

False perc (nemo)...lol...I think...I know they are percs...probably false, and not true....Isn't that right? They are either true percs or false percs?


False percs are ocellaris. are the bands between the white and orange very thin or thick? Sometimes you can tell by the eyes, percs have clear orange eyes ocellaris's are kind of muddy looking.
False perc/Ocellaris


Yeah, looks like an ocellaris. Pretty fish, I have been really happy with mine. It took mine over a year to figure out what the anemone was for but now they hardly leave them,they have so many to choose from. They are the ones that are spawning too. I fee bad I just threw out their last batch of eggs, had to didn't want the extra bioload in my bucket when they all died. Boo hoo.


Originally Posted by florida joe
Just a suggestion instead of have two individual rock formations you might want to consider bridging across the top and making one formation
That is something I am still not happy with. Left side is getting a redo. What you say makes a lot of sense because the light is most intense in the middle. I have to study this more. This is the worst part, I am never satisfied with my rockwork. I appreciate the input.


Ok, the tank has cycled. Amonia peaked on Thursday, .50, yeaterday it was and still is at 0. I e-mailed this question to crew@wetwebmedia, gave very detailed information. I just wanted an opinion. "When should I start adding fish and anemones." I plan on going very slowly, 1 fish (first) at a time. I will check to see if I get a mini cycle along the way. The answer they gave me was suprising, they said to go ahead and add everything. I am very concerned, not so much for the fish but for the anemones. I definately will not add everything at once, feeling a little uneasy right about now. Should I start adding fish now or should I wait a little longer?? Does anyone have experience with similar a situation? I am usually more dicisive than this. I guess I am just looking for advice I can trust, what is the best way to proceed.


Yeah, tank is finally ready for the first anemones to be added. My clowns went in a couple days ago and she has been taking out her frustrations on her mate. Now she is looking very happy. In a couple days if all goes well I'll add more. I am very happy so far, was a you know what to remove these from their rocks but I managed pretty well on my own.



I don't think anyone even reads this but I will keep posting.

Next wave of anemones going in or shall I say comming off.
another rbta~

next the gbta~


novahobbies and meowzer, thank you for checking out my thread and commenting, haven't gotten a comment in so long was getting lonley here.
I have been removing so many anemones myself lately even I am shocked at how good I'm getting at it. They have a weak sting, the skin on your palms is too thick to be penetrated. I have gotten stung on my forearm by reaching past one in my rubbermade bucket. It happened so fast, wanted to kick myself.
Tiny raised little red bumps that burned for just a little while, taking forever to go away.
I have several more rbta's to go and I have a large order for mini carpets going out monday (17) that I will be removing myself too, bone cutters come in handy for these. I may enlist help cutting if I hit a hard spot, I wish I had stronger hands LOL. I will post a photo of the newly added bta's later.


A couple more, these are the little tiny rbtas that are starting to bleach a little. They should color up under the better lighting in this tank, these were a pistol to get off the rocks due to their size~

And a not so happy ocellaris, I must have been disturbing her beauty sleep~