Updates on new SW tank


Glad to hear the alvipora is doing better! The more I read, the more it appears that these critters tend to act strange for a few days when they're in a new environment.
This afternoon, I checked out a new LFS, and got carried away. I ended up buying some macro algae, which I put in the sump area where the bioballs and ceramic rings were (I removed them), an interestingly shaped 2-pound piece of Kaelini live rock, and two single mushroom polyps for $5 each.
All was well at first. The 'shrooms looked very happy when I first introduced them into the aquarium (see picture). Then, like a dope, I couldn't leave well enough alone and decided to move them to improve the aquascape. Now the hairy one still looks OK, but it seems a lot more active -- sorta pulsing a little and lifting its edges, almost like it's being lifted by a current. Could it be detaching from the rock from stress? Is this normal behavior??? Any and all info would be much appreciated. TIA!


Well Di that looks very good. That shroom has a really nice color to it.
I'm not sure about the detaching or reasoning...but the guy at our LFS scolded me for not leaving things alone...hehe.
He said to give them a few days between moves if/when they don't look happy to give them a chance to like or dislike where they are.


Active Member
here is most of my fish. i also have a small male tomato clown but you cant really see him in the pic. this is the only group pic i have


Active Member
thanks divingdi!
this is my first tank, but i bought it as a complete setup from a lady who had had it going for about 7 years. ive had it for about 3 months. its going good so far.
this is my first tank and i am hoping to start a cube soon.


Hey everyone,
So sorry for the delay, but things around here have been busy, busy.
I wanted to give a quick update...the tank is doing very well. We had placed some culearpa, about three strands in for some coverage, and WOW did it take off.....we harvested about 1/2 a bag today and took to our LFS for some credit.
We bought a small clam and our first clown today!! He's so cute...we named him O.J. for the orange color.
The Mrs. says he's lonely so she wants to get another one for him to play with.....hehehe
Anyway, just wanted to peek in and say hi


Well, great minds must think alike, Woody. I got my first clam earlier this week! It's a small purple/blue Maxima, and I just couldn't resist it.
I also got a mate for my little false percula clown. Nemo (natch -- with a 3-year-old grandson, he couldn't have any other name) did not seem happy. He kept swimming up and down the glass like he wanted to get out or find something. So I considered options to make him happier.
The first idea, of course, was an anemone, but neither I nor my tank is ready for that. Besides, I understand anemones live up to 100 years in the wild, but only a max of 2-3 in hobbyist tanks, so I didn't feel good about that. Then I considered getting a coral that the clown would like, but learned that as they get larger, the fish can be very hard on the coral. So I abandoned that option. That left trying to get him a mate. So I went back to the LFS where I bought Nemo and carefully selected a mate.
She was gorgeous! Just slightly larger than Nemo so she'd be sure to become the female, it was love at first sight! Her name is Nautie (short for Nautilus -- get it? Nemo & Nautilus?). They're really cute together, and act like they're king and queen of the reef!
I also picked up some frags from a man who lives near me, so my aquarium is finally developing some color. Here's a picture:


Hi Everyone

I just wanted to thank Woody and everyone else for such a great thread. I am getting my stuff together now for my first adventure with salt water.
So far I have a 45 gallon tank (tall), Sealife Systems pro75 wet/dry filter with protein skimmer, 192 watt Coralife hood with actinic/10,000k lamps and two 3/4 watt moonglow led lamps, Mag-Drive 350 pump, Rio 600 PH, and 2 Visi-Therm heaters for the sump.
I'm still waiting for my RO filter system to come in and then I will be ready to put it together and let the fun begin! I'm officially addicted!
Qucik question...Has anyone ever bought the live rock from this site before? The prices look decent.
Thanks Again,


New Member
Hi everyone,
First I want to say thanks to everyone on the boards for all their great information. I started my first saltwater tank about a month ago and am finally posting some pictures and info about my tank to see what you guys think. Thanks a lot and here is what I have.
29gallon tank
55-60 lbs of Live rock
30lbs of live sand
Current USA Orbit Lighting system
1(64w) daylight 1(64w) antic and 1 moonlight
fluval 204 with all the media...might take out the ceramic rings?
100 gallon rated Red Sea skimmer
2 heaters
Water Parameters
Calcium-500 ppm
Salinity 1.024
1 domino Damsel
1 Lawnmower Blenny
7-10 turbo snails
5 Nassarius Snails
7-10 Scarlet hermit Crabs
7-10 Blue leg hermits
2 Emerald Crabs
1 Coral Branded Shrimp
2 Peppermint Shrimp
1 Brittle Star
I also have a few questions about other things that I can add to my tank. I would like to have 2 Maroon Clownfish and maybe a tang but I’m not sure yet. I was also wondering what type of Corals that I could add to my tank. As you can tell from the pictures I am having a small alge problem and I thought that the Blenny would take care of it and it has helped but I was wondering if I should add more crabs or snails. I was also wondering if I could have a clam also, or do I need more light for them. Sorry for all the questions but I'd rather ask then guess. Thanks a lot and here are a few pictures of the tank as of now.


New Member
:mad: :mad: :mad:
I'll try to post the rest of my pictures later. It stoped letting me add them so I'll try tomorrow mornig. Thanks a lot for all of your help.


New Member
Thanks for the information. i went to my local LFS and got a bubble Anemone and a small clown fish and both are doing great but I came in tonight and my domino damsel was resting in it not the clown fish. The Damsel is fine but do they do that a lot, live in anemones, I thought only clownfish did that? Hope someone will have an answer. Thanks!



Originally posted by beef2
Thanks for the information. i went to my local LFS and got a bubble Anemone and a small clown fish and both are doing great but I came in tonight and my domino damsel was resting in it not the clown fish. The Damsel is fine but do they do that a lot, live in anemones, I thought only clownfish did that? Hope someone will have an answer. Thanks!

Actually, clownfish and damsels are in the same family, Pomacentridae
, but most people think of them as separate. Several of the damsels, including the Domino or Three-Spot Damsel will also set up housekeeping with an anemone. I don't know why we don't hear of this more than we do these days. My suspicion is that the Disneyfication of clowns living in anemones overshadowed other fish/anemone relationships.


New Member
Thanks for the information but I have some sad news. My anenome died last night and got sucked into my filter strainer so now i am going back to the store to see what they can do for me. But thanks for the information and hope everyone's tanks are doing well.



Originally posted by beef2
Thanks for the information but I have some sad news. My anenome died last night and got sucked into my filter strainer so now i am going back to the store to see what they can do for me. But thanks for the information and hope everyone's tanks are doing well.

Sorry to hear that, Beef. It's always sad to lose an animal. Do please let us know how it goes at your lfs!