Vicegrip's 75 G pic Diary



DIY stand:

Fun pic:

DIY sump/fuge:

Cycling with uncured LR and trying out black background:


A great start, keep posting pics. Good work on the stand and sump, this doesn't look like your first tank.


I like the stand what it cost you to make that, and how long? What kind of fish is that? Is that some kind of tang? You know that tank is way too small for that kind of tang... :hilarious
Sorry couldn't resist every thread gets the tang thrashing for some reason.. Why let this go without it? Looking good though. I should start me a pic diary thing... It's a good ideal.


Originally Posted by BlackburnD
I like the stand what it cost you to make that, and how long? What kind of fish is that? Is that some kind of tang? You know that tank is way too small for that kind of tang... :hilarious
Sorry couldn't resist every thread gets the tang thrashing for some reason.. Why let this go without it? Looking good though. I should start me a pic diary thing... It's a good ideal.
I do not think he has any fish in his tank, he his still cycling.


Originally Posted by BlackburnD
I like the stand what it cost you to make that, and how long? What kind of fish is that? Is that some kind of tang? You know that tank is way too small for that kind of tang... :hilarious
Sorry couldn't resist every thread gets the tang thrashing for some reason.. Why let this go without it? Looking good though. I should start me a pic diary thing... It's a good ideal.
My cousin gave me the oak one bys that he cut and sawed off his own land. And I still had $100 plus into the stand.
It took two days to build and three to stain and poly.
I was told that , that creature is a mermaid :happyfish and not to worry she is a great carpet surfer and will soon become a rugrat.

Thats the problem with tangs need alot of room and ick factories.
I love looking at pic diaries, the're fun.


Active Member
Great looking stand and nice tank! I wish I would have thought of that. I could have fit both my girls in my 125 gal. But, it's filled up with water, sand, and rock, so......oh well. Look forward to seeing your tank come together.


Originally Posted by azfishgal
Great looking stand and nice tank! I wish I would have thought of that. I could have fit both my girls in my 125 gal. But, it's filled up with water, sand, and rock, so......oh well. Look forward to seeing your tank come together.
Someday I'll have a 125G


Originally Posted by costa13
I do not think he has any fish in his tank, he his still cycling.
You are kidding right? :notsure: Did you not see the picture with the little girl in the tank? It.... was... a joke....


For my friends keeping track. I started cycling Feb. 14th.
Last night my nitrites started it's spike.
Also, bugs and snails showed up on the glass yesterday. :cheer: Nicole wants a eel so I have more research to do but I doubt we'll get one(I'll take any advice anyone has


Active Member
Originally Posted by vicegrip
For my friends keeping track. I started cycling Feb. 14th.
Last night my nitrites started it's spike.
Also, bugs and snails showed up on the glass yesterday. :cheer: Nicole wants a eel so I have more research to do but I doubt we'll get one(I'll take any advice anyone has
Well, from my research the snowflake eel is your best bet. But, they might eat your inverts, so just watch it. Some people do fine with them and other's have problems, just depends on the eel. I would start out with a very small one and see what happens. I'm thinking of getting one myself, but will have to do some more research before I take the plunge.


Originally Posted by Maingo
Awesome craftmenship on that stand!
Thanks but you should see the job Azfishgal's husband did I wish I would have spent the time and did it up like he did. Hats off. I guess I'll just blame it on not buying new tools and it was 15 degrees in the garage.


Active Member
Originally Posted by vicegrip
Thanks but you should see the job Azfishgal's husband did I wish I would have spent the time and did it up like he did. Hats off. I guess I'll just blame it on not buying new tools and it was 15 degrees in the garage.
I'll tell my husband you said so, thanks. He did a fantastic job on it, I'm still in aw, and it doesn't even have doors yet. And he did have it a bit easier in the garage as it was 60 degrees or higher (I think one pic shows him in shorts), so much easier to handle the tools when it's warmer.

BUT, don't put yourself down like that, you did a fabulous job on your stand. Looks great!


Cycle complete. Ammonia 0, nitrite 0, nitrate 20
Tomorrow I will be doing a water change, adding the rest of the live rock and aquascaping(is that even a word?)The new light, a 48 inch Giesemann 230 T5 2 x 250W + 2 x 54W, is also coming this week along with the Hydor Koralia 4 Circulation Pumps.


Active Member
Originally Posted by vicegrip
Cycle complete. Ammonia 0, nitrite 0, nitrate 20
Tomorrow I will be doing a water change, adding the rest of the live rock and aquascaping(is that even a word?)The new light, a 48 inch Giesemann 230 T5 2 x 250W + 2 x 54W, is also coming this week along with the Hydor Koralia 4 Circulation Pumps.

YEAH! :cheer: Can't wait for my tank to complete it's cycle, but it's getting there. Can't wait to see pics with fish in it. Are you going to QT? It's a good idea.
My clowns have been in QT for two weeks, hoping at the end of three weeks my larger tank will be ready, but four weeks is actually better, so might have to be patient a bit longer.


Right now I have a 35 Hex and a 20 gallon set up so I will move the clowns in this week maybe some snail then wait a few weeks and move corals slowly. The only fish I want to add is a flame angel. I'm thinking I'll qt him in the 20 and add him last. Not buying him for a while yet.


Active Member
Originally Posted by vicegrip
Right now I have a 35 Hex and a 20 gallon set up so I will move the clowns in this week maybe some snail then wait a few weeks and move corals slowly. The only fish I want to add is a flame angel. I'm thinking I'll qt him in the 20 and add him last. Not buying him for a while yet.
Sounds like a good plan. My Flame Angel will also be last, as I've been told they are very territorial and usually do better if they are the last one in.


Nice work on the stand I hope mine turns out like yours and AZFISHGAL. What kind of skimmer are you running?


what size pvc do you have fo you supply and return in you sum? Also what return pump are you using in you sump?