U-Tube Failure


Active Member
Yes, but the overflow probably has a 1" U tube....going to 3/4" U tube will speed up the available flow to push air
Ah, I think I see what you are saying. Instead of the overflow being capable of 600gph with the 1 inch, the 3/4 inch U-tube will cut it down between 400-500 I'm guessing.


So should I go with a 3/4" U tube in my OF box? My OF box has the two compartments with the gurgle buster in the drain side and sorry a bigger tank does not fit under the tank stand.
Im buying the model 1800 and putting a 3/4"MPT x 1" barbed end to use the 1" vinyl tubing and with the 3/4" U tube reducing the flow rate of the OF I should do fine?


Active Member
50X turnover in a fuge with Chaeto is too much? I currently have 30X in mine with Chaeto and I would like to get it to at least 40X. Not only is my chaeto in the overflow growing much faster than the chaeto in my fuge, but I also put some chaeto down between my first 2 bubble traps and it is also growing much faster and greener, in this "fast" water, than the chaeto in my actual fuge compartment with slower flow. The only thing I can deduce is chaeto grows much better with more flow?


Active Member
No, 30X or 40X is not too much in a properly sized tank/fuge/sump...
But in a 10 gallon, by the time you baffle for skimmer and overflow, reduce volume for "backwash" your only using "maybe" 6.5-7 gallons and in that 480 gph will just wash the bubbles thru...


So should I go with a 3/4" U tube in my OF box? My OF box has the two compartments with the gurgle buster in the drain side and sorry a bigger tank does not fit under the tank stand.
Im buying the model 1800 and putting a 3/4"MPT x 1" barbed end to use the 1" vinyl tubing and with the 3/4" U tube reducing the flow rate of the OF I should do fine?


Originally Posted by Squidd
Yep, I'm thinking so...
OK.Ima go ahead and do the mods.one more question, which check valve should I use to fit the 1" vinyl tubing for the return?


ok.What are the directions for this please?
I thank squidd and hurt for taking out their time to help a rookie out.


Active Member
Anti- Siphon..Just a small hole in the return pipeat or near water line...
When power goes out, hole will suck air and "break" siphon so no check valve is needed..


This is what im using to put on the return line over into the tank.Do I drill the hole above the desired water level or under the water level, and what size hole is good for my setup?


Active Member
1/4" or so Just below water line to eliminate splashing and bubbles, but near surface to lessen the ammount draining in powerout situation...


So how is it that the anti siphon hole works?When a power out the water left in the line it will drain thru the hole instead of a reverse flow.


Active Member
Just like if you get air in your overflow U tube...it "breaks" the siphon and stops the water flow...
On the return line, if the outlet is below the water line...if power goes out...flow "reverses" and backwashs to the sump...
Water level in main tank will drop to level of outlet draining tank and possibly flooding sump...
Having the Anti-siphon hole "higher" ..allows air into the return "U" section and breaks siphon...stopping waterflow right at A/S hole level..so no flood..


ok.one 2 more questions
1)How big should I drill the hole?
2)Drill the hole in the back or in front where its facing the front of the tank?