Update: my shark egg


I bet he dont even have any friends...hes just telling everyone in skool that he has a shark so he might MAKE some friends


Active Member
Seriously I can tell the shark is just fine, being healthy and such, and im not keeping it to "show off to my friends" I seriously understand what I am doing and it isnt ignorant. At the very first sign of it being unhealthy or getting to big or what not I will get rid of him. seriously he is fine, I love animals and I wouldnt do anything to endanger his life. trust me. please respect my decision to keep him.


Which is exactly why u hatched a shark egg in an extremely small tank knowing it will definitely outgrow it within an extremely short amount of time and ultimately die of disease and anxiety of being penned up in a small cube with nowehre to turn you sick B@#$!@D


Active Member
Please respect these animals enough NOT to keep him. You do not have a suitable environment to even HATCH one, let alone raise it. You stated that you will give it up WHEN it shows signs of stress and being unhealthy. That is WAAAAAAAAAY too late. Im pleading with you AGAIN- please find another home for this animal.


Active Member
Sharks are a delicate species that only an advanced hobbyist should keep. By the time that shark shows signs of stress it will probably be too late to transfer it. The idea is to transfer before stress sets in not after. It will soon fell like a wild bird in a small cage.


Active Member
Imagine being in a room that is just deep enought for you to turn around...you walk one or two paces and you hit a wall. You turn around walk a couple paces and hit another wall. Would you like this day in and day out? Neither does your shark. :mad:


i mean do u want your shark to look like this in your tank:
or do u want him to look like this in someones tank that can provide the care he needs: :happyfish :joy:


Active Member
Hmmm..Smoney was going to post a pic..I would like to see a pic of that shark as I believe it is probably dead by now due to stress. Perhaps it never existed in the first place. You said you were going to post a pic...where is it?


Hmmm..Smoney was going to post a pic..I would like to see a pic of that shark as I believe it is probably dead by now due to stress. Perhaps it never existed in the first place. You said you were going to post a pic...where is it?
Anyone can post a pic, it doesn't mean it is really his. A search on any of the boards or google and you can have a pic. SMoney is a joke. I have read his posts many times and just laugh. I love where he forgot what ammonia, ph, nitrites, and nitrates levels should be. Here is that post. https://www.saltwaterfish.com/vb/show...ghlight=FORGOT
How can anyone with a shark, reef tank and whatnot not remember the levels for the most essential tests?


Active Member
I was not explicit enough..pic should be far back enough to include the 50 tank...not some close up. The shark never existed or is dead by now.......Of course, a pic of the TANK with shark would prove me wrong. At least it will prove it was there at one time. Ot, there is another person with pic on the net that kept and/or keeps a shark in a 50.


New Member
R U nuts??!?! HAHAH. you cant keep a shark in a 55g.... ITS A SHARK!!!. if you keep this shark more than a month, mad props. NOT gunna happen though. he might seem fine, but ur going to wake up one morning and hes gunna be sitting their lifeless. you might be able to keep him for a lil while 2 weeks tops, so start looking for a new home for him.