Did you buy them like that or buy rics and put them on there.Where did you get all them.

matt b

Active Member
Originally Posted by kholla12
Your ric rocks are sick.Did you buy them like that or buy rics and put them on there.Where did you get all them.
I get alot of them from Flricordia on here. He has amazing ones. I just get a few dif colored frags then glue them on one rock


I just got done reading through this entire thread and I must say great job man!!! Your tank looks awsome. You've really put alot of time and care into it. Keep up the good work!!

Not sure if I missed it but why did you go BB? Whats the pros and cons of doing it?


Originally Posted by MaTT B
I get alot of them from Flricordia on here. He has amazing ones. I just get a few dif colored frags then glue them on one rock
Thats what I did also but man it looks like you ordered a ton.Keep up the good work and amke sure you post a pic of the pearlberry.

matt b

Active Member
Originally Posted by yukon
I just got done reading through this entire thread and I must say great job man!!! Your tank looks awsome. You've really put alot of time and care into it. Keep up the good work!!

Not sure if I missed it but why did you go BB? Whats the pros and cons of doing it?

Thanks!! I mostly went BB cause I need alot of flow for all my SPS and I was sick of the sand flying around. And I really like the look of it. And food, fish poop, things like that get into the sand and make a mess but this way you can have alot of flow and the food and stuff cant get stuck in corners.

matt b

Active Member
Originally Posted by kholla12
Thats what I did also but man it looks like you ordered a ton.Keep up the good work and amke sure you post a pic of the pearlberry.
Thanks, I will take a pic of the pearlberry today. Right now it is the back of the tank and high up but I will try and get a good close up. I will take some other pix also cause I just (like no more then an hr ago) got a huge pack of zoas from Flricordia. I have not ordered to many. I get alot of stuff in trades from in town.


Active Member
Originally Posted by MaTT B
Thanks, I will take a pic of the pearlberry today. Right now it is the back of the tank and high up but I will try and get a good close up. I will take some other pix also cause I just (like no more then an hr ago) got a huge pack of zoas from Flricordia. I have not ordered to many. I get alot of stuff in trades from in town.
Nice Nice. now we need pics!