TX Reef's 54 Corner Diary.....


Active Member
whoa your new aquascaping looks really nice! Great job on the tank. Might have to have you come down to Midland and help me out lol j/k


Active Member
nice reworking of the rock. the shelves are a sweet way of making it work. i can't wait to see it stocked. keep it going tx

tx reef

Active Member
Well...nitrite is still at .1 so I have just a little longer to wait.
The anemone and 2 clownfish will go in first. 2 weeks later they will be followed by my lawnmower blenny. After another week (maybe 2) I will transfer all me SPS.......
Waiting really sucks....


Active Member
aaaaaahhhhhhhh......i hate waiting......i have a sunburst anthias waiting to go into my dt. almost 3 weeks in qt.......


Active Member
Originally Posted by TX Reef
Waiting really sucks....
You got that right! I'm so tempted to toss my new fish that's in QT into the DT. I mean he'd look so much better in that tank and I'm sure he'd be happier. He looks healthy enough. BUT no...........I'll wait, two weeks left.

tx reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by reefkprZ
What kind of corals are you planning to start with TX?

It is going to be all SPS.
I am moving my BTA and 2 clownfish in this weekend. After 2 weeks I will add my LMB and one of my monti caps.
After another couple of weeks (if everything is going well) I will add the rest of my sps. I just want to make sure the monti caps do well before I move my rare pieces over.....
Then I get to sell the other setup.......

tx reef

Active Member
Well, everything (except for nitrates) was at 0 so I did a 25% water change and have my 2 clownfish and their BTA acclimating.
I am so excited.......pics in just a little bit.

cadillac swang

Originally Posted by TX Reef
I think everyone puts something in their tank before they fill it up, whether it is a kid or a cat or some other poor sucker....
lol, not really i actually spanked anybody who got near it for the simple fact of thinking any thing not salt nor purified water, or the person paying for and maintaing it should even be in the vacenity of my tank :cheer:

tx reef

Active Member
The BTA has been in for about 15 min. Once it's foot is fully secured I will release the clowns. I don't want them harrassing the BTA until it is fully attached.
I will post pics after I put the clowns in... :happyfish

tx reef

Active Member
By the way, all the crud collects right in that cave so it is extremely easy to siphon out.....
I am really going to bed now.......

tx reef

Active Member
Everything still alive this morning.....

I had to change my schedule a little. I will have to put the SPS in before I can move my LMB in. I will have to pull out all the rock to catch him. So, in 2 weeks I will add a monti cap and if that does well for a week or so, I will add in everything else.
The clowns were easy to catch. They stayed out in the open even when I chased them around with a net. For some reason it doesn't occur to them that they could hide in the rock and I would not be able to get to them....


Active Member
Originally Posted by TX Reef
The clowns were easy to catch. They stayed out in the open even when I chased them around with a net. For some reason it doesn't occur to them that they could hide in the rock and I would not be able to get to them....

Gotta love it! too bad the LMB is tougher to catch but I cant wait to see it with some corals in it.