
veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
So you are OK with your union donating your money to political candidates you usually don't support?
If im going to be honest here....No ,not anymore happy than my government giving away all my tax dollars.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici
If im going to be honest here....No ,not anymore happy than my government giving away all my tax dollars.
lol don't worry they've already spend your tax dollars, all this is stuff they just printed...

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by Scopus Tang
Veni, I have to disagree with you on this one - Wyoming is the "right to work state" - meaning that everyone has the right to work at any job, union or not and union member or not - and they do. Now I wouldn't say that it works perfect, but I could give you example after example; from coal mines to schools were union members work along side nonunion members day in and day out. Also, in many large companies (take UPS for example), the laborers are union, while the administration "bosses if you will" are all nonunion.
I think school teachers are probably more civil that building trades people coal miners im not so sure about.lol
I see different unions fighting all the time.Recently i saw a bricklayer beat the snot out of a roofer because he urinated on him from off the roof although i doubt that would be stricktly a union response. It might work Scopus there in Wyoming but i think probably not here, just because the unions are embedded so deeply into the communities around Chicago land.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici
I dont believe everyone has to belong.But there is no way Union and non can work side buy side.It would at the very least cause strife between employees vs employees, employees vs employers for a number of reasons.
Depends on the state.
Its been a couple years since I had my anti-union training, but a lot of the states down south are "open-shop", where you aren't required to join the union. That's why the foreign manufacturers are setting up shop there.
Most of the NE and MW states are "closed shop", where the union is like roaches, once they're in, the only way to get rid of them is to move, or burn the house down.


Active Member
Why is it when Independent contractors negotiate and sign their contract, it's a SUPER GREAT idea... However, when it's a collective bargaining contract, it's considered evil.


Active Member
Originally Posted by gmann1139
Its been a couple years since I had my anti-union training, but a lot of the states down south are "open-shop", where you aren't required to join the union. That's why the foreign manufacturers are setting up shop there.
hmmm I wonder why...


Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1
Perhaps, 1.5 billion in subsidies from the southern states to undermine the American worker in the USA OWNED car industry....
lol so lowering their costs (like tax cuts) do attract more industry... What a strange concept...
And what you don't think "the american worker" works in those factories? Only union ones? Come on.
The only problem with this argument, is that most of the time, it comes in the form of tax breaks. And well it isn't the government's money to begin with...
But if you are referring to that senator from bama, yeah he is bought off...


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
And what you don't think "the american worker" works in those factories? Only union ones? Come on.
...And well it isn't the government's money to begin with...
You shortened the quote!
"The American worker in the USA OWNED car industry"
It's isn't a foreign owned companies money, no way, no how!


Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1
Perhaps, 1.5 billion in subsidies from the southern states to undermine the American worker in the USA OWNED car industry....
many states give incentives to get businesses there. michigan puts out comercials about how they give incentives to green companies.


Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1
Fed didn't do anything, that was the states....
Thinking about tax cuts in general. But the SAME QUESTION still applies, the state and local governments didn't do a dang thing to generate the money.


Active Member
Originally Posted by chilwil84
many states give incentives to get businesses there. michigan puts out comercials about how they give incentives to green companies.
I didn't know that - They're airing in Japan and China?
Good to know, we need to sell out more of the USA to foreign investors, you know we are to stupid to compete on our own. International sell-out...

This was Sarcasm - stdreb27 would know, just wanted to let you know, if it wasn't immediately apparent...


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
Thinking about tax cuts in general. But the SAME QUESTION still applies, the state and local governments didn't do a dang thing to generate the money.
Why do we want to give tax breaks to Foreign companies ?-- I will guest right away, you think that is GREAT.
Then you must think giving American owned Automakers a free ride too, is great...
Hopefully Bush will push through the bail-out and if does go through and the Automakers still fail we can blame him. If it works we can give Obama credit for it, since it will take some time to see it be successful!!!! You with me on this?


Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1
Why do we want to give tax breaks to Foreign companies ?-- I will guest right away, you think that is GREAT.
Then you must think giving American owned Automakers a free ride too, is great...
Hopefully Bush will push through the bail-out and if does go through and the Automakers still fail we can blame him. If it works we can give Obama credit for it, since it will take sometime to see it be successful!!!! You with me on this?

i'm all for giving the big 3 tax cuts. (or anyone for that matter) Surely you've figured that out by now.