heres a couple of my algae blooming 15...just scrapped the front off. I had to put a short lamp on its side to get enough light back there to take the image. My cheap little crappy digital camera needs a lot of light. This one has a 6line wrasse m a Rainfords gobym a red banded hi fin goby,a tuxedo/pincushion urchin, a couple hermits and some various snails . A few corals as well 2 mushrooms a tree and a couple polyp types.
You can see the wiring air pumps timer and such all behind.
Heres my modified rena 5 gal hex recent algae bloom...pajama cardinal and a colored tube worm in there with a couple turbo's and a hermit. Need to add some little snails soon...
EDIT meh it didn't post the images....
EDIT: found the attachment button.... hope this works