Want to see the people who frequent this site..

clown boy

Active Member
Originally Posted by ric maniac
call me crazy but you look familiar...
If I posted a picture of me, you all would say we were triplets... I totally thought I was looking in a mirror... LOL!!

ric maniac

Active Member
ok,if you two post pics of yourselves (not through an aquarium
lol) i want to make somethin funny on photoshop lol.


this is a pic from when I was probably around two....im in the middle

This is from 1987,

and this is exactly 19 years later than the last one...Our Anniversary is Oct 18 and this yr it will make 20 years for us!

Just me....Dreamer44

country and western party a friend had
me and my Husband

And my Pal... Murphy Bear, can you tell he's Irish? LOL

Hope we didn't frighten you too too much LOL



husband in his 1965 corviar, modded, took the roof and the doors off and made a "dune" out of it lol

and another of me when I was little (my parents were baby making machines...still one more not born yet before they were finished, obviously she isn't in the pic....had to wait another yr lol)


veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by jennythebugg
beautiful kids

Thank you,they are great kids.Now if i could only get them to ask santa for some frags instead of toys and clothing.


Active Member
1st pic my pup trying to get me to play first thing in the morning.2nd on me trying to clean the pool but they want to get the pool vac



Active Member

just a random pic

me after a great hunt...my favorite hobby..i guess you can call it an hobby

trip to the beach....i caught a 10-12 inch toad fish but i cant find the pic as soon as i do ill post it