First, I took a deep breath.
You have no right to tell me what I need to do with my child. Period. He is well aware of what a testicle is, we live on a ranch. It is a fact of life.
However, your "testicle" coral comments had no relevance to the post. This was someone, a newcomer, with a question about their possibly sick coral. If you and wifey want to have your little joke on your thread, hats off to you both.
Frankly, I see nothing, testicle like about a bubble coral and don't really see the need to yuck it up everytime a bubble coral is shown. Talk about immature.
Also having no relevance to the post was your attack on me personally. You don't know me. Your little name calling and posturing has gotten a little old with me and is perhaps the reason I took more offense to your post than if someone who didn't have a stick up their butt posted it.
As far as Darth. I don't really know him, as I usually avoid the political threads, I don't have much contact but I did find his little tag lines amusing over the years. He was a part of the "village" around here for a long time. Love him, hate him, it's irrelevant, he was a fixture and will be missed.