U-Tube Failure


Originally Posted by TurningTim
To answer your other question (that I didn't before). Yes you can place a pc of PVC inside the drain chamber and also use a durso or gurgle buster to make the drains quite. Do a search on durso, tons of info. Just make sure that no matter what you choose the drain pipe should be lower then the U-tube chamber.
Again I need work on the clarity!
Do they sell the gurgle buster in online stores and is it cheap?
Thanks again


Active Member
No you make one. Google it. But from what I understand if you have room a Durso is the way togo. I don't have room so I use the gurgle buster works pretty well and is easy to make. It's just a bunch of pvc parts.
Let me know if you can't find it and I'll shoot you e-mail.


Ok I think I have a small problem with my overflow box.The overflows bulkhead fitting is 1 1/2".Im reading this is preferred for aquariums larger than 300gallons.Should I put a smaller bulkhead or is the overflow box going to take out as much water as its being put back in? because I already bought the 1.5" pvc and all the unions from Hdepot and I dont have the receipt......Im an idiot


Active Member
Welcome to the wonderful world of plumbing your tank!!! LOL!!! What size tank and how much flow thru the sump? How much flow is the overflow rated for? I wouldn't think that you would need to change the b-head but just reduce the pvc coming from the drain, if needed.
Where's Squid when you need em'?


Originally Posted by TurningTim
Welcome to the wonderful world of plumbing your tank!!! LOL!!! What size tank and how much flow thru the sump? How much flow is the overflow rated for? I wouldn't think that you would need to change the b-head but just reduce the pvc coming from the drain, if needed.
Where's Squid when you need em'?
The DT is 20 gallons and the refugium is 10 gallons,the head is 3.5 ft. When I bought the overflow it said its rated 600 gph's, but in a thread by squidd he posted that a bulkhead of 1.5" is 1000-1500 gph's. I already bought the 1.5" pvc and fittings and I lost the receipt, but in the bottom near the refuge im going to put two 45 degree elbows to restrict flow and maybe ill just buy the via aqua model 1800 rated 480 gph's with a max head of 6 ft. Does it sound good?


Active Member
If you situate your return pump in the sump a few inches under normal water level even in the unlikely event that the U tub fails/loses siphon you return pump will only send a few gallons onto the floor before it starts sucking air.
In your own home first floor on ceramic tile, not a major disaster. About like knocking over a bucket of mop water.
Carpet in an apartment. Not good at all.
The most important thing to remember when being in this hobby is to say no to rugs. :joy:


Active Member
Let's back up a sec and do one section at a time...
The overflow...
You purchased an overflow (rated 600 gph).. AND you purchased all this 1 1/2" stuff (that you cant return..)
So ...How Much Flow do you want to get From SUMP RETURN...?
This will determing course of action on overflow...


Active Member
A quick glance a few threads back shows 20 DT and 10 Somp/fuge...
Is this correct...?
If so the 600gph will be more than enough to service your tank/sump...


Active Member
Now to pick a pump...
Again how much flow do you want from sump return...??
480gph to 500 gph "In Tank" will give you 24X turn over in DT, but 48X to 50X in sump.. :scared: Way Too Much..Let's see what your pump will do...
The Via Aqua when calced for head loss...will push 268 gph to tank...with 3/4" line...
So that would be a decent setup for sump/overflow/pump...at 13X turnover...
Additional flow will have to come from "In Tank Devices (powerheads, closed loop)...OR...
Get a bigger sump to handle the return flow from DT...... :thinking:


Originally Posted by Squidd
A quick glance a few threads back shows 20 DT and 10 Somp/fuge...
Is this correct...?
If so the 600gph will be more than enough to service your tank/sump...
Yup my DT is 20 and sump/fuge a 10.


Originally Posted by Squidd
Let's back up a sec and do one section at a time...
The overflow...
You purchased an overflow (rated 600 gph).. AND you purchased all this 1 1/2" stuff (that you cant return..)
So ...How Much Flow do you want to get From SUMP RETURN...?
This will determing course of action on overflow...
Yes I purchased an OF box rated 600 gph, and I bought all the 1 1/2" pvc to fit the bulkhead on the OF.I want the proper flow rate for my tank.


My real question is this:
1)Should I buy a bigger return pump rated 480 gph to handle my OF box rated 600 gph with the 1 1/2" piping, or is the pump rated 370 gph going to be fine?
2)Is it fine if I just put 1 1/2" vinyl tubing on the bulkhead of the OF box,or stick to pvc?


Active Member
Brolik, if your fuge or sump is below your DT you better get a much larger pump if your goal is to have between 500-600 gph through your fuge or sump. If so-how much height does your return line have to travel up, and how many 45's and 90's are in this line. Just to let you know I use a Via Aqua 3600 rated at 1100 gph at 0 feet, however it is doing around 550 gph I figure-considering it goes up 4 feet and travel through 2 45's and 3 90's.
Personally I would go with the PVC. Much more stable and much less margin for error.


OK, the head is 3.5 ft and im going to use vinyl tubing for the return line,and pvc for the drain into the sump/fuge.I figure I use a via aqua 1300 rated 370gph at 0 ft or maybe going one model up that does 470 gph. I just want the return pump and overflow box to be compatible with each other, i want proper flow going in and out of the DT and sump/fuge. My baffles are in place, im just waiting to buy the proper pump but I dont know which one I need.
1)Which via aqua pump do you recommend me using that will be compatible with my overflow with the info I gave you about the OF,and the head?


Active Member
And just checking, but you do realize the 1300 is rated around 200 gph at that height.