**updated** 600 Gallon Pics (first fish)


would number four on the pictures i need to identify be a Yellow Fiji Leather Coral and would number two be a Spaghetti Finger Leather Coral


Active Member
Getting ready to go there and look.
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i know this is a little bit early but i figured id ask anyhow. How do you guys figure out total gallons of a tank? In about 8-10 years ill be moving and building my dream house (about 10,000 sq feet) and theres a sitting room on the bottom floor/basement and the wall is about 20' long and there is a giant unfinished basement behind it. So i was planning on putting a 20' tank behind the wall to the sitting room (frame it out so from the sitting room you only see the glass) thats also about 3' high and about 4' deep. Just trying to figure out volume of that tank. Id like to know now because within the next couple of years I'm going to start contacting people to help me build this tank. Gonna have everything so its automated and everything.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Frank2005
i know this is a little bit early but i figured id ask anyhow. How do you guys figure out total gallons of a tank? In about 8-10 years ill be moving and building my dream house (about 10,000 sq feet) and theres a sitting room on the bottom floor/basement and the wall is about 20' long and there is a giant unfinished basement behind it. So i was planning on putting a 20' tank behind the wall to the sitting room (frame it out so from the sitting room you only see the glass) thats also about 3' high and about 4' deep. Just trying to figure out volume of that tank. Id like to know now because within the next couple of years I'm going to start contacting people to help me build this tank. Gonna have everything so its automated and everything.
In inches using inside measurements:
Length X width X height x .00432900431 = Gallons
240x36x48 = 1795 gallons for a 20' x 4' x 3' tank.


Active Member
Frank, your tank is looking good. :cheer:
My hubby went out right now to get some paint for the stand (inside). Tomorrow he's buying the panels to attach to the frame. I added RO water to my QT and will add the salt as soon as it arrives (any day now). So things are getting closer.
If I'm lucky I can bring the tank in the house by Saturday.