Wallie's 29G HQI


This is my Oceanic 29g its about 2 1/2 Months old. i have done a few mods. i upgraded the return pump to a Maxi jet 1200 and added Intank media basket and Fuge. I'm also running a Aquatic Life Internal Mini Skimmer 115, Two Korolia Nano 425 pumps for added flow. 40lbs of live rock and a 2 1/2 inch sand bed. I have two Alardi Clown fish and a mix of snails..and many Hitchhikers. including 10 or so mini brittle stars.
T including 10 or so mini brittle stars.


He seems to be doing fine The clown has been feeding him . I'm surprised he is still there its definitely a shady spot. I'm sure he will move out of the cave at some point hopefully I'm home so i can move stuff out of his way


I went to my local LFS to get some pre mixed salt and i got a new coral for 5 bucks... I have never had very good luck with sea fans,whips in the past but i thought what the heck give it a try... can any one help me I.D this guy ?


Active Member
blueberry gargonian, sorry to say but you're most likely not going to be able to keep it alive. they are not photosynthetic and will need feedings and nutrients that you wouldnt want to put into your tank unless you can keep a balance.


I think i will be making a trip back to the store
Lesson learned.... just hope they will let me trade it


Well did i have the best day ever!!!! So i went to MAX and not only did i find some great frags and a new fish.... I Also won a 250w Reefbright Halide Hybrid and ballast so stoked!!!! Too bad i don't have a tank to use it with, I think it would be a bit much for the 30g



I have been thinking about my new light a lot do you guys think I could get this to work on this tank or would it be to much? I would run the tank open top. I'm also going to be getting a chiller in the next few weeks so I don't think I would have to be to concerned about heat,but I think I would have a bit of evaporation


New Member
We just started a 29 gal biocube, so it's great to see what it can look like in the future.
Do you have the stock lighting that came with it? If so, do the corals you have seem to do ok? We are looking for a protein skimmer- do you like the one you have?
Tank looks great by the way!


Active Member
Your title says 29 gallon HQI. What lighting is on the tank now? (how many watts, what K rating lamp)


Active Member
you can use the 250w if you raise it high enough. i had a 250w over my 12" tall tank before and its fine but i had it at 11" above the water surface with a fan blowing across the water


The light that I'm running on the tank currently is the stock 150w 14000k.
Jmarie yes my corals that I have are doing fine.. As far as the skimmer goes I'm kinda so so about it. it's still kinda new... So it's not pulling to much out and it is really hard to get it into the tank . There are not alot of options for a internal skimmer for this tank ... I'll post some more pics tonight


full tank shot!! I just ordered some coral epoxy so I can get the corals up out of the sand. Still need to find some suspension hardware for the new light fixture.


Looks good!

I really like your rock work.
Did you ever come to a solid id of those clowns? Are they allardi?


Just an FYI, MagnaFloats do better if you rinse them and store them outside the tank in between uses, they'll last longer. I do a quick rinse of mine in tap water and just let them dry separately from one another. It's definitely extended the life of mine. I have a BioCube (14G) as well, and I noticed that little grains of sand would get in between the glass and the MagnaFloat and it actually scratched my glass, do also be careful of that.


Originally Posted by BTLDreef http:///forum/thread/384853/wallie-s-29g-hqi#post_3375514
Just an FYI, MagnaFloats do better if you rinse them and store them outside the tank in between uses, they'll last longer. I do a quick rinse of mine in tap water and just let them dry separately from one another. It's definitely extended the life of mine. I have a BioCube (14G) as well, and I noticed that little grains of sand would get in between the glass and the MagnaFloat and it actually scratched my glass, do also be careful of that.
But it is soooo much easier to lust leave them in a corner LOL


LOL, I agree, but in the BioCube, more than any other tank, I had issues with leaving it in. I think the curved glass combined with it get flattened really makes them not last long/clean effectively. And then the sand particles getting in every now and then... UGH! I don't even use a magnet on the BioCube anymore.


It does suck on the cube...because of the curved corners too....I bought a sponge...I use the mag for teh sides sometimes