Video !!!


Originally Posted by MiaHeatLvr
Another Thing Yupi, I bet you a million dollars that the fish you have are living a much better life and much more happy than those fish that are cramped in the displays at your LFS that never get sold. But nobody brings that up!

hahahaha you bet ya !! can see in the video that they are waiting for me to feed them,....they look colorful and not stress ....

thanks so much for the comment .....nobody brings that up!!!


Sure, it looks nice but I find it very annoying when people get a tank setup and just totally disregard what everyone else has to say as far as proper care for the fish..I agree some people are a bit obsessive, and w/ this post I'll probably look like a "fish nazi" as you said before, but anyway people like you come on forums and stuff and get all upset when people have something to say about it all.. and its even more insane when the thread starter taunts the people that speak up for the fish... and call people names like "nazis." I usually keep my comments about overstocked tanks and everything to myself or at least to a minimum.. but if you think about what you are doing.. if you did it with other hobbys or animals you'd be guilty of animal cruelty.. Maybe I'll go buy 15 german shepherd puppies and stick them in a small dog cage I wonder how people would feel about that.. They'd be upset.. but in my defense I'm going to get a bigger cage before they get full grown! I think that you should get your big tank from the start.. I dont believe in the "oh I'm upgrading" stuff.. Most people probably just say that to keep people from speaking up.. Even if you are going to upgrade I think that if people are going to get all of these large fish that require tons of swimming room, put them in the size tank they need form the start, or you just inspire 100 other people to be as ignorant as you've been.. Just my 2 cents..
Be sure to post a videos yourself flushing your deceased tangs, triggers, and angels down the toilet in a few months!


Originally Posted by ophiura
Well, since you brought it up, LOL.
If it is a "display" at the often are they changed out? How often do they die (the real question)? How long are they really there? It may not be a realistic comparison. My LFS does not have such crowded displays (in large part because the main display is several tens of thousands of gallons). But if the tanks are super crowded, then I would probably seriously reconsider shopping there, personally. If that is what they think is suitable, then I don't trust their advice, or what they sell.
This should not have to be a "relative" to those abused fish at the LFS....they are better off. They might also be relatively better off dead, IMO. But it is a matter of opinion in the end.

Good luck on the 500! If you just moved these fish in and added little if anything else, then it would be a beautiful tank, even by my tastes!

Finally i got a good opinion from you....thank god!!!
lol...I know is your duty as a moderator to recommend the best for everyone!!!

by the way OPHIURA how do i vacum my live you have a trick or something on how to do it??? :notsure:


Also I would reccomend that you stop posting in peoples threads where they ask about stocking a tank saying they can do it because you did! Your tank isnt going to last.. Hate to say it.. and by posting and bragging you are giving bad advice to newbies they're going to make the same mistake as you are making.. Doing something that isnt good for the fish isnt somthing that should be bragged about..


Active Member
Thats cold as ice N sarno!
Be sure to post a videos yourself flushing your deceased tangs, triggers, and angels down the toilet in a few months![/QUOTE]


Active Member
Originally Posted by MiaHeatLvr
Thats cold as ice N sarno!
Be sure to post a videos yourself flushing your deceased tangs, triggers, and angels down the toilet in a few months!
you obviously dont know what your talking about.
in your other post, you basically are saying that since the lfs crowd there tanks, we should be allowed to do the same.
do you guys seriously think im trying to make yupi get rid of his tank, and feel bad about himself? NO
im trying to educate him, but people like yourself are basically trying to get him to ignore my educated answer that actually has some thought and reasoning behind it, and listen to people who think it looks pretty. then when the fish start to die, you will come here and complain and end up not listening again, and go buy another nice fish and throw it back into your tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by N_Sarno
Also I would reccomend that you stop posting in peoples threads where they ask about stocking a tank saying they can do it because you did! Your tank isnt going to last.. Hate to say it.. and by posting and bragging you are giving bad advice to newbies they're going to make the same mistake as you are making.. Doing something that isnt good for the fish isnt somthing that should be bragged about..



Active Member
I am guilty of overstocking my tank...but Im not going to use the "I am going to upgrade" b/c I have the upgrade sitting in my living room cycling...I realized that I was overstocked and thought..."oh crap...oops" and when the next day and bought a AGA big enough to support what I had, (sadly enough some of my live stock has to go back.....going from FOWLR to Reef, Humu Trigger and CCS, along with 2 mean emeralds)


Active Member
Originally Posted by yupi1982
OPHIURA how do i vacum my live you have a trick or something on how to do it??? :notsure:

You do not vacuum live sand and should not need to vacuum it, IMO.


Originally Posted by NigerBang
I am guilty of overstocking my tank...but Im not going to use the "I am going to upgrade" b/c I have the upgrade sitting in my living room cycling...I realized that I was overstocked and thought..."oh crap...oops" and when the next day and bought a AGA big enough to support what I had, (sadly enough some of my live stock has to go back.....going from FOWLR to Reef, Humu Trigger and CCS, along with 2 mean emeralds)

and I commend you for that, some people are responsible and do what is right in this hobby.. and as you can see w/ this thread.. SOME DONT! Thats life I guess.. but I just wonder if the thread starter will try it again after his tank crashes for a second time.. because clearly he didnt learn the first time! Poor fish..


Originally Posted by ophiura
You do not vacuum live sand and should not need to vacuum it, IMO.
OPHIURA why i hear all the time a lot of PRO's saying they vacum their LS
people like STEVE ( the 850 g with 12 MH's) or Bumoy the 680 G guy to mention some
i have never done that but after all this time i wonder if mt NITRATE proble back in the past was because most of the junk was cponcentrated at the bottom of my LS and i didnt realize it....

any thoughts....or is just your opinion...
in case i wanted to ...what would be the best way to do it OPHIURA!!!!


Originally Posted by N_Sarno
and I commend you for that, some people are responsible and do what is right in this hobby.. and as you can see w/ this thread.. SOME DONT! Thats life I guess.. but I just wonder if the thread starter will try it again after his tank crashes for a second time.. because clearly he didnt learn the first time! Poor fish..

Why are you so full of anger.....
do you know how long my tank is been stablish..??
are u some kind of person that predicts the future??
or are you just an old person that is fulll of anger.???
but tell you what about 6 more months i'll post a see if what you sayd becomes reality......
and yeah...THAT'S encontere peaople that want to help you and other people that just critized and is full of anger like you!!
GL anyways!!!


vaccuming your LS is not a very good idea.. unless you see ditrius sitting on top of the sand.. when I do water changes I siphon the water out and will take the tube and put it up to the detris and suck it out.. ohter then that no LS vaccuming.. its actually probably not a good idea because you shouldnt really stir up your sand bed..
I also want you to know, like teen my opnions on your tank may be harsh, but I am still here to help.. whether you take the advice or not.. I'm not sitting trying to flame and just be rude.. I'm just calling them like I see them!


Active Member
IMO, there is no need, if PROPERLY SET UP, to vacuum a sand bed. This means having the appropriate compliment of cleaner animals (which with a clown trigger you can't have). So that means getting some sort of microfauna to be established in there at least.
But, IMO, in a properly functioning sand bed, you should not need to siphon it, therefore I have no tips on how to do it. Siphoning a sand bed of several inches defeats the purpose of having that sand bed in terms of its ability to reduce nitrate levels.
If you have crushed coral, then you should siphon.
Your nitrate issues may be caused by that, but more likely than not, are caused by overstocking the system and poor filtration. You may not want to hear that...but...


Active Member
Didnt you say the tank had been est. for around 1 year I think?....thats not that long....wait untill that Clown Trigger gets about 5 inches...TERROR...My Humu was the greatest fish.....Until he killed about 80% of the livestock..when he got big...Triggers get so aggresive when they get larger...I did watch the video a few mintues ago..all I can say is Different strokes for different folks...Seems kinda cruel..and 1 year is by NO means a sucess(sp) in Marine tanks...while your at it...throw an Undulated in there to keep the clown company...should be ok..


Originally Posted by NigerBang
Didnt you say the tank had been est. for around 1 year I think?....thats not that long....wait untill that Clown Trigger gets about 5 inches...TERROR...My Humu was the greatest fish.....Until he killed about 80% of the livestock..when he got big...Triggers get so aggresive when they get larger...I did watch the video a few mintues ago..all I can say is Different strokes for different folks...Seems kinda cruel..and 1 year is by NO means a sucess(sp) in Marine tanks...while your at it...throw an Undulated in there to keep the clown company...should be ok..
Ok the thank is been stablishe for more than 2 years....what i sayd clearly is that the fishes in the video have been there for a year !!! :jumping:
about the trigger......yes ...I know and i am gonna trade him later on!!
thanks for the comment anyway!!!


Active Member

Originally Posted by yupi1982
Why are you so full of anger.....hes angry becasue your not listnening

do you know how long my tank is been stablish..??2 years isnt that old at all

are u some kind of person that predicts the future??
or are you just an old person that is fulll of anger.???why are you making fun of old people?

but tell you what about 6 more months i'll post a see if what you sayd becomes reality......or, youre fish will die, and youll buy the same new ones, and never tell us

and yeah...THAT'S encontere peaople that want to help you and other people that just critized and is full of anger like you!!are you that stupid that you cant realize were trying to help you?

GL anyways!!!



By TEEN "are you that stupid that you cant realize were trying to help you?"
now you are calling me stupid....I see
keep your thouhts to yourself !!
take care