**updated** 600 Gallon Pics (first fish)


everything (tank, stand, rock, accessories, lights, ect.) has come up to $30,000. And it seems that i wind up spending 100-200 every weekend on corals, fish, ect.


Oh be still my heart! It's beautiful now, just think what it will look like a month from now, 6 months from now.....
breathtaking! It will be a joy to watch your progress!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Frank2005
everything (tank, stand, rock, accessories, lights, ect.) has come up to $30,000. And it seems that i wind up spending 100-200 every weekend on corals, fish, ect.

OK, well all I need to do is sell my husband's Infiniti and I'm set.

Well..............I guess I need to live my dream through you. Be sure to post lots of pics as it progresses. I already saved the picture of the whole tank on my computer.
My brother is building a 6800 sq. ft. house, so I should show him this picture. It's just him and his wife so he has lots of rooms to fill.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Frank2005
everything (tank, stand, rock, accessories, lights, ect.) has come up to $30,000. And it seems that i wind up spending 100-200 every weekend on corals, fish, ect.

yikes....what a price tag. I'm excited about this tank. When it's all done you can go snorkeling in it!

royal gang

Active Member
..come now people, it's not THAT big, bigger than our tanks but 600 gallons is a little bit..sorta :notsure:


Hey Frank
I have been waiting for you to post pictures becasue I remember when you first posted during the building stage..........WOW I yelled at my wife to come take a look at it because the last time I showed it to her while you buliding it she said that if I build it I will have to live in it. I said sure

VERY VERY NICE all I want is to upgrade form my 90 to a 125 or 210 now you got me thinging again of course BIGGER BABY

royal gang

Active Member
Originally Posted by emilytompkins
Are you by any chance related to Bill Gates?
adam, eve >=( and also moses was only one on earth with HIS FAMILY, lol i mean Noah


Active Member
Holy Crap! ... for that price I could build the great barrier reef and stock it with mermaids.
Another reason to DIY.


Im trying to remember the name of that clam. Is it a tridacna crocea? If so do they get bigger? I have it in the rocks right now because thats what the lfs said to keep it but i really wanted to put it on my sand. Anyone have any tips or preferences?


OH MY SWEET JEBUS!!! I remember when you first got this tank Frank... and then the construction stuff... that was when I was on my little nano tank... I've moved up since buying a house... hope to see more shots!! And how about putting some fish in there for cripes sake!!


Active Member
After seeing your cleaner shrimp I started thinking, "can't imagine how much of a clean up crew you need for that thing!" :scared: Pictures are going to be AMAZING 6 months from now! Can't wait!!!! :cheer: Oh, I want to see pictures of your sump.

Well, have to go and get to work on my 125 NANO tank.


I don't think your tank is big enough for those hippos! J/K Very nice, cant wait to see what it looks like in six months to a year. Good Job, and keep us posted.