VENT away!


Active Member
Whatever is making you mad today or this week--just VENT. Blow off some steam. Maybe someone will make you laugh about it instead! Oh yeah, let's keep it reasonable so I don't get the thread yanked!
I'll go first: I have to work at a home show (yawn) this weekend for free. I work in radio, and if the sales team doesn't sell a promotion as a "sales event" and instead calls it a "station promotion", we, the broadcasters do not get paid. They call it "face time" for us and "added value" for the client. We call it working for free. Goody goody. Bunch of Weasels.
Ahhh. I do feel better. It always makes me feel better to think of our sales execs as weasels. (Not all sales execs, just ours.) Little rodents in suits with beady eyes, creepy little claws and business cards. I picture Mr. Burns with a tail. Eeeeexcellent.



Originally posted by polarpooch
It always makes me feel better to think of our sales execs as weasels. (Not all sales execs, just ours.) Little rodents in suits with beady eyes, creepy little claws and business cards. I picture Mr. Burns with a tail. Eeeeexcellent.



I just had my chinese dinner delivered. Sweet and Sour chicken with vegetables and rice.... and well... upon opening it up... theres four SLIVERS of chicken :mad:


Nice thread - its nice to have a place to vent! I have a client for whatever reason let his 85 yr old grandfather do the bookkeeping for the last year & it is ONE BIG MESS!!! He recorded deposits as expenses and so on... It will take me forever to get it straight. AHHHHH


Active Member

Originally posted by Watergal
It will take me forever to get it straight.

Do you charge by the hour? :D


Active Member
My 10 year old has had about 2 1/2 hours of homework every night since about last Wednesday. On top of it all she has a huge english test, social studies test AND math test this Thurs and Fri. What the H&@@ are they doing to these kids (and us)
She started her homework today at 4:00. Finished up at 645, ate dinner and I just spent another hour with her on SS and English. GEEZE!!! It was a beautiful afternoon and she couldn't even go out an play with the neighbor kids!!!
Talk about counter productive :mad:


Active Member
I hate it when homework is assigned that requires us to have things that we don't have (newspapers/magazines, shoe boxes and whatever other materials) for projects.
Also, when the school decides that the kids need to be dressed in some particular clothing/shoe color or style for band concerts. I love buying my daughter clothes she's only gonna wear once before outgrowing it.


i had JURY duty today!!!!!!!!!!!!:mad:
got 6 bucks for the day
stayed there for 8 hours in a hot jury room...doing NOTHING
got called and made to stand for an hour
didn't even go in (got settled before we went in)
had to eat nasty lunch
had to wait another two hours before they finally said "you may go":mad:


Active Member
got 6 bucks for the day
That would suck. I've never been called for jury duty, and frankly don't want to be.


Active Member
Paper 1- A 6-8 page narrative on an interview w/ a WWII vet.
Paper 2- A 4-5 page review of the Atlanta History Center. Cost $30 and an hour and a half drive EACH WAY!! Time is not exactly an expendable resource at this point in my life!!!
Paper 3- A report on a tour of Atlanta!!! I LIVED THERE FOR 17 F@#$%@G YEARS!!!!!!! AGAIN $30 and the long trip!!!
Two of these are due on Friday, the other is due saturday via email.
:help: RRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:


Rotten Onions to the nasty old man in CVS waiting for his prescription at the same time I was waiting for my daughters prescription.
My child was sick with fever, sore throat, and was still sobbing from getting a shot of pennicillin in her rear, from which she had a reaction too before I could get her out of the dr. office. So now, she was breaking out with itchy hives. I had TWO Scripts to get filled, emmediately and before I took her home!!
....I didnt want to DRAG my crying baby in that god forsaken store anymore than that mean old man wanted me too...but guess what...shes my baby. I stay home so I can take care of her. I dont have anyone to just DROP HER OFF ON....I HAD to be there.
....u know what the old fart said to me?
"You Play....You should have kept your legs together"
I PAY??? You have got to be kidding me...
You mean old *insert explicitive here* I had this baby after 8yrs of trying. I wanted her more than anything in the world...Im sorry her crying has annoyed you MEAN!! He had no right to say ANYTHING to me.
mean old creep!


polarpooch. . .
where did you go. . .
you were gonna give me info on the fairy wrasse ?
you said you had a book on it ?
you still wanna hook me up with youre intel ?
fish im looking at is
Labouts Fairy Wrasse
(Cirrhilabrus laboutei)
dont leave me hangin =)


Active Member
HEY!!! ANOTHER THING THAT GETS ME IS PEOPLE INTERUPTING A THREAD!!!! Especially this one!!! It feels good to yell sometimes. I practiced in traffic to day!:joy:


stupid people in general. Is it so damned hard to be considerate to eahc other? ya know there are some really great people out there. I actually ran into this guys mailbox last month in the middle of the night and it was pouring. Left a note on his door and a phone, he called me up and told me he couldnt believe i left a note, and told me not to worry about it, no guilt trip or bs just a grade A guy. Then there are the others like the guy saltymom met or the people just looking for a chance to be a real wit. or better yet the ones who think people on the clock are there for them to abuse.


Active Member
you were gonna give me info on the fairy wrasse ?
You know what, I forgot to check back to the post. I'm sorry! When I get home tonight, I will look up your wrasse....but I'm at work now and don't have the book!


this morning i was eating my usual reeses pieces breakfast and the first handful was NOTHING but orange pieces. so i look in the bag and there's only ONE yellow and like 3 browns. the rest are stupid oranges. that really pisses me off. it's things like this that remind me of how our toilet planet is slowly flushing.
if my pieces aren't properly color coordinated then i don't get the whole peanut butter effect and it messes everything up. now i feel like i'm eating skittles. and skittles are HORRIBLE for breakfast. especially if they're all orange!! i mean if they were all purple and red then it would be ok but 100% orange is just uncalled for.
oh well. at least i'm not doin jury duty :)


at least i ended the day on a good note!!!!! i got my first coral!!!! (corals, got lucky with one rock that came with two types)