Yea kid, yer ignorance is going to be the death of this creature. I mean seriously..a shark in a 50 gallon tank? And with shrimp too. Yikes. Now, do u actually listen to people, or are you on this site for the whole point of getting atterntion. I mean, your not really impressing anyone with this shark on this site if that was your plan, and im sure your friends (lol) enjoy it, but there comes a time when a person must realize that their own greed should not matter more than the life of an animal. Of course, you have been warned many times b4 as I have seen, and I;ve seen u blatantly disregard everything that people have told you. Now I'm sure that you will just go ahead and ignore this post like it is nothing, pretend you didnt see it. But just remember that a shark does not belong in such a small tank, it is a shark for the sake of watever god u believe in. Sharks arent meant to live in a small cube of water. Is your tank 4 feet long? Cuz that shark will be half the size of your tank in a short period of time, and then what? You gonna say that hes doing fine, eating well, impressing your friends? This little game is gonna go a little too far, but im gonna try to get trhough to you. And if I dont, Ill be happily awaiting the post that declares you shark is belly up with a red belly and decompsoing eyes. I will mourn the shark, but cherish your impending guilt and sadness. Have a nice life