US Navy Directive 16134


Active Member
Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici
Are you offended and ashamed when those same soldiers are killing enemies of the USA ?Are you offended or ashamed when our air force blows up a building and causing civilian casualties?Does the sight of blood offend you?They are there under attack daily ,loosing fellow soldiers on a daily basis.I dont care what kind of shirt they wear under their kevlar body armor.I dont care who they offend and i dont think they do either.If it makes them laugh im all for it.
Empathy my a$$
BTW this isnt about the Irish or Japan.We arent at war with either.
You don't care who they offend huh? It's people like you who make Americans look bad, we are there to help these people as much as we are there for our own national security. What good does it do us to offend an entire region of people by being ignorant rednecks who are slamming their beliefs and making fun of killing them by wearing shirts that mock it. This makes us all look bad, the US should set the standard for the rest of the world to follow and being eejits doesn't do it.
Also, what does the first part of your post have to do with anything?

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmic
You don't care who they offend huh? It's people like yoku who make Americans look bad,
Its people like you who make our country weaker.
Originally Posted by Jmic
What good does it do us to offend an entire region of people by being ignorant rednecks who are slamming their beliefs and making fun of killing them by wearing shirts that mock it.
It really doesnt matter what we do.If we give them aid,they curse us.If we defend them they want us gone.If we live they want us dead......
Originally Posted by Jmic

This makes us all look bad, the US should set the standard for the rest of the world to follow and being eejits doesn't do it.
A nation divided is what makes us look bad,it also shows our lack of resolve and our weakness.


Active Member
Based off of some of your other posts and this post it's clear you don't see other people as being equal to you and that's a shame. Everyone deserves respect, not everyone in the middle east is our enemy...I'm not sure if you are able to comprehend this notion. Ridiculing people and mocking them doesn't make us strong, I'm not sure where you picked this up?
Just keep lumping everyone of the region into one category and you'll have little to think about, which might be a good thing for ya.


Originally Posted by Jerthunter
Plenty of Irish folks were offended by the NINA signs even if they didn't care about the 'patty wagons'. Just a thought...
Everything offends someone, Im Irish and the neither one bothers me. It's just that there are more important things for me to worry about then being offended by terms like "patty wagon".

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
Based off of some of your other posts and this post it's clear you don't see other people as being equal to you and that's a shame.
Well i can tell you this,your accusation is incorrect and its Insulting.
Originally Posted by Jmick
Everyone deserves respect, not everyone in the middle east is our enemy...I'm not sure if you are able to comprehend this notion.
I have never stated everyone in the Middle East is our enemy,i would say a majority of the Middle East is.
Why dont you enlighten me and tell me who isnt our enemy,the list will be shorter this way.
Originally Posted by Jmick
Ridiculing people and mocking them doesn't make us strong, I'm not sure where you picked this up?
No it dosent,but if its a moral booster for our troops then so be it.
Originally Posted by Jmick

Just keep lumping everyone of the region into one category and you'll have little to think about, which might be a good thing for ya.
Whos lumping people together?
Originally Posted by Jmick

Agreed, nothing wrong with being bigots and racists...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jovial
Everything offends someone, Im Irish and the neither one bothers me. It's just that there are more important things for me to worry about then being offended by terms like "patty wagon".
Yes, I agree. However not every offensive comment or slogan or behavior is equal. A rude name is one thing, wearing a shirt that ridicules an entire group of people is slightly different. I personally don't think this is about being PC. If we are in another country representing the U.S. it seems like it should be common sense not to purposfully go out and offend the locals.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by Jerthunter
Yes, I agree. However not every offensive comment or slogan or behavior is equal. A rude name is one thing, wearing a shirt that ridicules an entire group of people is slightly different. I personally don't think this is about being PC. If we are in another country representing the U.S. it seems like it should be common sense not to purposfully go out and offend the locals.
Is burning the American Flag offensive to you.? Its true we are in another country.But i wouldnt describe it as "Representing".We are a occupying force at war. We can be friends later after the job is done.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici
Is burning the American Flag offensive to you.? Its true we are in another country.But i wouldnt describe it as "Representing".We are a occupying force at war. We can be friends later after the job is done.
I don't know, it might offend me slightly if done near my home. I suppose if members of a foreign armed force came here and burned flags on their off time it would be a bigger deal.
Second, who said it was people in Iraq or Afganistian? There are several middle eastern countries that LET the US have bases there. Like Bahrain, or Qatar. Is it ok to offend the locals there because we are fighting in other countries?

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by Jerthunter
Second, who said it was people in Iraq or Afganistian? There are several middle eastern countries that LET the US have bases there. Like Bahrain, or Qatar. Is it ok to offend the locals there because we are fighting in other countries?
Honestly Jerth,
I see your point,but ask yourself this.Is it because they are friends? Just like the Saudis.


Active Member
They are always your friends when you have money...
Even if someone isn't my friend, I do not see the need to purposefully go out of my way to offend them. That is just counter productive. We don't want more people hating Americans, we already have enough.
Also, there are plenty of other far more ridiculous 'dress code' requirements with the military, believe me, this is by far one of best justified ones I have seen enforced.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
My point originaly was and is .Our troops sacrifice everything thats important in life, including their own lives . Im sure they arent walking down the street in Baghdad wearing flip flops shorts and a shirt that says" Kill A Arab And Have A Nice Day".If its good for their moral then let them be. To call them bigots and racists is offensive.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici
My point originaly was and is .Our troops sacrifice everything thats important in life, including their own lives . Im sure they arent walking down the street in Baghdad wearing flip flops shorts and a shirt that says" Kill A Arab And Have A Nice Day".If its good for their moral then let them be. To call them bigots and racists is offensive.
I do not know how this directive came about, but I imagine the scenerio is like many others that result in directives like this. One guy gets drunk and thinks it would be funny to go off base wearing one of these shirts and acts like an idiot. Based on one persons 'little bit of fun' the local commands restrict all personel to the base until this blows over. In the end, moral for everyone hits rock bottom.
Ok, so I don't KNOW that is what happened, but I have seen that scenerio play out too many times for me to care to remember.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
All commands are instructed to implement sensitivity training upon receipt.
LMAO how in the hell do you implement sensitivity training in the US ARMED FORCES? Please surrender or ...or... Pretty Please.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici
LMAO how in the hell do you implement sensitivity training in the US ARMED FORCES? Please surrender or ...or... Pretty Please.
Perhaps you don't like the phrase 'sensitivity training', pick a different phrase like 'common sense'. Think about who is going out in civilian clothes off base in middle eastern countries and interacting with civilians. It is unfortunate that some people in the military do not have to common sense to not want to 'shipmate' their co-workers by purposefully going out among civilians wearing a shirt that they KNOW will be offensive.


It's basically cultural awareness training geared towards those who would bring discredit to the US by acting like a idiot while overseas in a foreign country. Mostly for the new guys who dont know how to act if left unsupervised. You learn what not to say or do in different regions to avoid an international incident. After going through enough of it you eventually come to the conclusion that everything offends someone. Whereas certain things are just blatenly stupid to do anywhere.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by Jerthunter
Perhaps you don't like the phrase 'sensitivity training', pick a different phrase like 'common sense'. Think about who is going out in civilian clothes off base in middle eastern countries and interacting with civilians. It is unfortunate that some people in the military do not have to common sense to not want to 'shipmate' their co-workers by purposefully going out among civilians wearing a shirt that they KNOW will be offensive.
No i don't like the phrase"sensitivity training" If it was common sense training I'm sure that's what it would have said.Perhaps i have developed a dislike for those who hate me and my country.And maybe I've heard enough of the left wing crybaby's worried more about the rights of those who would love to see my country destroyed then the men and women who serve our country.And maybe just maybe ,some of the Politicians in this country will wake up a take a "How to pull head out of their a** "course.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici
No i don't like the phrase"sensitivity training" If it was common sense training I'm sure that's what it would have said.Perhaps i have developed a dislike for those who hate me and my country.And maybe I've heard enough of the left wing crybaby's worried more about the rights of those who would love to see my country destroyed then the men and women who serve our country.And maybe just maybe ,some of the Politicians in this country will wake up a take a "How to pull head out of their a** "course.
There are several things I have learned from my time spent in the US military. One being, they never say what they mean. Words have a totally different meaning so I cannot agree that "If it was common sense training I'm sure that's what it would have said." A second thing I have learned is that usually these directives don't just pop up because some politician made a fuss, usually the pop up because someone thought it would be funny to get drunk and run down the street of a foreign country insulting their culture, religion, or just being rude.
I suppose I am a left wing crybaby because I believe in common sense, that if we are in another country, representing our country, we should atleast have the sense not the strain the relationship between our country and the host country by purposfully behaving rudely.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by Jerthunter
There are several things I have learned from my time spent in the US military. One being, they never say what they mean. Words have a totally different meaning so I cannot agree that "If it was common sense training I'm sure that's what it would have said." A second thing I have learned is that usually these directives don't just pop up because some politician made a fuss, usually the pop up because someone thought it would be funny to get drunk and run down the street of a foreign country insulting their culture, religion, or just being rude.
I suppose I am a left wing crybaby because I believe in common sense, that if we are in another country, representing our country, we should atleast have the sense not the strain the relationship between our country and the host country by purposfully behaving rudely.
LOL Im just curious,but dont you think bombing the crap out of a country and wiping out its military is rude?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici
LOL Im just curious,but dont you think bombing the crude out of a country and wiping out its military is rude?
I have no idea where you are going but I would say to that question that something like that is something far different than 'rude'. I would hope that decisions to bomb or attack a country would be based on more than a desire to 'increase moral'.