Vodka Dosing~~~~~~~Who has tried or had success??????


just a side note "better skimmer" ? the coralife super skimmer costs over $200 I would say its an OK skimmer..what skimmers are better ? they get great ratings in fish mags. and Coralife is a great brand name ?? just a side note.


Active Member
the MSX skimmers that came out are great for the price. there's also octopus which are alright, do a good job but way better than coralife skimmers. there's also deltec, bubble king, Revolution by korallen-zucht just to name a few but prices are pretty expensive on some of those. I would look into the MSX protein skimmers


Active Member
Originally Posted by Espkh9
just a side note "better skimmer" ? the coralife super skimmer costs over $200 I would say its an OK skimmer..what skimmers are better ? they get great ratings in fish mags. and Coralife is a great brand name ?? just a side note.
- Euro-Reef
- H&S
- Tunze
just to mention a few

bang guy

Originally Posted by Espkh9
just a side note "better skimmer" ? the coralife super skimmer costs over $200 I would say its an OK skimmer..what skimmers are better ? they get great ratings in fish mags. and Coralife is a great brand name ?? just a side note.

I'm not sure how to say this delicately - The Coralife Super Skimmer is.. umm... crap. Sorry


Active Member
I just hooked up an old berlin 220 on a 1400 gallon reef and on my 75g Its a decent skimmer for removal purposes but I have yet to find tyhe perfect skimmer, I like the aqua c remoras too. the coralife super skimmer is ok but very finicky in adjustments and the bubble diffuser is crap.


Active Member
Thanks everyone for the information. Wow this needs some serious research and testing, IMO

I've seen a recent post on SWF that has put some more light on the subject


I think I will just dose myself and set back and keep reading the posts.

PS and I don't even drink....


Active Member
I have used a coralife skimmer for the last four years, rated for a 125, and it has done the job, not the best skimmer or most expensive, and it is hard to get adjusted, but I have it now on a total of 180 gal. system and have no problem, I did do a mod. on it though when I went to the bigger system. I also dosed vodka for the first year on my old 80 gal. but did not see any significent results from doing it so I stopped.


if the skimmer sux and none offense taken...why is it $200 and its a pretty good name brand just curious ? also how much should you spend on a good skimmer ? my LFS got in some octopus ones he was raving about looked like he found gold..the guys face lit up when he was showing me them I didint bother asking the price because I just spent $200 on the super skimmer i agree it sux but it does an OK job it wouldve been nice to know this before so I couldve spent a few extrabux and got a great skimmer...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Espkh9
if the skimmer sux and none offense taken...why is it $200 and its a pretty good name brand just curious ? also how much should you spend on a good skimmer ? my LFS got in some octopus ones he was raving about looked like he found gold..the guys face lit up when he was showing me them I didint bother asking the price because I just spent $200 on the super skimmer i agree it sux but it does an OK job it wouldve been nice to know this before so I couldve spent a few extrabux and got a great skimmer...

here's my octopus needlewheel 150. i did some modifications on it and i have it running on my 28g tank; ill use it for the 75g but i plan on upgrading it to the MSX skimmers. this is the octopus distributed by SWC:



Active Member
Here is my Vodka dosing story.
I was using an ASM g4x and I didn't realize that the riser tube slipped too far down and was blocking the output. This problem lasted a year before I did a nitrate test (fowlr tank)
Test after test (cutting them in half) I finally reached my nitrate number, 550ppm. The fish didn't seem bothered by it.
I started dosing vodka in small doses, but it had no effect. I finally got frustrated and dosed 7 full capfulls (probably 35 ml) of kettle one. Within a hour or so the tank was completely cloudy. This bacterial cloud lasted about a week before clearing up. My skimmer went nuts. I had to clean it out every hour and when I would come home form work my sump would look like a bubble bath. The fish seemed un effected.
After a week I took a nitrate reading....20ppm.
I don't know how this worked for the rest of you, but I realized quickly that if I don't get the bacterial bloom then my nitrates are un effected.
With my new bubble King Supermarine 200, it clears up the cloud within 2 days.
I know reg dose 7 tablespoons of sugar weekly and my nitrates are 0ppm.