Video !!!


Hey yupi1982, very nice tank, love the clown trigg. I have a 100g reef with a hefty stock in it and not a problem yet. So forget what they say and enjoy your tank and your fish :joy:


Originally Posted by sweetpea
Hey yupi1982, very nice tank, love the clown trigg. I have a 100g reef with a hefty stock in it and not a problem yet. So forget what they say and enjoy your tank and your fish :joy:

i just enjoy you know !!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by sweetpea
Hey yupi1982, very nice tank, love the clown trigg. I have a 100g reef with a hefty stock in it and not a problem yet. So forget what they say and enjoy your tank and your fish :joy:

Originally Posted by yupi1982

Thanks man ....those speaking were the FISH NAZIS ...hahahaha
i just enjoy you know !!!
ok, so you guys are enjoying, but are the fish?


Originally Posted by teen
ok, so you guys are enjoying, but are the fish?
cant you hear....the ´ve been for a even can see in the video the fishes waiting for me to give them some the llok bad....NO do they look stress....NO


Active Member
Originally Posted by yupi1982
Thanks man ....those speaking were the FISH NAZIS ...hahahaha
i just enjoy you know !!!

PLEASE stop your references to NAZIS. It will not be tolerated.
It is a nice tank Yupi, but I DO hope you have learned from the past issues you have had, I remember them well! You have not had these fish incident free for a long time. I wish you the best, but many have tried to help you through past issues, and yet you call them such names?
Anyway, do not use this word again please. It is disrespectful to history, and totally uncessesary when people are just telling you, most likely from experience, that certain fish will not get along long term.
If you do not CARE that is one thing, but the names are another.
Also, please note readers that (as hinted at another thread) there may be some potentially explicit videos on that hosting site. Please be aware of that, and don't venture anywhere on it without being aware!


Sorry about the incident...... I didnt started that TERM
I do not recommend what i did with my tank to anyone ...but is just that people is overreacting about my tank instead of enjoying it !!!
about my mistakes....yes i have learned from the past...that is why i bought an expensive skimmer.a better refiugium and i stop overfeeding them.....
but why can we just enjoy it instead of critizes it !!!
again they been there for a while ...and you know that because you made your point on my last thread ( P I C T U R E S) a whileeeeee ago.
Here is a thought Ophiura ........i dont belive that is imposible to have a tank as croweded as mine w/out crashing!!
do you?


Active Member
I do not believe you have kept this tank long enough to even consider it a success. And I do believe, that fish are fish, and in close quarters eventually they will become stressed, and problems will arise. I do not personally believe in keeping fish in crowded, unnatural population densities. I do not enjoy that personally. If you do, then so be it. Take praises about your tank and enjoy it....but it is not, IMO, anywhere near long enough to consider it a success. And even if that happens, it is a fine line. A fine balance, and probably many would fail for every "success." I don't consider it a success to keep fish in these conditions regardless. Success in this hobby is growth, normal behaviors, and even reproduction in certain fish. Success IMO is the best possible artificial recreation of a natural habitat, density, etc.
But this is not my tank. And it is not my decision in the end. If you are content with it then so be it and best of luck.


Active Member
Originally Posted by yupi1982
Sorry about the incident...... i made some corrections on my trheads
I do not recommend what i did with my tank to anyone ...but is just that people is overreacting about my tank instead of enjoying it !!!
about my mistakes....yes i have learned from the past...that is why i bought an expensive skimmer.a better refiugium and i stop overfeeding them.....
but why can we just enjoy it instead of critizes it !!!
again they been there for a while ...and you know that because you made your point on my last thread ( P I C T U R E S) a whileeeeee ago.
Here is a thought Ophiura ........i dont belive that is imposible to have a tank as croweded as mine w/out crashing!!
do you?
sorry, i cant enjoy it because imo its a disaster waiting to happen. that many fish of that size in that size of a tank just isnt enjoyable to me. sorry.
and i dont think its possible to keep an over crowded tank problem free even with an oversized skimmer and a refugium.


Originally Posted by teen
lol, whats wrong with what i said? its not what you wanted to hear?
i was just trying to show my tank
In another 12 months i will do what i been doing ....i will post another video...with the same fishes.......and again i will get flamed no matter what i say!!!

pleaseeee Ophiura just delete the thread


Active Member
Originally Posted by yupi1982
i was just trying to show my tank
i am flamed
by all of you
but guess what another 12 months i will do what i been doing ....i will post another video...with the same fishes.......and again i will get flamed no matter what i say!!!

no no no my friend not ALL of us flamed you.. your not even getting flamed..... just people looking in you and the fishes best intrest...
i do like the tank


Originally Posted by ryanhayes9
no no no my friend not ALL of us flamed you.. your not even getting flamed..... just people looking in you and the fishes best intrest...
i do like the tank
Thanks my friend!!!


Active Member
You are not being flamed at all. You used a highly inflamatory name to describe anyone who disagreed with you that was highly offensive. Then you asked me a question and I gave my honest opinion, and someone else had to say that they didn't think it would last either. When you post pictures, and also flame anyone who disagrees by using such names, you will be calling people to "bring it on." In all honesty, NO ONE here has flamed you in the least bit. Not everyone has to think it is the greatest tank. Does it look good? Sure it looks good. Is it my sort of "thing?" No. Do I think it will last? No. Equipment does not correct for fish behavior, and I personally don't have a short memory when it comes to your past problems. With you, Yupi...LOL I remember a lot of details about the tank
It has been memorable for me, and I hope for you. I am just worried with the attitude that nothing will go wrong.
When you provide a link, people will look, and not everyone will like.
What's the problem???? If you like, then fine.
This thread in fact has been remarkably tame all considering. I think people should get a big
even though people were repeatedly called an inflamatory term.


I have to say the tank Looks Great!
And that's not to say i would do it that way! I prefer a less crowded look for many reasons, but mostly for the sake of the fish!
I am also offended by the term that was being thrown around, it is very inflamatory and could cause to get out of hand!
But, there are more then one way to do anything, and you have for the time being found what works for you! Keep up the good work and enjoy YOUR tank!
Continued Luck and Success!


Originally Posted by Symon
I have to say the tank Looks Great!
And that's not to say i would do it that way! I prefer a less crowded look for many reasons, but mostly for the sake of the fish!
I am also offended by the term that was being thrown around, it is very inflamatory and could cause to get out of hand!
But, there are more then one way to do anything, and you have for the time being found what works for you! Keep up the good work and enjoy YOUR tank!
Continued Luck and Success!

I was expecting people like you simon ...thanks so much for the comment...i really apreciated
.....ohhh if rogat to mention in the whole thread that i am upgrading to a 500 G in february of next year !!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by yupi1982
I was expecting people like you simon ...thanks so much for the comment...i really apreciated
.....ohhh if rogat to mention in the whole thread that i am upgrading to a 500 G in february of next year !!!
Thats NOT BIG ENOUGH! you need to convert your swimming pool to a saltwater tank! LOL :hilarious


Active Member
Another Thing Yupi, I bet you a million dollars that the fish you have are living a much better life and much more happy than those fish that are cramped in the displays at your LFS that never get sold. But nobody brings that up!


Active Member
Originally Posted by MiaHeatLvr
Another Thing Yupi, I bet you a million dollars that the fish you have are living a much better life and much more happy than those fish that are cramped in the displays at your LFS that never get sold. But nobody brings that up!

Well, since you brought it up, LOL.
If it is a "display" at the often are they changed out? How often do they die (the real question)? How long are they really there? It may not be a realistic comparison. My LFS does not have such crowded displays (in large part because the main display is several tens of thousands of gallons). But if the tanks are super crowded, then I would probably seriously reconsider shopping there, personally. If that is what they think is suitable, then I don't trust their advice, or what they sell.
This should not have to be a "relative" to those abused fish at the LFS....they are better off. They might also be relatively better off dead, IMO. But it is a matter of opinion in the end.

Good luck on the 500! If you just moved these fish in and added little if anything else, then it would be a beautiful tank, even by my tastes!