trying a 75 AGAIN


New Member
Well I'm impressed with the work you have done. I have made a large move and have been thinking of restarting my 35gal. hexagon tank. Before I did not have any live rock, coral, or reef items. Going through your messages and enjoing your pics I have been inspired. Finding a starting point is my next quest. Any ideas?

coral keeper

Active Member
Hey, how do you keep up with the calcium with all those sps, lps, and clams? Do you have a calcium reactor or do you just dose calcium? The tank looks very nice BTW.

matt b

Active Member
Originally Posted by Coral Keeper
Hey, how do you keep up with the calcium with all those sps, lps, and clams? Do you have a calcium reactor or do you just dose calcium? The tank looks very nice BTW.
I would NEVER get a cal reactor. You should not have one unless you have a 200+ tank. To much can go wrong. I just use a doser. It doses one ML a min and I have it on for 1hr a day. I use kent marine two part.

matt b

Active Member
Originally Posted by liacbl
Well I'm impressed with the work you have done. I have made a large move and have been thinking of restarting my 35gal. hexagon tank. Before I did not have any live rock, coral, or reef items. Going through your messages and enjoing your pics I have been inspired. Finding a starting point is my next quest. Any ideas?
Well a starting point would be... If your going reef then get a RODI unit, Fill the tank, add salt, Get a refractormeter to read your salt, Add rock, Add sand, Let it cycle, And then you start adding stuff!

coral keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by MaTT B
I would NEVER get a cal reactor. You should not have one unless you have a 200+ tank. To much can go wrong. I just use a doser. It doses one ML a min and I have it on for 1hr a day. I use kent marine two part.
Oh, ok. Thanks!

matt b

Active Member
Originally Posted by nallender
Matt, it's been awhile since I went thru ur entire thread.. what skimmer are u using? was it an Octopus?

I was using a octopus BH-300F. But then I setup a sump so I got a ASM G2. both worked great but the asm is ALOT better


Wait, did I miss something? In your last fts it looks like there is an anthia.. when did you add that, or am I seeing things? haha

matt b

Active Member
Originally Posted by regina13
I missed that
. I thought I was seeing things.

I guess its about time for another round of pictures. I will take some tonight or tomorrow. I switched the 29 AGAIN. I made it into a normal reef. I could not stand havng the ugly egg crate. The rocks I used are AMAZING. I will take pictures of that later also.

matt b

Active Member
Originally Posted by rebelprettyboy
sweet we'll be waiting! And have you ordered any Zoas yet?
I can not find a good place to get any. I have emailed a few places with no email back. maybe they think I am crazy for wanting that many

matt b

Active Member
What a few weeks! My doser failed! I did not have time to make RO water so I used tap and now I have an algae bloom. but everything is looking great. So its all back to normal. I am doing water changes every other day with RODI to get the algae to go away. The cardinal baby is doing GREAT. he eat normal food for the first time today! he is starting to swim with the big kids now. I am going to move him to the 29 soon cause mom and dad are picking on him. I changed the 29 from a frag tank to a normal reef. I used base rock and its AMAZING. Here are some bad pix.
