Want to see the people who frequent this site..


Active Member
Originally Posted by crimzy
Am I that objectionable to look at?

I'm sure not :D
Actually the links are still there - the post was not edited, but they don't show up. Could it be the host site?


Active Member
No problem... I'll just post them again. Me and the women in my life, (cause they are so much cuter than me).



I'll treat you guys with one of the coolest pics of my son!
ok 2



here are just some pics of me at a cfp tournement im posting on snake and im the one in the blue pants standing. my other empire b2 broke so i had to use the gay blue one enjoy



Just spent a fabulous week visiting Napa Valley and Monterey Bay!
1. At Artesa Winery (the smile on my face is because of the wine in my glass)
2. Me and my boyfriend at Vincent Arroyo Winery (I'm inside of an empty fermentation vat--they wouldn't let me get inside of a full one
3. At Monterey Bay, inspecting an anemone in it's natural habitat.
4. The anemone I was inspecting.


ric maniac

Active Member
Originally Posted by TriGGer29
me and my lady
Vegas BabY

im not tryin to steal your lady but.... nice! and i cant believe this thread is alive again! ill post a new pic of me with all of my new leather armwear and my new fossil watch.

ric maniac

Active Member
Originally Posted by Waiting
I'll bump this with a picture of me trying to be a model :3
and once again, ill proabably get in trouble for this but, nice! lol


Staten Island, NY here. Seems like many from FL, here is a pic of my tank, and i will get a pic of me up here as soon as i find my card reader.