Undecided voters?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Squidward
You're right I have the right to say what I want and I'm just pointing the obvious out about you. It's baffling that you would gladly re-elect bush if given a third term.
yes i would. because anyone in his position as president would have brought us to war. that's why people don't like him. I do because he did what had to be done, if we were attacked and not brought to war it would be like saying "here you win we give up" I don't know how your country runs.. but that's not how the big bad USA does it!


Active Member
Originally Posted by jeanheckle
I may not be Physchic but I think I see another thread getting closed.
yup that or someone will just purge the nonsense posts.. either way fine by me!
I have a tendency to call em like I see them.. a troll is a troll


Active Member

Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Obama's plan is Universal Health Care.. How many times do I have to actaully quote Obama's own webpage?
"The Obama-Biden plan provides affordable, accessible health care for all Americans...
It is affordable health coverage (insurance)...that people pay for...NOT FREE COVERAGE! if you currently have insurance than you keep it through your employer or private plan... It makes insurance available to everyone and for those with pre-existing conditions.... you have premiums.Stop making it sound as if you can simply walk into a hospital or physician's office and say I need to get treated and walk out...
Now for your plan ...explain the benefits of a $5000 credit that goes directly to insurance... the $7000 average tab that's left for families... so how many people are not going to be able to afford that.... also talk about the new tax, that is going to be taxed to businesses to cover this $5000. Tell me how your plan benefits the middle class american who is struggling with gas, food, utilities...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
Want to learn more about John McCain and what he is going to do with this economy?
While you are at it, pick up an issue of the rolling stones, the daily kos, and the huffington post, great place to get info.

Rylan no offense but it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what happened when the government interferes with the market. You don't have to look far to see what has happened with fanny and freddy, or Europe, and the extreems, cuba, USSR, North Korea, south america during the 80's and 90's and china. (for those who think china is this invincible jugger-naught they really aren't, they have small sectors of their economy where they have free trade and it literally is holding china's nose above water, their monetary system literally can collapse at any moment.)


Active Member
The government changing the law to allow people with poor debt to income ratios and lousy employment history to qualify for home loans is the root cause of this mess. That was the first domino to fall


Active Member
Originally Posted by Squidward
^ It's ok I understand how brainwashed you are. This might wake you up...I hope. http://www.zeitgeistmovie.com/
Not to get the thread off topic (but I guess I will) I just watched this and it is interesting. Some things I liked and don't like about it.
1) Very interesting insight into America's take over and exploitation of countries via capital hitman.
2) I agree that America and the world are being run by big corporations and in the grand scheme of things there isn't much difference between a Republican or Demorcrat in Oval Office.
3) The Venus Project thing towards the end is a little weird. I agree with them in that we should explore alternative energies like wind, solar, tidal, geothermal in order to become energy rich.
4) The weird thing about Venus Project is that if there is no monetary system and people don't have to work...then who is going to build and maintain the infrastructure?


Active Member
Originally Posted by SigmaChris
4) The weird thing about Venus Project is that if there is no monetary system and people don't have to work...then who is going to build and maintain the infrastructure?
The question socialism can't answer...